How to create a detailed biography of a character. Characteristics and parameters of a character and objects See what "Characteristics of a character" is in other dictionaries

Strength is the physical strength of your character. Affects the hero's health, damage dealt, carry weight, and throw distance. In addition, most melee weapons require a certain level of Strength to use effectively. For an increase in strength by 1, 2 lives are added.

Addition (Constitution) - an indicator of your endurance. The amount of fatigue, the speed of treatment greatly depends on the physique, it affects the speed of recovery of fatigue and resistance to poisons. For a 1 increase in constitution, 2 fatigue is added. With a high level of stamina, the rate of mana regeneration can be so high that the mage is able to constantly maintain some simple spell.

Dexterity is a very important stat. It determines the character's speed, determines the number of turn points given to the character, affects the hit of melee weapons, helps to evade enemy attacks, and is the determining factor for most combat and thief skills. A high Dexterity value is always a good thing to have.

Appearance (Beauty) - attractive appearance and good figure. affects the initial NPC attitude to the hero BEFORE the dialogue begins. Allows in some cases to "seduce" other characters, to persuade them (together with Charm). In Arcanum (as elsewhere) - "meet by clothes."

Intelligence (Intelligence) - the mental strength of the character. Required for some hero skills, determines the number of spells a mage can channel at the same time, plus is the most important stat for a technologist. Only high intelligence will allow him to learn the most complex and useful drawings in his technical disciplines. Affects the number of replicas in dialogues.

Willpower is the mental attribute of a character. Allows you to memorize more powerful spells, affects health and fatigue, allows you to resist spells, mental influences on the hero, helps to bargain and negotiate. For an increase in willpower by 1, 1 health and 1 fatigue are added.

Perception - the ability to notice the environment and capture the essence of what is happening. Important for some skills and has big influence on the accuracy of shooting from any remote weapon, be it a bow or a gun. Determines the initiative in combat, i.e. who moves first and strikes first.

Charm (Charisma) - the sum of charm, leadership and positive qualities of the character of the hero. It greatly affects communication with NPCs. Allows you to persuade (or force) him to do what you want.

Upon reaching the maximum value in a particular attribute (default is 20, but the characteristics of the race and background can increase or decrease this value), the hero receives special benefits (listed below). You can raise the characteristic by development points issued when the hero level increases.

  • For an increase in strength by 1 = +2 life
  • For an increase in Willpower by 1 = +1 life and +1 fatigue
  • For Increased Build by 1 = +2 fatigue

Special bonuses acquired upon reaching the "twenty" in one or another characteristic:

  • Strength: +10 damage
  • Build: Poison Immunity
  • Agility : Speed ​​- 25
  • Appearance: +100% to the attitude of the character
  • Intelligence : +10% chance to successfully cast a skill
  • Willpower: Immunity to all spells that can be resisted by willpower
  • Perception: the ability to see invisible things and beings
  • Charm: 100% loyalty of allies (they will never leave the group, unless the hero himself asks them to do so)

Any characteristic with an indicator of 4 or lower will interfere quite strongly in the passage of the game. A hero with Strength 1 is very weak and will not be able to wear even simple armor. Appearance of 1 (sometimes 2) will cause some of the characters encountered to immediately attack the hero, as for them he will be an ugly monster. An Intelligence of 1 will result in you not being able to understand what other characters are saying to you. Charm in 1 will lead to the fact that even a devotee of you

Hello. Today I would like to tell you about Arena in the game. Each parameter gives something and is necessary for successful game every character. Together, these parameters are called stats and are very important for the development of your chosen hero.

Swing is your character type. It also doesn't really matter what race he is. Whether he is a man or, or an elf or a dwarf. For example, a blocker - he blocks hits in the game, a dodge - dodges blows, a thrower - fights with thrown weapons, a crit player - plays with critical hits, a tank - plays with his armor, a lucky one - delivers successful blows. And each swing needs its own stats. A separate article will be devoted to each buildup in more detail.

The main characteristics of the character in the Arena

Do not rush to add stats at once anyhow. Then it is almost difficult to return them to the original version. The result will be that your hero will be weaker than the opponent. In the meantime, I present the stats for review.

1. Strength. The magnitude of the strike depends on this indicator.

2. Agility. This indicator affects the ability to dodge a blow.

3. Reaction. The value of this indicator affects the response upon impact.

4. Luck. This indicator affects the ability to break through the set block or to strike at a dodging opponent.

5. Anger. The probability of a critical hit depends on this indicator.

6. Addition. It's pretty simple. This indicator shows the number of hit points you have.

7. Intelligence. This is an indicator of your hero's magic points. This indicator is available upon reaching the fifth level and acquiring a book of magic and choosing a magical path. It could be the way of the warrior, the way of the ranger.

More character traits

8. Charm of dodge. Shows in percentage the probability that the enemy will be able to dodge or not after your strike.

9. Charm of good luck. Shows as a percentage the probability that the opponent will be able to break through or not break through your block with his blow.

10. Amulet of the answer. Shows in percentage the probability that the opponent will be able to answer or not to answer your blow.

11. Ward of critical strike. Shows in percentage the probability that the enemy will be able to inflict or not inflict a critical hit on you.

And finally important advice. At the initial levels, it is generally advisable not to touch the stats. I recommend playing up to level 3. Then decide on the buildup and correctly invest these in the Arena.

Sincerely, your Arenovets

It is also worth including all the scars and features of the body. Each big or small scar has its own story and the character's reaction to this story, positively or negatively, with irony or nostalgia. The same with the features of the body, a large volume of lungs - runs longer, more convolutions of the brain - smarter, no finger on his right hand - maybe he is clumsy;)

  • We give a name

Eh, a very important point in my opinion, but at the same time, logic recedes into the background if you want to call your hero some cool name and you don’t care that the name also affects a person’s life.

Let's expose ourselves to common sense and define it this way: if the actions take place in our world and in our time, then you climb into the directory and choose a name in accordance with the character; if in our world, but in the past, you give names in accordance with that era and place, it is possible without character, but with meaning; if the action takes place in a fantastic or fantasy world, then here you already have full freedom choice.

If you are stuck with inventing a name, then various kinds of geographical, astrological, biological and other reference books will be of great help - you open them, find an alphabetical index and convert the names of places, terms and phenomena into the names of your heroes.

  • Life story

And my favorite part of creating a character is combining all of the above and building a complete person out of it.

The story, well, or biography of the character, this is the “grease” that will allow you to link some character traits with others and make the hero of your story “revive”. In the biography, it is also worth mentioning the parents and how they influenced the character, their personal qualities, something our object could learn from them, refuse something, they could force him to do something, how they spoiled him, how they punished him. .d.

If your character's behavior has any unique habit or feature, it's time to describe the story of its origin here, and make it as vivid and memorable as possible for the character.

In general, having the features described in detail from the previous paragraphs, you are already ready to create a “live” and unique personality, which has no analogues yet. You can do a little test, do all of the above for a character, then take one of your friends and do the same steps, and then let your friends compare and say that one of them was invented by you, and the other is a real person. So let them think who is who, and you will check how much of a real hero you created.

P.S. Guys, listen, who knows, I’m in my second decade and I heard that at that time, if you have scaleosis, you’ll straighten your posture. But found here"corrector" and there was a desire to buy. When I run, my back hurts terribly - I need to fix it. Has anyone tried these correctors? I want to take it, and I will, but I'm interested in the successful experience of my readers, who tried it? =)

That's all for today, all creative mood friends!

Hero characteristics

You probably often wonder how much power you need to spend to get a nice amount of double strike, or how much evasion and critical attack you will get 75 agility (think and count 35 times). Or maybe you just want to increase your knowledge about the game and its mechanics a little. But most likely you just passed by and decided to look into this guide with a proud name - “The meaning of all character characteristics in the game Aika2”. Regardless of your motives, I wish you to spend this time not in vain, but to benefit.

Before describing all the performance indicators, I want to clarify the standard indicators of all explicit and hidden character parameters, which are the same for everyone:

Critical Attack - 5
Double hit - 1
Resilience - 1
Resist Critical Attacks - 1
Double Strike Resistance - 1
Evasion - 1%
Critical damage - 140%
Average damage spread - + -15-20%
P./M.A. Protection Damage Cut - 1 to 12

Damage cutting formula:

Your Attack Rating*((100 - percentage of target's item cutting from the point)/100) - (target's Defense Rating*((100 - your Guard Penetration Rating)/100))/12 - (target's Nation Damage Reduction Rating - your nation damage increase rate)*2 = Your total target damage rate

Your attack is 4165, target defense is 14924, item damage cut is 28.1%, target nation damage reduction is 962, nation damage increase is 669, defense penetration is 37%. Total:
4165*((100-28.1)/100)-(14924*((100-37)/100))/12-(962-669)*2=4165*0.719-(14924*0.63)/12-293* 2 =2995-784-586=1625 - your total damage to the target.

Let's move on to the description of the characteristics themselves. There are 3 profile characteristics for classes in the game (warrior and paladin - strength, archer and pistolier - dexterity, magician and priestess - intelligence) and 2 auxiliary characteristics (addition and spirit). Each stat has its own set of stats that they increase, and the right character build is very much dependent on the choice of the main stat to increase or combine them. I note right away that the profile characteristic for your class is not always the best for it. Below I will provide all the known data on the characteristics and practical advice to select them in pumping.

Important!!! The whole stats count starts after increasing your stats by +1, i.e. after increasing the strength of the shooter (8 standard) to 9, you will get +1% crit damage, +1% physical defense penetration, +1 double and this 9 will become zero reference point for characteristic parameters(!!!)


This parameter is profile for two melee classes (melee classes) - warrior and paladin. Regardless of your class, strength gives all characters such parameters as critical damage, physical defense penetration and double attack, profile classes receive physical damage in addition to all this.

  • Critical Damage:

Every even number of crit damage - 9 strength

Each odd number of crit damage -10 strength

8 strength(140% crit damage)+1 strength=9 strength(141% crit damage)+10 strength=19 strength(142% crit damage)+9 strength=28 strength(143% crit damage)+...

  • Penetration of physical protection:

Every 20 Strength increases the target's Physical Defense Penetration by 1%.

8 strength(0% physical defense penetration)+1 strength=9 strength(1% physical defense penetration)+20 strength=29 strength(2% physical defense penetration)+...

  • Double attack (double):

Every 20 Strength increases Double Attack by 1.

8 strength(1 double)+1 strength=9 strength(2 doubles)+20 strength=29 strength(3 doubles)+...

  • Physical Attack (Warrior and Paladin only):

The formula for increasing physical damage from strength is not very simple and has a period - +3+3+2+3+3+2+3+2


This parameter is profile for two ranged classes (ranged classes) - shooter and pistol (dg). Regardless of your class, dexterity gives all characters such parameters as critical attack, accuracy, evasion, profile classes receive physical damage in addition to this.

  • Critical attack (crit)

Every even crit is 13 agility
Each odd crit is 12 agility

16 Agility(5 Crit)+1 Agility=17 Agility(6 Crit)+12 Agility=29 Agility(7 Crit)+13 Agility=42 Agility(8 Crit)+..

  • Accuracy:

Every 10 agility increases your hit by 1

16 Agility(200 Accuracy)+1 Agility=17 Agility(201 Accuracy)+10 Agility=27 Agility(202 Accuracy)+...

  • Evasion:

Every 20 agility increases your dodge by 1

16 Agility(40 Dodge)+1 Agility=17 Agility(41 Dodge)+20 Agility=37 Agility(42 Dodge)+...

With accuracy indicators<200 количество уклонения нужное для 1% уклонения = 4
With accuracy >200 and<230 количество уклонения нужное для 1% уклонения = 5
With hit scores >230, the amount of evasion required for 1% evasion = 6

  • Physical attack (only for the shooter and pistolier):

The formula for increasing physical damage from agility is not very simple and has a period - +3+3+2+3+3+2+3+2


This parameter is profile for two magic classes - mage and priestess. Regardless of your class, intelligence gives all characters such parameters as reloading (reducing the rollback time of skills), penetration of magical protection (absolutely useless for physical classes), profile classes receive magical damage in addition to this.

  • Cooldown (cd):

Every 25 Intelligence increases your cooldown by 1%.

16 int(0% cd)+1 int=17 int(1% cd)+25 int=42 int(2% cd)+...

  • Penetration of magical protection:

Every 20 Intelligence increases target's MAG Defense Penetration by 1%.

16 int(0% mage defense penetration)+1 int=17 int(1% mage defense penetration)+20 int=37 int(2% mage defense penetration)+...

  • Magic attack (mage and priestess only):

The formula for increasing magical damage from intelligence is not very simple and has a period - +3+3+4+3+3+3+4


It is an auxiliary characteristic for all characters and gives all classes the same parameters - protection from critical attacks, protection from double hits, HP (health).

  • Critical Resistance (Anti-Crit):

Every even number of anticrit is 13 additions
Each odd anti-crit is 12 stacks

10 stacks(1 anticrit)+1 stack=11 stacks(2 anticrits)+12 stacks=23 stacks(3 anticrits)+13 stacks=36 stacks(4 anticrits)+..

  • Double hit resistance (anti-double):

Every 20 stacks increase your anti-double by 1.

10 stacks(1 anti-double)+1 stack=11 stacks(2 anti-doubles)+20 stacks=31 stacks(3 anti-doubles)+...

  • HP Pawn (Health):

Each even stack increases HP by 28.
Each odd addition increases HP by 27.


It is an auxiliary characteristic for all characters and gives all classes the same parameters - stability, damage from skills, MP (mana).

  • Resilience (dodge skills with debuff stacks with simple dodge):

Every even resilience score is 11 spirits
Each odd resilience score is 10 spirit

10 Spirit(1 Resilience)+1 Spirit=11 Spirit(2 Resilience)+10 Spirit=21 Spirit(3 Resilience)+11 Spirit=32 Spirit(4 Resilience)+...

With accuracy indicators<200 количество устойчивости нужное для 1% уклонения = 4
With accuracy >200 and<230 количество устойчивости нужное для 1% уклонения = 5
With Accuracy >230 Amount of Resilience needed for 1% Evasion = 6

  • Skill Damage (increases skill damage):

For skills with activation time<1 секунды - 35% урона от навыков
For skills with activation time >1 and<2 секунд - 65% урона от навыков
For skills with activation time >2 seconds - 100% skill damage

The formula for increasing the damage of skills from the spirit is not very simple and has a period - +5+5+6+5+5+5+6

  • MPeshechka (manna):

Each even Spirit increases MP by 28.
Each odd Spirit score increases MP by 27.

Congratulations, now you know all the necessary and not required characteristics parameters in Aika2. And you might be thinking: “What to do next?”. And then you will have to wait for long and tedious calculations with a notebook and a pen in order to distribute all the characteristics available to you in the most profitable way and get the maximum number of increases in the parameters you need. In conclusion, I can suggest that the only true stat for priestesses is addition, for DGs - dexterity. And then the fun begins: the arrows, depending on their preferences (those are still perverts), may give preference to dexterity, strength or intelligence (and no, these are not blunders), the war should sit on a stump and think carefully about choosing strength or dexterity (you can throw a coin), the magician should fill the makhorki into a pipe and, stroking his beard, slowly consider the choice between intelligence, dexterity or spirit, but paladins are simply hopeless and nothing will help them, but if you really want, you can try addition, dexterity or strength.

I advise everyone to not be too lazy, but to think carefully about the number of points thrown into one or another characteristic and you will be happy in the game, albeit a small one.


  • Remember, this guide can help you develop your character, but don't forget that everyone has their own style of play, so it's still worth trying other build options, accessories and armor, depending on how you feel comfortable playing.
  • The guide was created based on the player's tests, so the real parameters may differ from those described in the guide.

Guide created by player IrIrr(Twink#137)

Character characteristics and parameters

All the characteristics of the game character in “League of Angels II” are divided into the main options(the main characteristics of the character from things and objects, connections, talents) and skills(basic and costume skills, mount skills). Almost all characteristics are taken into account in battle, so do not neglect to study them.

The characteristics of your character can be seen by opening the “Skills” menu in the main function panel

or by clicking on the character icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

Opening the tab, we will see the character window, which displays the parameters of the main characteristics.

Main and additional characteristics

The game has a set of standard parameters:

OZ- health points. The higher this parameter, the more chances to survive in battle.

ATK- attack. A value that increases damage dealt.

FZASCH- physical protection. The larger it is, the less physical damage received from the main character of the enemy and attacking recruits.

MZASCH- magical protection. Reduces magical damage.

LVK- dexterity. A parameter that increases attack speed.

MTK- accuracy. Increases the chance to hit the target.

slope- evasion. The higher the parameter, the greater the chance to dodge attacks.

Crete- critical hit. The higher the crit parameter, the more likely it is to land a critical hit. Critical hit deals at least 1.5 times more damage.

STK- durability. Reduces the chance to receive a critical hit.

SU- Reduced damage taken.

PROTECT- protection. Increases the characteristics of magical and physical protection.

Block- blocking. The higher the parameter, the greater the chance to parry the blow, reducing damage by 50%.

Add. damage- Additional damage boost.

A mini-dictionary will help you remember the main abbreviations in the game!


Character skills are divided into three types:

  • ultra skill,
  • common skill,
  • mount skills.
All skills are changeable.

Ultraskill available from the very beginning of the game:

Normal Skill activated after the first hero merge:

In addition to standard skills, there are also others that can be obtained after activating clothes on a character, each piece of the costume gives you the opportunity to open an ultra skill, and clothes and wings from one set will open you a new normal skill.

You can change skills in the “Skills” - “Replacement” tab.

Each set gives its specific skills. After activation, you can wear any clothes and wings, all previously activated costume skills will be available in the skill change tab.

Mount Skill

Activating a new mount unlocks new combat skills available to it.

Each mount has its own unique skill. You can change it in the main character window: “Skills” - “Change” - “Replacement”.

After opening, all skills are available for use, regardless of which mount you are saddled with.

  • The differences between male and female characters are purely external, game process and battles the gender of the character is not affected.
  • Carefully choose clothes for your character to get as many additional bonuses for communication as possible.
  • When choosing skills, be careful, select the most optimal and useful ones for battle, experiment!
We hope that our guide will be useful to you. good luck and Have a nice game brave adventurers!

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