Games for girls makeup is ready. Emo games for girls

Most people aren't looking for gothic video games, and that's a shame. If you love everything dark, in all literal and figurative senses, for example: dark things or lead an appropriate lifestyle; love horror films and twisted psychological tales; then these games put you in the shoes of the protagonist like no other game can. Forget novels, TV shows and movies: these Goth video games put you at the center of a story that is truly captivating, even if it can steal your soul or drive you crazy.

1. Alice: Madness Returns (Alice: The return of madness)

Alice's Beast in Wonderland has been punitive for decades. In recent years, American game maker American McGee has turned Alice's Wonderland into a highly believable gothic world filled with familiar faces and wild beasts. Alice: Madness Returns, the sequel to America's Alice McGee, features massive worlds that are both gorgeous and unsettling, and include plenty of unsightly monsters. Jump, spin and swim in Alice's platforming sections, then draw your weapon when the onslaught comes and go for it. Hobbies include a horse, an umbrella, a pepper grinder and a kettle. By basing the character of Alice in her real life, in the Victorian era and the traumas that gave birth to her Wonderland, American McGee gives this world a dream.

2. Batman: Arkham Asylum and Batman: Arkham City

Batman's black attire and mysterious nature have firmly established him in Goth territory. AT Arkham Asylum, an element of true horror is added to this black brew. When Batman discovers that the Joker has deliberately imprisoned himself in mental asylum, he is forced to defend his corridors alone in order to save Commissioner Gordon. Live out your superhero fantasies as you defeat the Joker, Bane, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and more. The swirling and explosive ending is like the icing on the cake. Batman: Arkham City is the only approved sequel to Asylum. After being thrown into Arkham City's new super prison, Batman must take down the prison's sinister guardian with an expanded set of combat moves and gadgets. Solid writing and voice acting from series veterans, plus a more open world, give Arkham City an edge.

3. The Path

Indie game company "Tale of Tales" snatched that creepy psychological title out of Little Red Riding Hood. Here you will meet the dangers and temptations of femininity. Choose a character as one of the six sisters aged 9 to 19 and explore the forest. If you don't find your map at first, you will have to stumble upon special places on big map to evoke a unique experience. Ultimately, you will have your own fateful meeting, at times seductive and at the same time threatening Wolf. The girl's story ends with a haunting dream in her grandmother's house, who asks for a personal interpretation.

4. Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines

A little-known game released in 2004 is one of the best games Goth, existing both in terms of its gothic aesthetic and purely game quality. In this vampire RPG, you create a character belonging to one of seven unique vampire clans and choose their abilities. Soon you will find yourself in a plot involving a device that spells the end of the vampires. Explore multiple cities, choose your path through dialogue boxes, and start fighting in first person. While the development and release of the game has been plagued with problems, dedicated fans have spent the last 10 years fixing bugs in the game and improving the overall experience. The star letter and voice acting of the game remain intact. You can find the game on Steam.

5. Skyrim

Skyrim (Skyrim) is the fifth entry in the Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda, has opened up a new RPG playground with its epic scale and endless quests. Dawn Protection, the Skyrim add-on, throws an old-school gothic light on this beloved game. Become the Lord of the Vampires and, side by side with the forces of darkness, destroy the sun itself. Vampires can create undead minions, feed on the living, transform into bats, and more. Or join the ranks of the Dawnguard, who seek to destroy the vampires and save the world. " Dawnguard There's so much more to the game. Take on one of two massive abodes, fight new gothic enemies like Gargoyles, Death Hounds, and vampires, and use new spells, weapons, and other items.

6. Dream of the Blood Moon

If you are a gamer, then you have probably heard about "Slender", a puzzle game that still manages to induce nightmares. "Blood Moon Dream" emerged from a pack of "Slender clones" to establish itself as an atmospheric horror medium. In the game you fall into a dream under the moon. Fog envelops you in the wild forest. As you explore the terrain, you will find puzzle areas that produce blue rips. But beware of the witch who is chasing you! This game, released in two months by one person, is available for free download.

7 Resident Evil

Games "Resident Evil" firmly included in the category "Survival Horror"(Survival Horror); You are struggling to bring the game to life. This dark series was nowhere new, like its first Resident Evil title, originally made for the PlayStation and later re-released on the Gamecube. As part of an elite police force, you explore a spooky mansion infested with zombies, monsters, and mutated monsters. You fight these terrible creatures with only your wits and limited things. Get used to hebby jays as you tiptoe through dark, dusty rooms to avoid being ambushed by the undead. Last Franchise Title" resident evil 6" (Resident Evil 6) adds more dimensions to this formula, for better or worse, it's up to you. Play in an expanded city world from one of several perspectives. Run from there and kill hordes rather than running at a lone zombie. Everything gets bigger, louder and more epic, with enough horror to deserve the title.

8. Amnesia: The Dark Descent (Amnesia: Dark Descent)

For those with a belly for some really intense survival horror, "Amnesia: Dark Descent"(Amnesia: The Dark Descent is a delicacy. Since this is one of the most scary games ever made. Your character is at the beginning Victorian era England while exploring a castle infested with monsters. Next to your health bar you will find your sanity meter. When you interact with the castle's evil inhabitants and spend more time in the dark, your sanity slips away and you experience visual and auditory hallucinations. Without weapons, your only defense against enemies chasing you is to run, hide, or barricade yourself.

9. Devil May Cry (Devil May Cry)

"Devil May Cry" - Cooler Franchise and More fast paced cousin of Resident Evil, with a twist of steampunk clothing style. After all, the first Devil May Cry game was intended to become Resident Evil 4 during development. As a modern day demon hunter, you hack and fight your way through groups of enemies, as in "God of War"(God of War), which was released a few years later. Just like in God of War, you can perform stylish combos and rate them. Platforms and random puzzles add depth to the game design.

10 Castlevania

No list of Goth games included without "Castlevania". The famous series began in 1986 and spawned an average of one game per year. There are a few common points across the diverse series, namely a family of vampire hunters named Belmonts and a trusty whip called "Vampire Slayer". Hack, hack and make your way to Dracula and other evil mythological creatures you must kill. Various titles contain RPG elements, open worlds, different story paths, multiple endings, and more. The strong and varied artwork of "Castlevania" in itself deserves attention from any serious goth.

From RPGs to platformers, experimental indie games and mainstream open worlds, gothic video games go beyond the gaming experience.

Emo is a youth subculture that is defined by lifestyle and appearance her adherents. By nature, these are vulnerable people, prone to romantic relationships, emphasized suffering from unrequited love.

Any subculture is an escape from society, its rules of life and opinion. Having joined a group of like-minded people, a young man feels himself to be a part of something, and inner loneliness no longer dominates him so sharply.

Playing games for emo girls

Unlike Goths, who are more aggressive and prefer black to everyone else, emo has it diluted with bright elements in hairstyles, clothes, shoes and accessories. Pink, purple, purple, blue, light blue details stand out brightly and attract attention on a dark background. Admittedly, it looks quite impressive and even those who do not consider themselves to this group resort to such a combination. And if you sympathize with the designated subculture, it will be interesting for you to play games for emo girls.

In fact, in this direction you will not see anything radically new. The rubric invites you to visit beauty salons, clothing stores and cook food, but all this is in emo style.

Making original hairstyles

Recovering to the hairdresser, you will see the whole range of services from washing your hair to cutting and dyeing your hair. Having prepared the hair for further experiments, you still need to follow the rules and know how the emo hairstyle is created.

  • Long hair must be diluted with several colored strands.
  • If there is a bang, it is certainly long and covers one eye.
  • You can tie two children's ponytails and decorate them with ribbons or hairpins. Mostly hearts, ladybugs or other images, but always cute and bright in appropriate colors.
  • A short haircut also has its own characteristics in addition to the color scheme. In front, the hair should be longer so that it falls on the forehead, and in the back it should be cut shorter and raised in a crew cut.

Make-Up youth direction

As for makeup, it is also performed with certain rules.

  • Emo give the face an artificial pallor, like porcelain dolls. For this, a light foundation is taken and applied to the skin.
  • The eyes are lined with wide black arrows.
  • The lips are covered with flesh-colored lipstick.

Such makeup highlights only the eyes, making them bright, attractive. This draws the eye to them and causes a desire to look into them, as if wanting to examine the soul of a teenager in depth. You can experiment with the image and it is not necessary to adhere to the standard foundations. Why not add bright shadows to the eyelids or use a brighter lipstick? Not red, of course, but pink or caramel is fine.

In accordance with the style we make nails

Next, you will find a manicure for emo, which should also be related to the image. There are many more options and combining colors.

  • Try using a black base and applying colored embellishments to it.
  • Or vice versa - to make the nails initially brighter, and already apply applications and pebbles of darker tones on them.

Create a costume

Going to dress up, you will explore the wardrobe of emo fashionistas. Sticking to the designated theme, you will unmistakably pick up an outfit and accessories for an emo boy and girl. Even wedding dresses are in stock and you can arrange a youth wedding in a traditional style for this subculture.

Other stories about emo

There is also a game where your task is to cheer up a sad girl who sheds tears all the time. Play ball with her and make her smile.

You can also sew a soft toy from scraps of fabric, stylizing it as emo, sewing it in the center broken heart and prepare a magnificent cake, decorating it with colored roses and hearts.

Emo is a popular and even somewhere traditional subculture. Unbelievable, but true - girls and boys with long bangs and love for black and pink have long become as common as metalheads in leather jackets or punks with mohawks of varying degrees of courage. This happened because the emo subculture gradually turned from informal into mainstream. Initially, the emo subculture, like most others, was formed around a love for a certain musical style and life philosophy.

Emo music was then quite logically called emo-core, and concentration on emotions prevailed in the worldview. It is thanks to this fashion that developers create a huge number of games for emo girls. Since appearance is important, most often it is dressing up. They are interesting, first of all, because they convey the essence of emo style in matters of clothing. So if you want to understand how emo dress up, go to the appropriate section of our site.

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And here we wait! Finally, we have the opportunity to touch the youth subculture that is very popular today. And all this is due to the fact that apparently the customer himself or the application programmer were not indifferent to this trend. So before us goth dress up game. If you don't know who they are yet, now is the time to tell you about them. To be as accurate as possible in the etymology of a particular word, it is necessary to be one hundred percent friendly with the history of both languages ​​in general and peoples in particular. Well, do not be surprised if I tell you that the Goths are one of the ancient Germanic tribes that played a very important historical role for a long time throughout Europe. It was they who were the famous Goths, you can observe them in many scenes of the entire world cinema. Yes, it was against them at the beginning of our era that the Roman emperors fought, they did this throughout the existence of the most powerful empire on it, and thanks to them, by and large, there is that state that everyone calls Germany with bated breath. What do you ask those well-known Goths in common with ugly, dressed in all black and often ugly representatives of this culture on the street? And they have the most immediate significance, or if you want influence. After all, those who are now called by that name associate themselves with the Goths, and they did not value anything, death was no more expensive than garlic, according to Omar Khayyam, and those who imitate them in every possible way demonstrate their belonging to them. I assure you that there is nothing beautiful or pleasant in this, it’s just a pity for them, they burn their golden days for nothing.

And ready somewhat indirectly, but still allow us to get in touch with their direction of thoughts and ideas. Of course, they have dozens of varieties, but the essence of them all is the same. They prefer black to everything else, their destiny is depression and constant stress, they are skeptical about the concepts of love, hope, faith in the future and bright sides this beautiful world, surrounding us. Naturally, in the game you will be given the right to have fun with those who are identified as such! Dress a representative of this society in colorful, cheerful clothes, and let him rejoice, and do not invent fairy tales. From another point of view, they can be understood, and each person wants to have some kind of social circle in which he could be fully realized. But this should not deprive a person vitality and confidence in a happy future.

Goth dress up game is at the same time entertainment that can give you enough fun minutes, and at the same time it is a chance to seriously think about who these people are and why it is not necessary to be like them even in the game.

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