Children's games at the Christmas tree. Games for children for the new year near the Christmas tree. New games. Who will inflate the balloon faster

Christmas games for preschoolers: description of games, card index of New Year's games for children of preschool age from 3 to 7 years.

Christmas games for preschoolers

In this article, you will find 8 New Year's educational games for preschool children, which you can play both at the New Year's holiday and at home during the New Year's holidays. After all, during the winter holidays we have more time to communicate with children and family leisure! Games will give you ideas. I shared in this article my favorite games that we play with children on New Year's days. And if your family has New Year's games loved by children, I will be glad if you share them in the comments to this article.

In addition to the description of the games at the end of the article, you will find a colorful library of games from the article and a link for downloading it for free. The game library can be used as a folder - a mover.

New Year's games for preschoolers: description of games

Game 1. "Where are our hands": we play with a toy Santa Claus and develop the child's speech

In this fun grammar game, the child will quietly learn to use words in the genitive plural case correctly, and we will prevent many speech errors.

To play, you need a Santa Claus figurine made of paper or a Santa Claus toy.

How to play:

We go with the child to the toy Santa Claus and say a rhyme:

"You are kind, you are bright,

You are in a fur coat, you are in a hat,

You have a red nose.

So you are Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, Santa Claus,

Don't freeze our hands!"

Santa Claus answers (an adult speaks on behalf of the toy cheerfully and jokingly): “Where are your pens? I'm freezing now!"

The task of the players is to quickly hide the named part of the body and tell Santa Claus: “There are no our pens!”.

You can close the named part of the body with your palms, clothes or a scarf, handkerchief. You can stand up so that the handles are not visible, cover the handles to each other.

Santa Claus: Where are your legs?

Adult and children: There are no our legs (we hide our legs under a chair, under a scarf).

Santa Claus: Where are your heels?

Adult and children: There are no our heels (we hide the heels, sitting on our knees).

A child and an adult each time figure out how to hide the named part of the body from Santa Claus's toy (there are no noses, mouths, ears, cheeks, eyes, elbows, knees, etc.). If the child made a mistake, for example, he said: “We don’t have eyebrows” instead of “eyebrows”, then Santa Claus asks him again: “Something I didn’t hear - where are your eyebrows?”.

Game vocabulary:

For young children up to 3.5 - 4 years old, we use the simplest words in the game: no heels, knees, arms, legs, palms. Then we enter more complex words - no mouths, ears, noses, mouths, cheeks, eyebrows, necks, chins, lips, foreheads, etc.

At the end of a dialogue of 5-7 replicas (“we don’t have ..”), the toy Santa Claus says jokingly:

"One two Three! Run from the cold! I'll freeze!" And the child runs away from the frost to the appointed place (to his house). The game is repeated again 1-2 more times.

Game 2

The game is played next to a Christmas tree decorated with toys.

Option 1. Guess the toy from the description.

First, consider the toys on the Christmas tree, does the child know who it is, what is the name of this toy? Then the child describes the toy, naming its features. The players guess. When the toy is guessed, everyone depicts this toy to cheerful music.

For example: “This toy is very fun. She has a big blue hat and yellow trousers. She is holding a large book in her hands. This toy is smiling ”(Dunno).

Or “This toy is small. She is white. She has long ears and a short tail. She knows how to jump. This toy is very afraid of the fox and the wolf. Who is it?".

If it is difficult for a child to think of a toy, then an adult tells him the beginning of the phrase: “This toy .... Which? She has... what? She has a tail ... what?

Option 2. Guess the toy by its "address".

Each toy has its own "address" on the Christmas tree. First consider the Christmas tree: who lives where? Who lives next to the bear? And what toys live above / below the house? Which toys live to the right of the fox, and which ones live to the left of the fox?

Then the presenter guesses a toy, and the children try to guess which toy is guessed, asking the presenter questions: does this toy live on a Christmas tree above the bear figurine? Is she to the right of the star? Is she to the left of the candy? In the future, children guess toys, and an adult guesses them by questions.

Game 3.New Year's speech gamemasks«: the development of speech and logical thinking

AT fun game we will teach the child to ask questions in a logical sequence, to conduct a dialogue.

You will need: ready-made New Year's children's masks or homemade masks.

How to play:
Step 1. A mask is put on the child's head so that he does not see the image on it. There should be no mirrors in the room so that the child cannot see what kind of mask he has on his head.

Step 2. The kid tries to guess what role he plays by asking questions to the players. Questions can only be answered with “yes” or “no”.
For example: Am I human? (No). Am I an animal? (Yes). I can jump? (Yes). Can I run? (Yes). Am I green? Am I eating grass? I am kind? etc.

Step 3. After the child has guessed correctly, he removes the mask and checks the correctness of the answer. And passes the role of the guesser to the next kid.

First, the adult shows how to play this game (becomes the leader in the game, asks a sequence of questions and guesses his mask), then the child guesses.

Useful advice. How to make a mask:

Option 1. Cut out a strip of paper and glue a picture of a fairy-tale hero or animal to it. The mask - the rim is ready. It can also be used for staging fairy tales at the New Year's children's party.

Option 2. We draw a muzzle of an animal. On the side we make two slots and insert the ties. We tie the mask on the head of the child.

Game 4. Game with snowflakes "Guess the surprise": speech development

In the game, we enrich and activate the children's vocabulary, teach the baby to speak vividly, figuratively, expressively.

Make snowflakes out of paper (How to make different types snowflakes can be recognized). Lay out of them a large snowdrift on the table or on the floor. Place a surprise (picture, sticker) under the snowdrift so that it is not visible what exactly is hidden under the snowdrift. Ask the child to "disenchant" the snowdrift and find the prize.

In order for the snowflakes to fly away, you need to praise them - to name which snowflakes. They are… white, openwork, patterned, cold, shiny, dancing, beautiful, beautiful, icy, fluffy, small, etc.

Adult and child take turns saying one word each. An adult names complex words that are rarely found in everyday life, enriching the child's vocabulary. The child calls simpler words in the game.

The number of snowflakes in a snowdrift depends on the age of the child and the level of development of his speech. For the youngest, it is enough to pick up 5 words for the child, for older children it can be 10-15 words.

When all the snowflakes have “flew away”, the baby can see the surprise that was hidden under the snowdrift and take it for himself.

Game 5. Find a New Year's surprise: learning to navigate in space

Option 1. Ask the kid to go out the door and hide the New Year's toy - a surprise. When he enters the room, tell him the way to the toy. Approximate path can be told like this: “Go straight to the table, at the table turn right (the child does). Walk five steps. And now one step back, turn left (the child performs). Walk two steps. Seek!" In the first games, a three-year-old kid can be given one or two teams, a four-year-old kid can be given no more than 2-3 teams. Then you can increase the number of teams to 5 or even more.

Option 2. When the child masters this game, complicate it. In the second version of the game, the baby needs to name the direction in which he is going. Here's how it's done.

Cut out arrows of different colors from colored paper or colored cardboard and lay them on the floor. Tell your child, “Go where the red arrow is pointing, walk three steps. Where do you need to go? (the child names the direction: left, right, straight or back). “And then go where the blue arrow points. Where is she taking you? (the child calls - to the right or to the left. forward or backward) Walk 2 steps. Now look!

Option 3. For older preschoolers, complicate the task. Draw a plan of the room ahead of time. On the plan, mark the window, door and main pieces of furniture with bright colored rectangles, squares, circles. Mark on the plan with a cross the place where you hid the New Year's surprise.

The child will need to look at the plan of the room, find a door, a window, a wardrobe, a table, a sofa on the plan; your location in the room; the place where the prize is hidden. And then look for a surprise. It can be a surprise from Santa Claus, and his new task, and a riddle, and a picture - a coloring book or a small new Christmas toy for the Christmas tree.

Game 6

Both children and adults participate in the game. Players are divided into pairs. Each couple agrees in advance with each other that it will perform for everyone. It can be a small quatrain about a Christmas tree, one verse from a famous New Year's song, a tongue twister, a rhyme or a tongue twister, New Year's greetings for everyone. You can prepare small texts in advance to help adults learn them with kids.

The first couple goes to the Christmas tree and performs their surprise for everyone.

Immediately after this, the host of the game says to the first couple: “One .... Two ... .. Three ... .. ”, stretching the pauses between words. To these words, the players from this pair need to quickly stand with their backs to each other. The host continues: "Look." Players in a pair turn their heads to the right or left.

If the players in a pair matched (that is, both turned in the same direction - for example, to the Christmas tree, to the window), then they hug, congratulate each other on the New Year. Or maybe they get a small gift, for example, a cranberry in powdered sugar or a picture, a sticker, a coloring book, a small prize.

At the end of the game, all players receive small prizes.

Game 7. When Christmas toys come to life: development of expressiveness of movements, emancipation of the child

Review the toys on the Christmas tree with the children. Tell us that at night, when people are sleeping, Christmas decorations come to life.

Let's close our eyes and imagine what our favorite Christmas toy does at night (a horse, a snow maiden, an icicle, a flashlight, etc.). What she does? (we call possible actions- the doll dances, visits, sings songs, flaps her eyelashes, combs her hair, etc.)

Tell your child: “Now guess what my favorite Christmas tree toy was as a child. I'll show you how she came to life at night." Imagine, for example, a soldier who beats a drum. Or a doll. You can perform any action as a toy - walk around the room, greet the child, inspect various objects, salute. But toys can't talk - they do it all silently!

The child guesses the toy you have guessed.

Then the child thinks of his Christmas tree toy and shows you with gestures what she does at night silently so as not to wake up her owners. And you guess.

Game 8

Take an envelope or bag and put small New Year's surprises in it. Prepare audio fragments of different New Year's songs (the duration of one fragment is 30-45 seconds).

How to play:

Option 1. All players sit in a circle. Turn on the music and pass the envelope around. The rule - when passing the envelope (pouch), you must definitely say a polite request. Otherwise, the envelope cannot be transferred. Adults help children, at first prompting different variants request wording.

Game vocabulary: how can i ask

- Misha, be kind, pass the letter (pouch) further.

- Vanya, do a good deed, please pass the letter on.

- Lena, if it's not difficult for you, pass the letter.

“Grandma, could you deliver the letter?”

- Mommy! Please pass the letter on!

- Olenka! I beg you: pass the letter.

Polite words: Please. Be my friend. Please. Please. Could you. If you do not mind. Be so kind.

As soon as the music stops, the transmission of the letter in the circle also stops. And this means that the one on whom the music has stopped (who now has a letter) can open it and take one picture as a gift. Then the music starts to sound until a new stop.

Option 2. From the envelope we get not prizes in the game, but tasks - forfeits (sing a song, congratulate everyone on the New Year, portray Santa Claus, make a New Year's riddle, etc.)! If the music stops, the player takes the task out of the envelope and completes it. The envelope must contain not only tasks, but also empty cards - surprises, as well as small gifts. The intrigue of the game - what will the player get? You will be surprised how quickly the adults will pass the envelope to each other in this game! 🙂

New Year's games for preschoolers: card file of games in pictures

You can print the card index of New Year's games from this article on A4 sheets.

Making a file cabinet "New Year's games for preschoolers" (here below, for example, compressed pages of a folder with New Year's games are given, pages for printing on a printer can be downloaded from the link above).

Svetlana Zhavoronkova
New Year games in kindergarten(older age)

Games for older children(older and preparatory group).

1. Game "I'm going" (play 3 times).

I go, I go, I go

I take my children with me.

Oh my legs are tired

I'll rest (sit) I'm on the track... (everyone squats)

Now don't yawn

And catch up with Frost!

Children catch up 2 times with DM, and for the third time DM himself He speaks: "Run away from frost" and the kids run away...

2. Game "Hands up"

Children, walking in a circle, repeat different movements for the DM, who stands in the center of the circle, except for one, it cannot be repeated, for example "Hands up". The one who forgot and repeats becomes the center to the DM.

3. Game "Freezing"

Designated Home and Garden. You need to run from home to garden and vice versa.

DM: "I am Frost - red nose

Which one of you decides

To go on a path?

Children: "We are not afraid of threats

And we are not afraid of frost!

Whom the DM touches frozen: stands without moving.

4. Game "The Storm is Rising"

The storm surges once, the storm surges two, the storm surges three. ice figure (anyone) freeze in place. You can play in a circle, DM in the center of the circle.

5. Game "Snake"(or "Dragon Tail").

We walk around each other

Hey guys, don't yawn!

What will Santa Claus show us?

Let's repeat together!

You can stomp alternately with different feet, do "flashlights"(make rotational movements with your hands, spin like snowflakes, etc. And the last task the DM asks to do "snake", divides the round dance anywhere, assigns two children "head and tail of a snake" and gives the task "tail" catch up "head". Engine (body "snakes") should not break anywhere.

6. Game "Snowball"(or "Snowball").

To the music, children betray a snowball (made of cotton wool or paper, the music is constantly interrupted, in whose hands the snowball leaves the circle. The DM walks outside the circle, watches the process games and collects all who are already out. A second circle is formed, in which the DM and the last two children dance a dance. The rest of the children clap their hands.

7. Game "The wind blows on the one who..."

Any phrases are spoken, for example, “The wind blows on someone who loves to decorate a Christmas tree

....who loves apples

.... who is wearing trousers today

.... who is in a hare costume

.... who has a rabbit at home

Those children to whom this phrase is suitable go to the center of the circle.

8. Game "Christmas trees are different ..."

We decorated the Christmas tree different toys, and in the forest, different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin.

Host - Santa Claus explains regulations:

So if I say

"high" - raise your hands up

"low" - squat and lower your arms

"wide" - make the circle wider

"thin" - make the circle narrower.

And now let's play! (Santa Claus is playing, trying to confuse children)

9. Playing in a circle "Firs-Stumps"

Father Frost: "When, I will say, Christmas trees, you stretch to your full height up and raise your hands up. Like this! And when I say "stumps", quickly squat and hug your knees with your hands. Like this! But first, let's set the rhythm. Top-top-slap!

Top-top-slap! Top-top-slap! (To the rhythm of the group's composition "Queen" shows that you need to stomp your left foot, then your right, clap your hands, pause.)

(Against the background of a general rhythmic beat, he reads in the style "rap")

On the Christmas trees, the needles are prickly, green,

And the knots are resinous, sticky, fragrant!

Glorious, fluffy, silver tree!

And stumps with knots, and knots with hooks!

Christmas trees! Stumps! Christmas trees! Christmas trees!

Stumps! Christmas trees! Christmas trees! Stumps.

10. Game “Can…”

DM: “Guys, do you believe in miracles?

Now we will check it.

Let's play a game "Can it?"!

Children answer questions "Yes" or "No". (You can play standing in a circle).

Can a snowflake fly like invisible?.

Can the Snow Maiden ride like Sivka Burka? …

Can a snowman show his tongue to children? …

Can Santa Claus puff like a steam locomotive? …

Can a squirrel play with burners all day? …

Can a hippo get a mouthful of snow?

Can a badger climb a bough for joy? …

Can a dog solve puzzles on its own?

Can a beaver weave a large carpet? …

Can a Christmas tree change its needles? …

Can a blizzard dress up a spruce beautifully? …

Can a parrot raise a dog's bark?

Can a stump bloom on a January day?

Can kids eat sweets in the morning?

Can a firecracker shoot like a cannon?

Can the New Year arrange a big round dance?

After this games you can start to dance.

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The host says quatrains, the last line of which the children end with the words "Grandfather Frost."

Leading: He bestowed fluffy snow And swept a big skid Long-awaited and beloved by everyone ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: In a warm New Year's fur coat, Rubbing a red nose, Children carry gifts Good ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: There is chocolate Mandarin and apricot in gifts - I tried for the guys Nice ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: He loves songs, round dances And makes people laugh to tears Near the New Year tree Wonderful ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: After the daring dance Will puff like a locomotive, Who, tell me together, children? It...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: With a nimble hare at dawn A snowy trail holds a cross, Well, of course, your sporty, Fast ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: Walks with a staff through the forest Among the pines and birches, Singing a song softly. Who?
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: In the morning she braids her granddaughter A pair of snow-white braids, And then she goes to the holiday To the children ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: On a marvelous New Year's holiday Walks without a bouquet of roses On a visit to children and adults Only ...
Children: Santa Claus!
Leading: Who, to the delight of you guys, brought a coniferous Christmas tree? Please reply quickly - This is...
Children: Santa Claus!


The host gives answers to the question “What does the Christmas tree like?”, And the children say “yes” as a sign of confirmation and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

What does the tree love?
- Prickly needles...
- Gingerbread, sweets ..
- Chairs, stools...
- Tinsel, garlands ..
- Games, masquerades...
- Boredom from idleness ...
- Kids, fun...
- Lilies of the valley and roses...
- Santa Claus...
- Loud laughter and jokes...
- Boots and jackets...
- Cones and nuts...
- Chess pawns...
- Serpentine, lanterns...
- Lights and balls...
- Confetti, crackers...
- Broken toys...
- Cucumbers in the garden...
- Waffles, chocolates...
- Miracles for the New Year ...
- With a song, a friendly round dance ...


2 players each receive a smart bag and stand at the coffee table, on which the box contains pieces of tinsel, unbreakable Christmas decorations, as well as small things that are not related to the New Year holiday. To the cheerful music, blindfolded participants put the contents of the box into bags. As soon as the music stops, the players are untied and they watch collected items. The one with the most Christmas items wins. The game can be played 2 times with different players.


Children form 2 teams and stand in a column. Team captains receive a set of New Year's flags with the image of fairy-tale characters, the third from the end is a flag with a Christmas tree. To the cheerful music, the captains pass back one flag to the rest. The last player collects the flags given by the team. As soon as the captain discovers the Christmas tree, he shouts: "Christmas tree!", Raising his hand with this flag - the team is considered the winner.

GAME "Christmas tree chants"

The host says quatrains, and the children shout out the words of each final line in unison.

Good in her outfit, Children are always glad to see her, On the branches of her needles, Calls everyone to a round dance ... (Christmas tree)
There is a funny clown on the Christmas tree in a cap, Silvery horns And with pictures ... (Flags)
Beads, colored stars, Painted miracle masks, Squirrels, cockerels and pigs, Very sonorous ... (Crackers)
A monkey will wink from the Christmas tree, A brown bear will smile; Hare hanging from fleece, Lollipops and ... (Chocolates)
An old boletus, Next to him is a snowman, A fluffy red kitten And a big one on top ... (Bump)
There is no more colorful outfit: Multi-colored garland, Gilded tinsel And shiny ... (Balloons)
Bright foil flashlight, Bell and boat, Train and car, Snow-white ... (Snowflake)
The Christmas tree knows all the surprises And wishes everyone fun; For happy kids Light up ... (Lights)


(to the motive of the song "Kind Beetle" from the fairy tale film "Cinderella")

1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle! Clap your hands, Sparing no hands! Jump like bunnies - Jump and jump, jump and jump! Now stomp, Not sparing your feet!
2.3a we will take hands Hurry, more fun And raise our hands up, Let's jump above all! We put our hands down, We stomp with our right foot, We stomp with our left foot And turn our heads!

The game is repeated 2 more times.


The host puts a prize under the tree. 2 child players stand on different sides at a certain distance from the Christmas tree. Fun music sounds. The participants of the game, jumping on one leg, try to get to the Christmas tree and take the prize. The most agile wins.


Paper snowflakes are attached to a horizontally suspended long tinsel. To the cheerful music, blindfolded players remove snowflakes from tinsel. The one with the most number of them wins.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team, the host has a box with unbreakable Christmas toys. At a distance from the teams stands on a small decorated artificial Christmas tree. The first players take one toy from the box, run to the Christmas tree of their team, hang the toy and come back - and so on until the last player. The first team to decorate the Christmas tree wins.


(Santa Claus puts a large elegant satin bag in the middle of the hall.)

Father Frost: Here's the bag - it's smart! Let's have an auction! Who actively answers, That gift receives!
(In a satin bag there are 7 paper multi-colored bags having a shape. The bags are placed one inside the other from a large one - 80 cm high to a small one - 50 cm high (like a nesting doll), and tied with bright bows. On each bag, one letter is large, making up the word " gifts". During the game, Santa Claus unties the bow and takes the bag out of the bag, holds an auction for each letter and gives a gift to the child who gave his answer last - the gifts begin with the corresponding letters. At the beginning of the game, Santa Claus lowers the satin bag to the floor and in front of the children a paper bag with the letter “P” appears.)
Father Frost: The letter "Pe" asks everyone to name Winter songs now! If you want to sing - sing, After all, it's an hour for fun! (Children name songs about winter.)
Father Frost: Good winter with snow. But the song is good too! I hand you the gingerbread, Eat it slowly! (Santa Claus unties the bag, takes out a gingerbread, hands it over, then takes out the next one from this bag - with the letter "O"; he puts the previous bag on the other side of himself, so the bags that have won back will be substituted nearby and at the end of the game the children will read the letters from all bags into a single word "gifts".)
Father Frost: The letter "O" notifies - A festive dinner is served And calls friends to the table! There is nothing on the table! What will you feed your friends? Name the treat! (Children list holiday treats.)
Father Frost: In treats you are a scientist, The prize is a gilded nut! (Santa Claus unties the bag, takes out a walnut in gilded foil, and then a bag with the letter "D".)
Father Frost: The letter "De" trees to remember Very asks, kids, you! I dressed them up in silver Hoarfrost more than once! (Children say the names of the trees.)
Father Frost: You are an exemplary student, I will give you a diary! (Santa Claus unties the bag, hands over the diary and takes out the bag with the letter "A".)
Father Frost: The letter "A" about the orange Wants to ask the kids! Well, tell Grandfather, what can he be like? (Children describe the appearance and taste of an orange.)
Father Frost: How beautiful the Christmas tree, Her outfit attracts the eye! Orange for health I am very happy to give! (Santa Claus hands an orange and takes out a bag with the letter "P".)
Father Frost: The letter "ER" gives joy to everyone: Let everyone remember That which brings joy to the mood, without a doubt! (Children remember everything that makes them happy.)
Father Frost: It's a joy for me today to deliver the school prize to you - With this pen you can write something on the "five"! (Santa Claus hands over a pen and takes out a bag with the letter "K".)
Father Frost: The letter "Ka" speaks of carnival And costumes; Asks you to be called Carnival appearance! (Children call carnival costumes.)
Father Frost: All the masks were good, Well, you know the fairy tales! I remember this one (calls the last answer) Get some candy! (Santa Claus hands over a candy and takes out a bag with the letter "I".)
Father Frost: The letter "I" wants to hear the Games of winter snowy days! You know them, guys, Speak quickly! (Children list winter Games.)
Father Frost: These winter fun I, to be honest, like it! I want to give a toy - There is nothing else! (Santa Claus unties the last bag, takes out a Christmas toy from it, hands it over, then turns the bag upside down and shakes it, thereby showing that it is empty.)
Father Frost: My bag is empty and light - Our auction is over! I handed out my gifts It's time to arrange a carnival!


The children respond in chorus to the questions of the presenter with the phrase “Because it’s New Year!”.

Why is fun around, Laughter and jokes without worries? ..
Why are merry guests expected to come? ..
Why does everyone make a wish in advance? ..
Why will the path of knowledge lead you to the "fives"? ..
Why will the Christmas tree playfully wink at you with lights? ..
Why is the Snow Maiden with Grandfather Everyone waiting here today? ..
Why do children dance in a smart hall? ..
Why good luck, Santa Claus sends peace to the guys? ..

GAME "Christmas tree - SURPRISE"

The presenter exposes a cardboard silhouette of a New Year tree, which instead of balls has round holes with pockets on the reverse side. Players, in turn, throw a ping-pong ball at the tree, trying to get it into one of the holes. At the moment of hit, the ball is in the pocket. The most dexterous ones remove a red bag with a surprise from the main New Year tree.


All children are located in the hall for 4 people in a circle. Cheerful music sounds, players dance. As soon as the music subsides, the host announces: "Puffers!" (children puffing) Then cheerful music sounds again, the players dance. At the end of the music, the presenter announces: "Tweeters!" (children squeak) Thus, the game continues on with various pranks: "Chants!" (children scream); "Squealers!" (children squeal); "Snickers!" (children laugh) and again from the beginning. The order in which pranks are announced changes periodically.


Touchy-Maryushka Doesn't like to stand on the edge, Everything shines from the outfit, Meets the New Year with us. (Christmas tree)
Friend Ivashka - White shirt, Glad for the cold frost, And sheds tears in the warmth. (Snowman)
Two girlfriends, with all their strength, Uplifted their noses And along the little white paths Paved their footprint. (Skis)
Fast carriage Resting in summer. As winter comes, She will be pulled on her way. (Sled)
White-faced round-faces Respect mittens. Throw them - they do not cry, Though crumble into the bargain. (Snowballs)
Two twin brothers Admire the mirror, They rush to walk along it, They train on the run. (Skates)


Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from each team there are small gates. Near the teams, the host puts a smart box with ping-pong balls according to the number of participants. To the cheerful music, the first players take a ball from the box and roll it from a place, trying to get into the gate, after which they take a place at the end of the team. The second participants enter the game, etc. The team with the most balls in the gate wins.


Children form 2 teams. Team captains each receive a small fishing rod with a hook. At a certain distance from the teams there is a large blue hoop, representing a pond, in which there are medium-sized toy fish with a loop at the mouth according to the number of participants in both teams. To the cheerful music, the captains follow the hoop, hook the fish with a fishing rod and put them in the buckets of their teams, standing on both sides of the hoop. Then the captains return to the team and pass the bait to the next participant. The first team to finish fishing wins.


Children form 2 teams. All players wear bunny ears. At a certain distance from the teams, the leader puts on a fake head of cabbage. Cheerful music sounds, the first players, jumping like bunnies, get to the head of cabbage, remove one leaf and, also jumping, come back. The second players enter the game, and so on. The most nimble hares lift up their cabbage leaves, thereby announcing the victory of the team.


Children form a circle. The leader is in the middle of the circle. He mixed (out of order) calls the words “well done”, “hammer”, “milk”, after which the players perform the following movements: - “well done” - bounce on the spot 1 time; - "hammer" - clap your hands 1 time; - “milk” - they say “meow”. The host draws out the first syllables of words to confuse the participants in the game (“mo-lo-o-dets”). Game from slow pace takes on an accelerated character. Those who are inattentive remain in their playing places, and those who perform movements in accordance with the words without error take a step forward. Thus, the winners are the participants in the game who have reached the leader faster than the others.


To the statements of the leader, the children say “yes” as a sign of agreement and “no” as a sign of disagreement.

Uncle Fedor is a smart boy, very kind and cultured.
Cinderella is hardworking, Beautiful in a ball gown.
Every one of you here knows - Good Uncle Karabas.
Grandmother Yaga will always become your true friend.
The gnomes love Snow White, Keep up with her hastily.
Fox Alice will teach you better mind-reason.
He rides on the Emelya stove, He controls it boldly.
Dunno has friends, He cannot live without them.
You will pour more cabbage soup Glorious grandfather Koschei.
The flying ship Vanya made the best one overnight.
Pinocchio is very greedy, - Guards five soldiers at night.
Masha and Vitya are hooligans - They set traps for Leshem.
Cheburashka is friends with Gena, Sings a song, does not grieve.
Carlson loves cookies. Sweets and entertainment.
Evil girl Malvina Walks with a long club.
Goblin - the guy is what you need, The kids are happy to be friends with him.
Pechkin is a glorious postman, He will deliver the mail on time.
From Chukotka to Brazil Everyone loves Basilio the cat.
The hare gallops ahead, the wolf shouts: “Well, wait a minute!”
The best of friends is a wild cat Matvey.
The turtle does not fly, the Lion cub rides on itself.


Children form 2 teams, the captains of which receive a children's scooter. Small artificial Christmas trees are placed in front of the teams at a certain distance from each other. To the cheerful music, the captains go around the Christmas trees and, in the same way, return to their team, passing the scooter to the next participant. The team that manages not to run into the Christmas trees wins.


Three players are put on cat hats and given sticks to which a long rope is attached. A fake mouse is tied to the end of the rope. To the cheerful music, the players wind the rope around the stick, thereby bringing the mouse closer to them. The prize is awarded to the most agile cat who managed to "catch" the mouse faster than the others.


Children form 2 teams. Near each team there is a large pot with medium-sized inflatable sausages according to the number of participants. A pair of small hooks are tied to the ends of the sausages. Cheerful music sounds, the first participant takes a sausage out of the pan and passes it to the second participant, etc., until the last member of the team has it. Then the first participant passes the second sausage, which the penultimate participant attaches by the hook to the sausage of the last participant. Thus, each participant connects the sausage passed to him to the sausage next to him. The first participant finishes the bunch with the last sausage. The most agile team raises their bunch of sausages, marking the victory in the game.


Children are arranged in a circle and repeat the movements after the leader, standing in the center of the circle, saying “Hrum-khrum!”.

Leading: Let's clap together, chrum-chrum!
Children:(clapping) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's clap together, chrum-chrum!
Children: (clapping) Chrum-chrum!
Leading: And if it's friendlier, hrum-khrum!
Children:(clapping) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Even more fun, hrum-khrum!
Children: (clapping) Chrum-chrum!
Leading: One by one now we get up, hrum-khrum!
Children:(children stand one after another) Khrum-khrum!
Leading: And we will take each other by the shoulders, hrum-khrum!
Children:(take each other by the shoulders) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: In a circle we walk quietly, hrum-khrum!
Children:(slowly walk in a circle) Khrum-khrum!
Leading: We don’t get tired of playing with me, hrum-khrum!
Children:(continue to walk in a circle) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's squat down, hrum-khrum!
Children:(they follow each other in a squatting position) Khrum-khrum!
Leading: Let's squat quietly, hrum-khrum!
Children:(continue to squat) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's get on our feet together, hrum-khrum!
Children:(getting to their feet) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: And we'll turn everything to the Christmas tree, hrum-khrum!
Children:(turn to face the center of the circle) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's stomp our feet, hrum-khrum!
Children:(stomp foot) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's stomp another, hrum-khrum!
Children:(stomping the other foot) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's jump on the spot, hrum-khrum!
Children:(jumping in place) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: And we'll jump again, hrum-khrum!
Children:(jumping again) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's wave to each other, hrum-khrum!
Children: (waving to each other) Khrum-khrum!
Leading: Let's wave the other hand, hrum-khrum!
Children:(waving the other hand) Khrum-khrum!
Leading: We all wink at each other, hrum-khrum!
Children:(winking at each other) Hrum-hrum!
Leading: Let's take each other's hands, hrum-khrum!
Children:(join hands) Hrum-hrum!


The facilitator reads 3 clues to the children, with the help of which they should guess the surprises in the elegant box.
The smartest ones get sweet prizes.

Not a Christmas tree, but elegant; Not a musician, but loves to play; Not a baby, but "mother" says. (Doll)
Not a watermelon, but round; Not a hare, but jumping; Not a bike, but rolling. (Ball)
Not a gnome, but in a cap; Not a car, but refueling; Not an artist, but a painter. (Felt pen)
Not a fox, but a red one; Not a waffle, but crispy; Not a mole, but sitting underground. (Carrot)
Not a cake, but sweet; Not a black man, but a dark-skinned one; Not an orange, but with slices. (Chocolate)
Not a bucket, but scoops; Not a door, but with a handle; Not a cook, but feeds. (A spoon)
Not a plate, but a round one; Not a heron, but standing on one leg; Not a wheel, but untwisted. (Yula)
Not a feather, but light; Not a snowflake, but flying; Not a kidney, but bursting. (Balloon)
Not a ruler, but a thin one; Not a mother, but a caring one; Not a crocodile, but a toothy one. (Comb)
Not cotton, but white; Not snow, but cold; Not sugar, but sweet. (Ice cream)


Players form 2 teams, at a certain distance from which there is a cone-shaped tiger figurine 80 cm high, made of cardboard and painted orange. A long rope with a black marker attached to the end is tied to the tiger's neck. To the cheerful music, the participants of the game, in order of priority, run to the tiger and draw one strip with a marker, then return to their team. The most agile team wins.


Rhythmic music sounds, children dance in pairs. The host announces: “We are funny kittens,” the couples are separated and each depicts a dancing kitten. The game is repeated several times.


Children form 2 teams. At a certain distance from the teams, there is a small artificial Christmas tree. Cheerful music sounds, the first participants with a carrot on a plate run to a small Christmas tree and back, passing the plate to the second participants, etc. The team that managed to drop the carrot from the plate the least number of times wins.


To the leader’s phrases, as a sign of consent, the children answer: “Hello, hello, New Year!”.

Christmas tree in a festive outfit, We are all happy for her today ...
Santa Claus, seeing the children, Takes out a bag of sweets ...
No one wants to sing songs, Their words are barely muttered ...
The Christmas tree lowered its branches, On the holiday it made me very sad ...
Let's dance around the Christmas tree In this glorious hall of ours ...
We'll shoot from the slingshot And knock out the balls...
Let's make a colored lantern for our Christmas tree as a gift...
Tell a poem Everyone is ready with the mood ...
A snowman walks in Panama, He does not play games for children ...
Joyful faces everywhere, So let's have fun...


(to the melody of the polka "The bird danced the polka ..." from the fairy tale film "The Adventures of Pinocchio")

Leading: Let's decorate the Christmas tree in balls!
Children: It's New Year's Eve!
Leading: Congratulations to all our friends!
Children: It's New Year's Eve!
Leading: Let's join hands together, Walk around the Christmas tree And, of course, smile!
Children: It is a New Year!
Leading: Friends came to us from a fairy tale!
Children: It's New Year's Eve!
Leading: They circle in the glorious dance of the mask!
Children: It's New Year's Eve!
Leading: We play at the Christmas tree, We sing songs together, We joke and do not lose heart!
Children: It is a New Year!
Leading: Santa Claus in a smart coat!
Children: It's New Year's Eve!
Leading: Let's have fun with Grandpa!
Children: It's New Year's Eve!
Leading: For poetry, he will praise us And give gifts, Congratulate us on a wonderful holiday!
Children: It is a New Year!


Players form 2 teams. The host gives out large galoshes to the captains, representing hooves, and fake horns. To the cheerful music, the captains run around a bucket with the inscription "milk", covered with white paper - "milk" on top (each team has its own bucket), come back and pass the horns with galoshes to the next players. The team of the most frisky Cows wins.


On the back of two chairs hangs a winter jacket with turned-out sleeves, and on the seats lies a fur hat, a scarf and a pair of mittens. To cheerful music, 2 players turn the sleeves of their jackets inside out, then put them on, and then put on a hat, scarf and mittens. The prize is given to the one who first takes a place in his chair and shouts "Happy New Year!".


Children form 2 teams. The host gives each tinsel. The melody of the song "Jingle bells" sounds. The first participants knot their tinsel into the hands of the second participants, after which the second - to the third, etc., the latter run to the first and tie the tinsel to them. The team wins, whose members completed the task in a short period of time and raised their hands with tied tinsel.


The host says quatrains, to which the children give answers “true”, “false”.

1. On the birch, the waxwings flew off with a flock of motley. Everyone is glad to see them, Marvelous praising the outfit. (Right)
2. Bloomed in the midst of frost Large roses on the pine tree. They are collected in bouquets And handed to the Snow Maiden. (Wrong)
3. Santa Claus melts in winter And misses the Christmas tree - A puddle remains from him; On a holiday, it is not needed at all. (Wrong)
4. With the Snow Maiden Snowman I used to come to children. He loves to listen to poems, And then eat sweets. (Right)
5. In February, on New Year's Eve, Good Grandfather goes, He has a big bag, All filled with noodles. (Wrong)
6. At the end of December, the calendar sheet was torn off. It is the last and unnecessary - the New Year is much better. (Right)
7. Toadstools do not grow in winter, But they ride sleds. Children are happy with them - Both girls and boys. (Right)
8. Miracle butterflies fly to us from hot countries in winter, Sometimes they want to collect nectar in warm snow. (Wrong)
9. In January, blizzards sweep, Dressing up the spruce with snow. A bunny in his white coat gallops boldly through the woods. (Right)
10. On New Year's holiday, the glorious Cactus for the kids is the main one - It is green and prickly, Christmas trees are much cooler. (Wrong)


The hosts put up a cardboard silhouette of a New Year tree, in which four balls have the letter: “Yo”, “L”, “K”, “A”. Then they make riddles. In the process of guessing, the upper part of the ball with the letter is removed and a ball with a picture-guess for this letter appears to everyone's attention.

presenter: He puffs like a locomotive, Brings a cart on himself. From neighbors and passers-by He can protect himself. (Children say guesses.)
Presenter: Your answer to the truth is similar - Undoubtedly, it's a hedgehog! Come, my friend, here, I will give you the Prize then!
Leading: She has a bright outfit, Like a costume for a masquerade. What a cunning cheat, He knows how to deceive deftly. (Children give their answers.) Leading: Hello from the fox For your correct answer! You need to hurry to get a wonderful prize!
Presenter: He lives in a paper house With a proud and courageous look, And when he leaves it, He will immediately take on a sweet appearance. (Children offer their answers.)
Presenter: This answer is good - I guessed a candy! Come closer to me, take your prize as soon as possible!
Leading: It's like the sun is shining, It's always juicy, Round and like a ball, Just didn't jump. (Children announce guesses.)
Leading: Here's the answer to the riddle! It's not a pity to give you a prize! You guessed the orange - I heard this whole room!


Children form 2 teams and line up. Dr. Aibolit wants to know if anyone has a fever during new year holiday and puts a large cardboard thermometer under the armpits of the first members of both teams. Fun music sounds. The second players take the thermometer from the first players and put it on themselves, then the third players take the thermometer from them and so on until the last players. Now, in the same way, the thermometer moves from the last players to the first. The team wins, the first player of which returned the thermometer to Dr. Aibolit in a short period of time.

"Christmas tree game"

In front of two players, the facilitator places a prize wrapped in bright wrapping paper on a chair and says the following text:
In the New Year's hour, friends, You can't be without attention! Do not miss the number "three" - Take the prize, do not yawn!
“The Christmas tree met the guests. Five children came first, In order not to be bored on a holiday, They began to count everything on it: Two snowflakes, six crackers, Eight gnomes and parsley, Seven gilded nuts Among twisted tinsel; We counted ten cones, And then we got tired of counting. Three girls came running ... "
If the players missed the prize, the presenter takes it and says: “Where were your ears?”; if one of the players is more attentive, then the host concludes: “Here are attentive ears!”.


(to the motive of the song "There is nothing better in the world ..." from the film "The Bremen Town Musicians")

1.Leading: Nothing in the world is better than this merry winter time! We celebrate the New Year all together And we don’t miss our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t miss our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children put their hands on each other's shoulders and go to the right in a circle; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.)
2.Leading: How beautiful everything is in the spacious hall, We don’t know a more wonderful holiday! We celebrate the New Year all together And we don’t miss our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t miss our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children put their hands on each other's shoulders and go to the left in a circle; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.)
3.Leading: Santa Claus will give us gifts, And the Snow Maiden will play games! We celebrate the New Year all together And we don’t miss our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t miss our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children form pairs with those standing nearby and, holding each other by their raised right hands, circle to the right; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.) 4. Leading: Let the white snowflakes swirl; Lschtsi let each other be strong friends! We celebrate the New Year all together And we don’t miss our Christmas tree!
Children: And we don’t miss our Christmas tree! (During the loss, the children form pairs with those standing nearby and, holding each other by their raised left hands, circle to the left; at the end of the loss, they stop and clap their hands to the beat of the music.)


Santa Claus says phrases, and the children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison, regardless of the rhyme.

You, friends, came here to have fun? ..
Tell me a secret: Were you waiting for Grandpa? ..
Frost, cold Will they be able to scare you? ..
Are you sometimes ready to dance by the Christmas tree? ..
A holiday is nonsense, Let's get bored better? ..
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them? ..
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden? ..
Let's push everyone around without difficulty? Of course...
Grandfather never melts - Do you believe in this? ..
Do you need to sing a couplet at the Christmas tree? Do you need to dance? ..

Fun around the Christmas tree, decorated with tinsel, garlands and toys - such a holiday, perhaps, will delight any child. Games and competitions will make the celebration even more interesting.

New Year's competitions for children - preschoolers

Round dance around the Christmas tree
To interest the youngest players, you need to try: kids lose interest very quickly if the activity does not catch them. In such a situation, round dances around the Christmas tree will save. it a win-win that kids of all ages love. Usually round dances are led to the song "It's cold in the winter for a little Christmas tree" or "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

The game "What are Christmas trees?"
The host (the Snow Maiden or Santa Claus can act in his role) says:
- Look how elegant our Christmas tree is: all in beautiful toys and garlands. Guys, do you know where Christmas trees grow? Of course, in the forest! Christmas trees are different: wide and thin, high and low.
Next, the facilitator should explain the rules of the game:
- Guys, stand in a circle and take each other's hands, and I will say what Christmas trees are like. If I say: "High", you should raise your hands up, and if you hear: "Low", you need to sit down and lower your hands. If I mention wide Christmas trees, you need to make the circle wider. And if I say: "Thin", you should make a circle already. Does everyone understand? One, two, three, start!

Music game
(to the motive of the song "Kind Beetle" from the fairy tale film "Cinderella")
1. Stand up, children, stand in a circle, stand in a circle, stand in a circle! Clap your hands, do not spare your hands! Jump like bunnies: jump and jump, jump and jump! Now stomp, not sparing your feet!
2. We will take our hands as soon as possible, more fun and raise our hands up, jump above all! We put our hands down, stomp with our right foot, we stomp with our left foot and turn our heads!
The game is repeated 2 more times.

Game "Dress up the Christmas tree"
Children are divided into two teams. Each has a box with Christmas decorations (preferably unbreakable). The essence of the game is that players must dress up an artificial Christmas tree, which stands at a distance from the teams. The child must take the toy from the box, run to the Christmas tree, hang the toy on it and return to his team. And so on until the last player. The team whose tree is decorated first wins.

Game "Cat and Mouse"
Three players from the team are dressed up in costumes of cats and handed to them on a stick, to which a long rope is tied. A fake mouse is attached to the opposite end of the rope. The players, accompanied by cheerful music, wind the rope around the stick, and gradually the mouse approaches. The most agile cat wins, having managed to "catch" the mouse faster than the others.

Game "Christmas chants"
The host says quatrains, and the children shout out the words of each final line in unison.

Pretty in her outfit
The kids are always happy
On the branches of her needles,
He calls everyone to a round dance ... (tree)

Eat on the Christmas tree
A funny clown in a cap
Silver horns
And with pictures ... (flags)

Beads, colored stars,
Miracle masks painted,
Squirrels, cockerels and pigs,
Very sonorous ... (crackers)

A monkey will wink from the tree,
The brown bear smiles
Hare hanging from cotton wool,
Lollipops and ... (chocolates)

old boletus,
Next to him is a snowman,
Fluffy red kitten
And a big one on top ... (bump)

There is no more colorful outfit:
colorful garland,
Gilding tinsel
And shiny ... (balls)

Bright foil flashlight
Bell and boat
Steam locomotive and machine
Snow-white ... (snowflake)

Elka knows all the surprises
And he wants everyone to have fun.
For happy kids
Light up ... (lights)

Game "Who's next?"
Skill competition. Preliminarily hang a winter jacket with turned-out sleeves on the backs of two chairs, and put a fur hat, a scarf and a pair of mittens on the seats. During the competition, players must turn the sleeves of their jackets to cheerful music, then put them on and the rest of the winter equipment (hat, scarf and mittens). The prize will be awarded to the first person to take a seat in their chair and shout "Happy New Year!"

New Year's contest "Mask, I know you!"
From all the guys you need to choose only one player. The host puts on a mask for him. Moreover, the player should not see whose mask he is wearing. The rest see what kind of hero this is. The masked player must guess who is on the mask. He asks other children questions and gets hints from them. Questions can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. The winner is given a mask as a prize.

Competition "Tinsel"
Competition-competition for two teams. As a prop, the host gives each child a tinsel. New Year's song sounds, for example Jingle Bells. To the music in each team, the first participant ties his tinsel in a knot on the hand of the second participant, then the second - on the hand of the third, and so on. The last player runs to the first and ties a tinsel to him - it turns out a circle. The winner is the team whose members completed the task before the rivals and raised their hands with tied tinsel.

The game "Doctor Aibolit"
Again team game. This time the players line up. Dr. Aibolit wants to know: did anyone have a fever during the New Year holiday? fairy tale hero puts a large cardboard thermometer under the armpits of the first participants of both teams. At this time, cheerful music sounds. The second players must take the thermometer and put it on themselves, then the third players take the thermometer from them and so on until the last child in the line. In the same way, the thermometer moves in reverse order: from the last players to the first. The team wins, the first player of which returns the thermometer to Dr. Aibolit faster.

Competition "Christmas tree toy"
In front of two players, the facilitator places a prize wrapped in bright wrapping paper on a chair and says the following text:
"In the New Year's hour, friends,
You can't ignore it!
Don't skip the number three
Take the prize, do not yawn!

The Christmas tree welcomed the guests.
Five children came first
In order not to be bored on a holiday,
Everyone began to count on it:
Two snowflakes, six crackers,
Eight gnomes and parsley,
Seven gilded nuts
Among twisted tinsel,
Ten cones counted
And then they got tired of counting.
Three girls came running ... "
If the players missed the prize, the presenter takes it and says: “Where were your ears?” In the event that one of the players turns out to be attentive, the host concludes: “Here are attentive ears!”

The game "Christmas shifters"
Santa Claus says phrases, and the children must answer “yes” or “no” in unison, regardless of the rhyme.

Did you guys come here to have fun?
Tell me a secret: were you waiting for Grandpa?
Frost, cold will be able to scare you?
Are you sometimes ready to dance by the Christmas tree?
A holiday is nonsense, will we get bored better?
Santa Claus brought sweets, will you eat them?
Are you always ready to play with the Snow Maiden?
Shall we push everyone around without difficulty?
Grandfather never melts. Do you believe in this?
Do you need to sing a couplet in a round dance near the Christmas tree?

Competition "Laugh Nesmeyanu"
For the competition, you must prepare the details in advance: funny masks, false noses, ears.
Princess Nesmeyana knows where the Snow Maiden is hidden, but she cannot reveal the secret to the children, as she constantly cries. The task of the contestants is to make her laugh with cheerful movements and dances. To complement the bright image, the guys can use funny props.

Competition "New Year's costume"
For this competition you will need props: paper (large enough - at least A4), tape, pins, scissors and glue.
For a certain time (say, 10 minutes) you need to come up with and make a New Year's costume. The task is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to have time not only to make an outfit, but also to present it to the public, to tell what exactly it means and what it serves for (for example, this is an evening outfit or a fancy dress). The jury evaluates the result with applause. The team that earns the loudest and longest standing ovation wins.

On sheets of paper you need to write comic New Year's tasks, put notes in balloons, and then inflate them. Each participant should be given a ball with a task. It must be burst without the help of hands. When the participant copes with this, he will need to complete the written task (for example, sing a song, dance the dance of the little swans, etc.). Whoever makes it the most funny wins.

Competition "New Year's chain"
For this competition, A4 sheets, glue stick and scissors should be prepared. Two teams must take part. For a certain time (5-7 minutes), participants must cut strips (3 cm wide and 12 cm long), and then connect them into a New Year's chain. The team that makes the longest chain wins.

1. Remember that children switch their attention very quickly. Therefore, contests should not be made too long.
2. It is not necessary to hold several competitions at once. Dilute them with a dance program or concert numbers.
3. Be sure to reward and encourage the winners.

The most fabulous holiday of the year is just around the corner, which means it's time to think about entertainment: games and competitions for children and adults. Perhaps, New Year- the most family holiday, when all family members get together to share the joys of the outgoing year, remember what good happened to them and dream about what will happen in the coming year.

Of course, the menu and New Year's table setting are very important points, but if you plan a fun new year, then you can't do without entertainment! We have prepared for you the 20 best New Year's games that will appeal not only to children, but also to adults.

#1 Guess how many

For this competition, you will have to prepare in advance. You will need a container inside of which a number of identical items will be placed (for example, a basket of tangerines). The container should be in the most visible place so that each of the guests can carefully examine and evaluate it. The task of each guest is to guess how many items are in the container. You will also need to prepare a box where each of the guests will throw a piece of paper with their guess and signature. The winner is the one who indicated the number closest to the result.

#2 Memories

The game is suitable for children from 6 years old. You will need 10 to 20 various items. All participants are called to the table on which the objects are laid out, and for one minute they carefully study them. You can only study with your eyes. Then the objects are covered with a towel, and the participants are given a piece of paper and a pen each. The task of each player is to write as many items as possible from those that were on the table.

#3 Sticker Stalker

The game is suitable for big company. At the beginning of the holiday, each participant in the event is given 10 sticker tags, which he must stick to other guests throughout the evening. The main condition: the one to whom you are going to stick the tag should not suspect anything. If you are unlucky and the victim discovers your plans, then you become a victim, and the one who caught you can openly stick one of his tags on you! The winner is the one who gets rid of the tags issued at the beginning of the holiday before the rest.

#4 Hot potato with camera

Suitable for a large company. All guests must gather in one place. To the music, everyone passes a camera to their neighbor. The moment the music stops, the person holding the camera must take a funny selfie and exit the game. The one whose camera it is wins, because now you have a whole bunch of funny photos of friends!

#5 Get your hat off

Ideal for big companies. The essence of the game is that each guest must have a hat. It is better to prepare in advance and buy (make) paper caps for each guest. The essence of the game is that at the beginning of the evening everyone puts on their caps together. The party hat must be removed, but this must not be done before the host (party host) removes the hat. You take off your hat somewhere in the middle of the evening. Attentive guests will notice, but the one who is busy telling his interesting last year's stories is likely to become a loser, because he will be the last one to take off his hat, if he takes off at all!

#6 Who am I?

Great game for the whole family. Each player is given cards with the names of celebrities, fairy-tale characters, writers or other people known in your environment. Each participant cannot read his own card, but must stick it on his forehead. When asking leading questions to a neighbor, to which he can only answer “Yes” or “No”, you need to determine who you are according to the inscription on the card.

#7 Explain to me

Game for everyone age groups. You will have to prepare in advance. You will need a few with simple words and a stopwatch. Participants should be divided into pairs. Each pair is given a piece of paper with words. One person from the pair reads the words and tries to explain them to his partner without using the name of this word and cognates. For everything about everything, each team has a minute. The winner is the one who can explain the most words in a minute.

#8 Broken phone, pictures only

Suitable for all age groups. You will need several participants (at least 5-7 people). Each is given a piece of paper and a pen. On command, each participant writes a proposal on their piece of paper. Anything that comes to his mind. When the sentences are written, the sheet is given to the neighbor on the left. Now you have a sheet of paper on which your neighbor's proposal is written. Your task is to illustrate this sentence. When everything is ready, you wrap up the offer so that the neighbor on the left gets a piece of paper with only your drawing. Now the task is to describe in words what you see in the picture. This is repeated until the sheet with your first sentence returns to you. At the end, you will have an equal number of player sheets with mind-blowing stories in pictures and descriptions! It's funny to read what was in the first sentence and how the development of thought went!

#9 Crocodile

Of course, you should not ignore the game "Crocodile". For those who do not know or do not remember the rules: the essence of the game is that one person explains to the others the word he has guessed with the help of gestures. It will be symbolic to only think of words related to the New Year theme. In addition, if only people who are well acquainted with each other will be present at the holiday, you can make whole life situations which are well known to all participants of the event. For example, if you are celebrating the New Year with work colleagues, it is quite logical to think of some significant event for you, say, the celebration of last year's corporate party, when Irina Petrovna perfectly danced a striptease.

#10 Guess the word

Another one exciting game for New Year's Eve, in which all guests will be able to participate. The essence of the game is that guests need to guess the word or name only by consonants. You will have to prepare in advance by choosing a topic and preparing several options for words.

Theme: Christmas movies

Quests: krnvlnnch (carnival night); rnsdb (irony of fate); mrzk (Morozko); lklhmt (shaggy trees); dndm (home alone), etc.

#11 Draw what I described

The game is suitable for both children and adults. Players need to split into pairs. A pair of players sit with their backs to each other. One player from a pair is invited to pull one thing out of an opaque bag. After that, his task is to explain to his partner as clearly as possible what he is holding in his hands. At the same time, one cannot name a thing, just as one cannot use words with the same root.

#12 Truth and lies

Another one new year game which can be played by both adults and children. So, one of the players tells two truths about himself and one lie. The task of everyone else is to guess which of the words is a lie. The turn goes to the one who guessed the lie first.

#13 Things that…

Suitable for a large company. All participants are invited to write on a piece of paper some things that make them feel or do something. For example, things that make me smile / happy / sad, etc. After everyone has written an answer, the papers are collected and the answers are read aloud. Now the task of each player is to guess whose answer was read out.

#14 Snowflake racing

If a large number of children are expected at the New Year's party, then you should pay attention to outdoor games. Divide the guys into teams, each team is given a large paper snowflake. The essence of the game is to bring a snowflake on your head to a certain place, and then transfer it to another participant. The team that completes the task faster wins. When a snowflake lies on your head, you cannot touch it with your hands.

#15 Cookies on the face

A great game not only for children but also for adults. You will need cookies, so be prepared ahead of time. A cookie is placed on each participant's forehead. The task is to move the cookie into the mouth without hands.

#16 New Year fishing

Highly entertaining game for participants of all ages. You will need Christmas candy sticks. One lollipop is tied to a stick, and the rest are placed on the table so that the curved part extends beyond the table. The task of the participants with a lollipop that is tied to a stick is to collect the rest of the lollipops without the help of hands. Participants hold a stick with a lollipop in their teeth.

#17 Snowball fight

Perfect entertainment for the whole family. You will need ping pong or tennis balls, plastic cups, paper straws and a long table. Plastic cups are glued to one of the edges of the table (on adhesive tape). At the other end are the players, whose task is to roll the balls into plastic cups. Only air can be used! Players blow through paper tubes onto balloons, trying to point them in the right direction. If the ball falls, you have to start over. The one who does it faster wins.

#18 New Year balance

Another active team game. Participants must be divided into teams of two. You will need a cardboard cylinder and a long stick or ruler. The cardboard cylinder is placed vertically on the table, a ruler is placed on top. The task of each team is to place as many Christmas balls on the line as possible so as not to disturb the balance. You will have to work harmoniously, because if you hang the ball on only one side, the balance will be disturbed!

#19 Unpack the gift

You can entertain guests at the New Year's party with another entertaining contest: who will unpack the gift faster. You will have to prepare a well-wrapped gift and ski gloves in advance. The task of the participants in ski gloves is to open the gift. The smaller the box, the merrier!

#20 Find the word

Another game that kids will love. Cards with letters must be prepared in advance, and participants from these cards must make as many words as possible. You can write, for example, 10-12 words of the New Year theme, and then cut the words into letters, mix them up and the contest is ready. Alternatively, you can simply write words on a piece of paper by shuffling the letters, and the participants must guess what the word is (for example, nikwegos - snowman).

In general, there are countless ideas for New Year's contests and games. You can use our selection, or you can turn on your imagination and give yourself and your guests an unforgettable evening!

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