Interesting mods for arma 3

Installation: Place the "@MOD" folder from the archive into the game folder. Launch the game with the parameter [email protected] To do this, in the properties of the shortcut in the line "Object" you need to add the parameter [email protected] Example: C:\Games\ArmA3\arma3.exe [email protected] Usage: Press "M" while playing...

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for Arma 3

This mod adds the Russian Federation to Arma III. -Units -Technique -Weapons -And much more There are such types of troops as the Air Force, Airborne Forces, GRU and many more. Installation; Move the @RHSAFRF file to your game/Addons folder...

DayZA3 Server/Client for Arma 3

DayZA3 Server, Arma 3 port client of the DayZ project. Created by The Zoombies Development Team and the Community What is required to play DayZ mod on ArmA 3: 1) Installed games ArmA 2 (not licensed), ArmA 2 OA + beta patch (not licensed), ...

Aircraft Su35С/SU 35s for Arma 3

Aurors: John_Spartan & Saul From myself: A very high-quality aircraft, firstly very fast (you can turn on and off the afterburner), secondly maneuverable (changing the thrust vector of the engines), in my opinion the only drawback is a small ammunition. Installation: Throw the @JS_JC_SU35 folder into the root of your arma...

Hi,A3 Project (Hours in ArmA 3) FT-2: Fight For The Territory for Arma 3

Archive with four hashes of multiplayer missions from the developers of the Hi,A3 Project ( detailed information can be found on the off site -

Breaking Point for Arma 3

Business trip to Donbass for Arma 3

Single campaign "Business trip to Donbass" for ARMA 3 by Lex90. year 2014. Russia. Armed Forces Scout Russian Federation tells a journalist in an interview about his first trip to Ukraine. About his fights for the side of the Militia, as well as ...

Digital Deluxe Content for Arma 3

Digital Deluxe Edition bonuses: Digital Soundtrack Digital Map of Altis and Stratis Islands* Digital Tactical Manual* *Available in English

Unnamed Terrain - Ukraine for Arma 3

Installation: 1. Unzip the archive 2. Place the contents of the archive in the root folder with the game. 3. In the shortcut on the desktop in the properties, the object: [email protected] title

United States Armed Forces for Arma 3

This mod adds America to Arma III. -Units -Equipment (Hummers, UH60 helicopters) -Weapons -And much more There are such types of troops as Forest, Desert Marines and many others. Installation; Move the @RHSUSAF file to your game/Addons folder...

MCC Sandbox 4 for Arma 3

This is one of the most powerful tools for Arma. With it, you can do missions, create objects, and whatever your heart desires. This mod is a must for all arma players! There are modes: -Zeus -VAS -Creation of cars -Creation of units -Convoys -Call support -Call ammunition -Etc For users with a licensed copy of the game (you can not...

Mod dfs_3rdperson_a3_v2.0 for Arma 3

Mod changes the position of the camera from a third person. Installation: Spoiler drop the dfs_3rdperson_v2.00.pbo file into the addons folder, and the userconfig folder into the root directory of the game. Screenshots: Spoiler

Soviet Troops in Afghanistan Mod for Arma 3

The mod adds Soviet airborne troops, motorized rifles, tank troops, artillery and aviation units (in two versions: winter and summer). Features: Soviet ‘Afghanka’ summer and winter variations. Soviet booniehats "Panamka" in 3 basic versions: regular, "rolled up" and under the helmet versions (in several shades, with...

So what is this mod? In fact, this is a global battle of 36 players on a small map of the third arma. At the very beginning, you are thrown out of the plane, and you have to choose where to fly and why. Many beginners fly into the thick of things and, as a rule, die, a more literate layman will dump somewhere far away, find a settlement or a military base, stock up on weapons and go hunting.

In this mod, guns, as a rule, lie in many buildings, but nothing useful will be waiting for you in cars, so first of all, carefully inspect the houses.
After you find the weapon, the hunting time will come, and you will have to look for opponents and kill them. How to find an ordinary person on a map of 20 square kilometers? And everything is simple, after some time a huge blue circle will be circled around the map, and you will be given time to enter it. The circle can appear absolutely anywhere, and if you are not in it, then it is advisable to already have a car nearby, otherwise it is not a fact that you will have time to fly into it. If you do not enter the circle, then your health will gradually decrease until your death. By the way, if you are in the car at that moment, damage will also pass through it until it explodes.
The rescue zone is gradually but surely decreasing, down to a circle of diameters of 100-150 meters. And the funny thing is that if by some miracle you live to see this, then it is far from a fact that you will be able to see the enemy right away, everyone will lie in the bushes and wait for the enemy.

in fashion Arma 3 Battle Royale there are some other features and chips. One of the main unexpected problems that can overtake you is aerial bombardment. The bombardment zone is visible on the GPS, which can be turned on with the keyboard shortcut Right Ctrl + M. It is bright red, and if you see that it starts unexpectedly, then either run away from the zone or hide in the house and pray.

There is also such a nice little thing as an airplane that can throw off a box with provisions, guns, uniforms. But then at the same time he will throw off a series of bombs. If you see such a box, then you can try to run to it, but remember, you are not the only one who wants to take it.
In general, it turned out really atmospheric mod, and when I lived to the final, my hands were really shaking, and my heart was just bursting out of my chest.

How to install mod?

You will need a license Arma 3 .
- Download and install the play.withSIX client program.
- Follow the link -.
- Download the mod from the page (click on the green link and the program will open, the download will begin)
- We start the game.
- We drive in the server filter in the item "battleroyale" task.

To make it clearer what and how, you can watch the video:

Welcome, dear Reader.
Make yourself comfortable, get hot tea and stock up on delicious treats. The guide promises to be great, because I will try to tell as much as possible about the game.
Enjoy reading!

P.S. Carefully! Lots of bukoff!
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The guide is constantly updated with new information, in fact, it is still being written!
Did you notice a bug? Did you find an asshole? Found an inaccuracy? Write, I will be glad to help!
Got a question? Write, with pleasure I will help and I will prompt!

A long time ago. . .

Heir to the ArmA series and successor to the good traditions of OFP (note OFP - Operation Flashpoint). Someone says that Arma 3 is a step forward, someone will say that it is a step back. As they say: "How many people, so many opinions". In any case, it is not for us to choose what kind of game will be, and we cannot somehow influence the developers. We start with what we have!

A long time ago when Arma 3 was still in Alpha, the developers stated that: "Arma 3 is just a skeleton, and modders will develop it". And so it went, Arma after the release was very empty. (The developer added very few weapons and equipment, at least compared to 2 Arma) Were added: 1 tank, 1 infantry fighting vehicle, 1 car and 1 truck for each of the 3 sides, exactly the same situation with small arms.
And so, the years go by, and modders create arma themselves, with a little help from the developer.
Even a competition was created with prize fund,
But it wasn’t there, a game following the example of games from EA (note EA - Electronic Arts) drank on DLC (note DLC - paid add-on). If in Arma 2 DLC is a whole faction with its own equipment, weapons, then Arma 3 DLC is 2 new helicopters and 1 retexture of the old one. Well, you got it)

It's a shame, especially given the cost of the game!

Myths about ArmA 3.

For such a long time, some myths about 3 Arma have arisen in the player community. It's time to destroy them! Let's get started:

  • Myth 1.
    "Arma 3 is a military simulation"
    Arma 3 is NOT a simulator! Yes, simulation elements are present, the same RotorLib .
    (note RotorLib is a sophisticated helicopter flight system, it is taken from last game Bohemia Interactive Studio - Take On Helicopters).
    But the game is not a simulator. Genre ArmA 3 can be defined as: "Serious Tactical Shooter"
    As well as:
    + Sandbox.
    I think you have heard of projects like Altis Life. So, this mode is a sandbox. And it is built on Armov's scripts, and any other survival - game mode is made using scripts.
    (note Altis Life - This is a server mod for the game that turns a tactical shooter into Role Play. The player takes on a certain role and plays it. And war is replaced by peaceful life)
    + Open world.
    I think it doesn't need an explanation. In theory, there are no restrictions on movement. (900 square kilometers can be considered a limitation?!)
  • Myth 2.
    "Arma 3 is a hard game"
    Nothing, the game is not harder Dark Souls newbie :D
    In fact, there is nothing complicated. It takes time to get used to. And yes, Arma is not a slasher. Get ready to wipe a centimeter of dust from the far ends of the keyboard, it will take a lot of buttons!
  • Myth 3.
    "Arma 3 is better optimized than Arma 2"
    In my opinion, nothing has changed. That's just on modern computers Arma 2 gives out more FPS, unlike Arma 3. Yes, and BIS have not learned how to optimize games, write network codes and use all the capabilities of a video card, processor.
    (note BIS - Bohemia Interactive Studio, creator and owner of the entire Arma and Flashpoint series)
  • Myth 4.
    "Arma 3 is full of bugs"
    Yes, partly true. Arma is rich in bugs, but this is a different matter. BIS-s are lazy people (Who played / plays DayZ - knows) They are in no hurry to fix bugs, but as soon as they take up the fix, they spoil everything. There was one case, somewhere in the month of August 2014, when the BIS decided to fix the network code, the result was disastrous. Players received a permanent desynchronization (Server - player) of 10000. After that, the developers urgently transferred everyone to old version games. Yes, this is how we live!
  • Myth 5.
    "Arma can be bought cheaper?"
    It's not a myth, but still!
    The information is current at the time of writing the manual!
    Now the minimum price of the game in online stores is around 1400 rubles.
    Before the game could be bought for 400-500 rubles. This was due to the fact that Buka (Does Buki have it?) there were rights to produce disk licenses, which were sold for 400-500 rubles.
    But by now there are no such discs left, so all the offers "Buy arma for 100 rubles. 500 rubles. - FAKE!"

A few tips.


PvE missions

One of the most popular missions. Types of such missions a little more than dope lots of. But the most famous: Invade & Annex - Annex Done Right,
Domination, etc.
The gist is this: the task is to capture the point indicated on the map. They (Points) are placed in predetermined positions, but in a random way.
Bots are waiting at the point with bread and salt. Often in large numbers, with equipment and aviation. After the destruction of all bots, undermining the radar (Just a tower on a point) or capturing the n-th number of bunkers, the mission is considered completed and the next point appears.
Sometimes the server is supplemented with a variety of side missions. The description of the missions in the game can be found as follows: press M / Tasks.
On the basis of the choice of equipment is extensive. On such missions, there is a 3rd person, and there is a box (Ammobox) in which you can collect equipment. It is very easy to find it by distinctive external signs: a crowd of people around in clown outfits, heaps of garbage on the floor, etc.
And yes, don't underestimate Armov's bots. Although they are stupid to eerily, they have the abilities of Vanga's grandmother, as well as extraordinary accuracy. Bots can hit a squirrel in the eye with a pistol at a distance of more than 2 km. So be careful!
The main disadvantages of such servers:
- Lack of team interaction
- General chat in which people with creepy microphones and creepy voices (Children aged 14 -15) try to pass information to someone
- Frequent lags, such missions are overloaded with scripts and often lag.

PvP (PvP) missions.

The war of people against the same people. No bots, only team play.
They are divided into 2 types:

  • Permanent PvP servers. Infinite number of lives, there is an ammobox, but no command. A task is set for both teams, and they are already at war with each other. Very similar to missions from Battlefield or CS. Here is my video example:
  • Temporary servers are launched at the time of the games. That is, the gathering time is announced in advance, by this time the players (both singles and squads) are going to the TS. (note TS - TeamSpeak, a program for communicating between players). Allows you to use a walkie-talkie (More on that later). Then there is a division into teams, the choice of the COP (note COP - the commander of the side). Then the CS conducts a briefing for his side, sets goals for the KO (note KO - squad leader), and they, in turn, bring the goal to their squad. Then start the server, the game begins. Here is my video example:

PvPvE or PvEvP.

A mixture of two types of missions, the essence is the same as on the PvE server, only there are 2 teams of players. These missions are very good, because. combine both the advantages of PvP and the advantages of PvE.

Wasteland. Breaking point.

Typical survival-survival. You need to drink, you need to eat, you need to look for a firearm.
Breaking Point has zombies. In general, this mode is copied from the good old DayZ moda from Arma 2. Even the atmosphere is similar. For the game you need a launcher, here's off. website:

Altis Life and others like it.

Altis Life - an attempt to make something similar to the Sims out of Arma, only from 1 person. On such servers, they require you to respect the role that you take on. You can pick peaches, dig coal and cook meth. Such servers are famous for the large number of players and large lags.


Addons are one of the main topics in Armagh. Most of the atmosphere and gameplay is created by various add-ons. Their main source over centuries is the site
It is there that all the riches of this arma world are hidden.
"How to install the addon?" you ask, but here's how:

  • Download the addon we need.
  • We throw it in the arma directory. (Not an archive, but a folder with an addon. The name of such folders must begin with the @ symbol and be written in Latin letters) Example: @RHS
  • Let's start Arma.
  • Go to settings\extensions, there put a tick in front of the desired addon. Arma will ask you to restart, let her do it.
  • Profit, the game will start with the addon!

The Steam Workshop also has add-ons, but this is only a small part of them.
The most famous and popular addons.

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