Kal of Duty 2 is not creating a server. Do good and throw it into the water. Create a new user account

To the question of how to create a Call of Duty2 server given by the author Eurovision the best answer is CREATING A CALL OF DUTY 2 SERVER
All the information that I post here is based on personal experience and my system settings. I ask you to take this into account and do not continue to pester with questions like - "Why doesn't I have this or that on the server?". All information was collected in parts from different sources. I still don’t know all the server settings, but I’ll give what I know below.
There are two ways to start the server
1. Through the game
2. Through the launch of the config file It should be noted that the way to launch the server through the game is simple and does not require any skills or knowledge. This is his main advantage. There are a lot of disadvantages of such a server, and we will talk about them in the section "Launching the server through the game" But in this process I will try to help you. Unlike the first method, there are some pluses here. Here are numerous weapon settings and connecting various mods and the ability to administer the server. Administration will have to be discussed separately, because this is already the use of auxiliary programs.
Starting the server through the game
1. Launch the game, select Multiplayer or immediately start from the Multiplayer icon on the desktop.
2. Choose New server(Create server) and select the desired game settings. In the right window, select the map on which we will play (I read in many sources that maps should change after the end of time, but my map simply rebooted.)
3. Click Start server and wait for someone to connect.
4. Notes: Dedicated Internet = the game is launched without graphics, for access from the Internet + local, you can join it by running another Network game on the same computer and typing connect:your ip-address in the console. Dedicated Local Area (LAN) = game running without graphics, only accessible from local network, you can join in the same way. No (Listen) = the game starts with a graphical shell, you can immediately play and wait for other players to connect (only in this case your zero ping will be great to annoy the rest).
What is good about this way of starting the server. Plus - fast, minimum knowledge. Minus - most of the settings are not available, the server is one-day.
Starting the server through the config file
1. Create a COD2 server config file (I will describe how to create it below)
2. Name it, for example, my_config.cfg (in my case it is called CICLOP) and place it in the "main" folder in the directory where the game is installed
3. We take the shortcut COD2 "Network game (Multiplayer)" from the desktop. Right click on it and say "Copy".
4. After that, right-click on an empty spot on the desktop and say "Paste". We got "copy labelMultiplayer game (Multiplayer)"
5. Now, in order not to get confused, we rename the copy of the shortcut, for example, to My Server
6. By clicking the right mouse button, open the "Properties" of the shortcut. In the column "Object" we see a line like "C: Program Files1CActivisionCall of Duty 2CoD2MP_s.exe" (This is if the game is from 1C and is installed in the default directory)
Change it to: "C:Program Files1СActivisionCall of Duty 2CoD2MP_s.exe" +set fs_game main +set dedicated 0 +set sv_pure 0 +exec my_config.cfg +set net_ip +set net_port 28960 +map_rotate"
Where: +set fs_game main - folder to access
+set dedicated 1 - 1=dedicated local, 2 = dedicated internet+local,
0 = Listen-game server
+exec my_config.cfg - run my own config file for the server
+set net_ip - address of my server in LAN
+set net_port 28960 - port (the default is the same - you can not write, you can give the address 28961, 28962, etc. to each next server on the same computer)
+set sv_pure 0 - checking files for modifications is disabled (mods may conflict with the pure server)
+map_rotate - start continuous rotation of maps.
7. Click "Save", "Close"
8. Run this shortcut.
The server console window pops up in which the lines h

December 13th, 2009

Call of Duty 2- computer game in the first-person shooter genre, the second game in Call Series of duty. It was developed by Infinity Ward, in collaboration with Pi Studios, and released by Activision on October 25, 2005 for PC and November 22, 2005 for Xbox 360. The game's plot is based on the events of World War II and consists of three campaigns, where the player is given the opportunity to be a soldier of the Soviet, British and American armies. In Russia, the game is published by 1C.

Call of Duty 2 has become very popular game during the launch of the Xbox 360, selling over 250,000 copies in its first week. (wiki)

1. Introduction.

This guide describes how to install Call Of Duty 2 Dedicated Server (CoD2DS) on Linux.

This guide is for CoD2 server administrators who have never installed a CoD2 server before.

You can survive this tutorial without any fundamental Linux knowledge. However, it is assumed that you have some basic knowledge of Linux.

At the time of writing, latest version Linux server binaries was 1.0a.

You can find the latest version of this document at callofduty2.infinity-shell.net .

2. Opening ports in your firewall.

Before you start installing CoD2DS, it is recommended to open the correct ports in the firewall. This can save you some time when you feel like something isn't working. CoD2DS uses the default port 28960 (udp).

If your server is behind a router (NAT), then you need to forward the port (Port Forwating) to the machine running CoD2DS. RTFM how to do it.

In order to open these ports, you will need to refer to your distribution's firewall instructions. Most Linux distributions use IPTables. You can see if IPTables is active on your machine by typing (as root):
# iptables -V

If you're getting an error (or command not found, or something similar), IPTables is probably not configured on your machine. It is likely that you will need to recompile the kernel with firewall support (IPTables) if you want to use it on your system. See your distribution's documentation if you want to enable firewall support. If your firewall is not available at the moment, it means that all ports are open. This may be a security issue, but you can still proceed with installing the CoD2 server. You can skip the rest of this chapter and continue with " Creation of a new account user".

Here is an example of a very simple IPTables script to work with a CoD2 server:
#! /bin/bash
$MyIP = ""
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -d $MyIP --dport 28960 -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT

You can add these lines to the current firewall boot script or create a new file that will be executed on system boot. To make sure your firewall rules are loaded write (as root):
# iptables -L

This will display the currently loaded firewall rules. If there are rules for CoD2, you can skip to the next chapter.

3. Create a new user account.

Once we have verified that the correct ports are open in the firewall, we can proceed by creating a new user account. More often than not, you don't want services that run as administrator. Since CoD2DS does not require superuser privileges to run, we will create a regular user account. We will be using the newly created user account for (mostly) the actions described in this guide.

# useradd code2server
# passwd code2server

Don't forget the password for the newly created account!

Now we have a regular user account, and we will use it for further actions.

Log in to a new account(which the fuck just got done).

4. Installing Call of Duty 2 dedicated server.

Now that we have finished the preparations, we can proceed directly to the installation. First, you need to download the server binary. There are several places where you can download binaries. Just google.

When finished with the script, your config will be generated. Create a file " dedicated.cfg"and paste the config generated on the site into it. Upload the finished config to the server in the folder with the game " main".

Now we are almost done. The next step will be about starting the server.

6. Starting the server.

If everything is in place, we can start the server. Go to the root of the installed directory with your Call of Duty 2 (if everything was done according to this manual, it will be /home/cod2server/cod2).

Your start line (in the console) will look something like this:
$ cd ~/cod2
$ ./cod2_lnxded +set +exec dedicated.cfg

There are many optional parameters here that can be added to the start line. Here's an example:

  • +set net_ip [your ip] - used if there are several IPs on your server
  • +set net_port [your port]- used if you want to use a non-standard port
  • +set dedicated - set the value to "2" to reach the master servers
  • +set fs_homepath - set home directory (/home/cod2server/cod2)
  • +set fs_basepath
  • +set fs_userpath
  • +set fs_outputpath

    Probably the first one should be suitable for your server. If you have multiple ips, your start line will look something like this:
    ./cod2_lnxded +set net_ip +set dedicated 2 +exec dedicated.cfg

    If you want the server to run in the background, you can redirect all processes on the server to /dev/null. This will allow the server to remain running when you close your SSH client.
    ./cod2_lnxded +set net_ip +set dedicated 2 +exec dedicated.cfg >/dev/null 2>&1 &

    7. Troubleshooting.

    Does not work? Is there something you don't understand? Don't worry! There are many server admins who can help you. A good place asking for help is
  • Description:
    Not only shooter fans were waiting for the release of the game based on the Second World War, but the rest of the world, which is not indifferent to dynamic shooters. The game will take you to the battlefield, where the Nazi troops will fight against the British, American and Russian troops. The game has 3 campaigns, in each of which you start as a simple, ordinary soldier. You have to visit the most famous corners of the planet, from Moscow to Berlin. So grab your PPSh, Thompson, or whatever weapon of your choice and take back the lands that belong to your people!

    Gameplay network game:

    The first way is how to play Call of Duty 2 through Garena.

    1) Download the game via torrent:

    2) You will be asked to enter the key during installation, so find the key.txt file in the folder with the downloaded game, or download the file below:

    3) You will play through Garena, so download it:

    install and run. After that, go to where there are more people, click on SETTINGS and specify the path to CoD2_mp.exe

    4) Press START and get into the game. Create a new user, change the nickname in the network game settings.


    The second way is how to play Call of Duty 2 on the Internet through a pirate.

    Do what you did above up to point 3.

    1) You need to update the game to version 1.3:

    2) Need to install full list hacked servers:

    3) Click on ENTER THE GAME, when you see the SOURCE field, select SELECTED SERVERS, and after FAST UPDATE.

    That's all. Enjoy the game. Thanks for the patches friendly-games.ru

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