Stalker mod artifacts. Mod "N-Artefacts v2.8" for the game Stalker Call of Pripyat

The author is not me!
I started doing this mod for clear sky, but after the release of Call of Pripyat, the work was naturally interrupted, and it so happened that on New Year's Eve I can offer you an alpha version of the mod.

The main idea of ​​the mod is to hunt for Artifacts, which are scattered by emissions across all locations. Now not only GG can find and pick up artifacts, but also all NPCs who have a detector. This mod- an attempt to make the Stalker at least a little more like "the same Stalker", which, however, of course, everyone has their own.

The mod was mainly conceived for freeplay and will probably make some quests impossible.

Most Stalkers walk alone (*)
- After emissions, artifacts spawn outside anomalies, in random places
- Artifacts and their number vary depending on the location, the most valuable artifacts are in Pripyat
- Some already sleepy artifacts are irretrievably carried away by the next ejection
- Artifacts "Moonlight", "Flash", "Bengal fire" as well as "Compass" and "Heart of the Oasis" are shown by the detector only in the dead of night
- Artifacts also spawn in those locations where the GG is not currently located
- Chance of artifacts to spawn in anomalies has been greatly reduced
- Added scheme for searching and picking up artifacts by NPCs
All NPCs who have a detector now walk around with a detector and hide it during combat
- After the death of an NPC, all artifacts picked up by him remain in his inventory and can be taken by other NPCs
- Added a scheme of robbery and trade in bandits with GG:
Bandits can sell the GG swag they found for cheap, or they can rob
- The stronger the group of bandits, the greater the chance of being killed and robbed
- The bandits are unceremonious and in case of any danger or disobedience they can open fire
- Added batteries for flashlight and night vision device:
- Both devices operate from the same battery, so when you turn on both devices at the same time, the battery is used up faster
- Added experimental scheme to dodge headshot "a:
- NPCs get offended when the GG aims at their head and try to dodge the weapon pointed at them
- Wounded enemies can be healed with first aid kits
- Increased alife distance
- Increased the radius in which NPCs react to monsters
- Reduced pause between bursts and increased the number of shots in one burst
- Slightly changed the relationship of factions to each other

Fixed bugs and shortcomings original game:
- Removed an additional restriction on the vigilance of NPCs, due to which NPCs did not start to fight with enemies that were more than 30 meters away from them
- Animation of searching dead NPCs has been replaced with a more appropriate one
- Killed NPCs do not disappear longer
- Artifact Compass can now be manifested using the "Svarog" detector

(*) new game it is not necessary to start, but if this is not done, then the already existing groups of Stalkers will not start walking alone until they are replaced by new ones

Known bugs
Batteries don't have a model yet, so if you drop a battery from your inventory on the ground, a PDA will appear.

1. Delete the folder "gamedata" in the root directory of the game
2. Extract the contents of the mod archive to the root directory of the game

Recently, rumors have been circulating around the Zone about three amazing and previously unseen artifacts. They say that one stalker discovered unusual meat near the Carousel anomaly, even the smallest piece of which can fill you up. Another said that he found two protective artifacts that, when put together, reliably protect its owner from all types of physical impact.

Let's tell you a little secret: these artifacts can really be found in the Zone with the help of our new modification. In the "Autopsy" before last, we made essential items for our stalker (we strongly recommend that you re-read that article - it will be easier for you to navigate the current one). Now it's time for the artifacts.


All artifacts are described in the file artefacts.ltx, which is located in the directory \config\misc(archive gamedata.db0). Since we have already extracted all the contents of this archive (in <Каталог игры>\temp) by using STALKER Data Unpacker(located on our DVD in the "Igrostroy" section), look for artefacts.ltx in the same folder as items.ltx - <Каталог игры>\temp\config\misc(we talked in detail about what this file is in the last autopsy of Stalker).

Edit the "artifact" file as items.ltx, you can in Notepad. After the comment "Artifacts for the "Mosquito Baldness" anomaly", the main sections of the file begin, corresponding to individual artifacts. Two adjacent blocks are dedicated to each miracle item: while the second is called exactly the same as the first, only the combination is added to the end of the name _absorption(for example: af_medusa and af_medusa_absorption).

Since some of the artifacts are related in their passage (they are located near the same types of anomalies), they can be conditionally combined into one category (three artifacts in each). This is clearly indicated by the comments, followed by sections related to the artifacts of the specified group.

Let's study the settings of the first two blocks:

inv_name- the name of the artifact.

description- description. The values ​​of this and the previous indicators are set by analogy with the parameters of the same name from the file items.ltx, only in this case the link goes to the block from the file string_table_enc_zone.xml. Thus, to determine the real name of the artifact, look at that section of this xml-file whose name matches the value of the attribute inv_name- the name of the artifact;

inv_weight- the weight of the artifact;

cost- price;

lights_enabled- light effect around the artifact ( true- is present false- missing);

trail_light_color- the color of light emitted by an object. Specified by the RGB system (red, green, blue);

trail_light_range- the distance over which the light from the artifact propagates.

The following five settings determine the speed of various processes in the hero's body after the activation of the artifact. With a value of 0, there is no effect, with negative values, the effect will be just the opposite.

health_restore_speed- health recovery;

radiation_restore_speed- removal of radiation from the body. A negative value in this case eliminates radiation (the lower the value, the faster the stalker will recover);

satiety_restore_speed- saturation;

power_restore_speed- restoration of strength (energy);

bleeding_restore_speed- stop bleeding.

Second of two blocks, with postfix _absorption, consists of nine similar characteristics. Each of them determines the degree of protection that the artifact gives from one or another type of physical impact. Keep in mind that the higher the number, the weaker the immune system. Default value is 100% - 1.0 . Numbers below one provide additional protection, and above one - on the contrary, vulnerability.

burn_immunity- burn;

strike_immunity- hit;

shock_immunity- electric shock;

wound_immunity- gap;

radiation_immunity- radiation;

telepathic_immunity- telepathy;

chemical_burn_immunity- chemical burn;

explosion_immunity- explosion;

fire_wound_immunity- bullet resistance.

Unusual opportunities

Now that you are familiar with the basic parameters, it's time to start creating artifacts. There is much more room for creativity here than in the case of ordinary objects. Many different parameters will help you create the most unusual artifacts.

To add to the game new artifact, you have to remove one of the old ones. However, there is nothing wrong with that. After all, in fact, each next artifact within the framework of the anomaly is only an improved version of the previous one (this is achieved by simply strengthening the basic properties of the object). Therefore, one thing in each category can be safely replaced with a novelty.

We will make the first artifact on the basis of a “chunk of meat”. All you need to do this is to change in the section af_mincer_meat indicator values ​​as follows: inv_weight - 2.0 , cost - 6000 , health_restore_speed - 0 , satiety_restore_speed- 0.0006 , radiation_restore_speed - 0.0002 , fire_wound_immunity - 1.0 . As a result, we got meat that satisfies hunger almost instantly. True, it makes you a little more susceptible to blows (including melee weapons), and in addition, it emits radiation in small doses. So, if you do not have an artifact that can compensate for this damage, it is better to drink vodka with such food, it will reduce the damaging effect.

This artifact is by far the most expensive in the game, and it weighs four times more than any other magical trinket. But with this miracle product, you no longer need ordinary food. The artifact makes sense to use when your hero is tormented by hunger and there are no enemies nearby. When you are full, it is better to put it back in your backpack so that you are not affected by its radiation.

The second artifact - the "protective field" - will weaken the damage to the hero's health from several types of attacks at once. We will create it on the "moonlight" material, which corresponds to the block af_electra_moonlight. It needs the following transformations: inv_weight - 1.5 , cost - 7000 , trail_light_color - 0.1,0.2,0.8 , trail_light_range - 5.0 , health_restore_speed - -0.00015 , burn_immunity - 0.75 , radiation_immunity - 0.75 , explosion_immunity - 0.75 , chemical_burn_immunity - 0.75 . "Protective Field" mitigates damage from four types of damage (including radioactive radiation), but slowly sucks life out of the main character, and in addition, makes him a little more vulnerable to electric shock. These two shortcomings, however, can be more than overcome with some other artifacts.

Our next artifact - "molecular armor" - will perfectly complement the "protective field". We will put the novelty in the place of the “night star”, the characteristics of which are described in the section af_night_star. Make the following changes to it: inv_weight - 1.2 , cost - 7000 , trail_light_color - 0.8,0.2,0.3 , trail_light_range - 6.0 , radiation_restore_speed - 0.0001 , burn_immunity - 1.1 , strike_immunity - 0.7 , shock_immunity - 0.7 , wound_immunity - 0.7 , radiation_immunity - 1.1 , telepathic_immunity - 0.9 , explosion_immunity - 1.15 , fire_wound_immunity - 0.75 . The artifact gives excellent protection against some types of attacks, but at the same time makes the stalker more sensitive to others, plus it radiates a little.

After working on the file artefacts.ltx completed, copy it to <Каталог игры>\gamedata\config\misc.


We have endowed new artifacts with a number of useful properties, while not forgetting about side effects. Now our task is to rename the resulting little things so that no one confuses them with the original artifacts.

It remains to find appropriate descriptions for new artifacts. "Chunk of meat" corresponds to the block enc_zone_artifact_af-mincer-meat. You can leave the first sentence inside it, and instead of the subsequent ones, put, for example, the following text: “ Removes the feeling of hunger, but emits radiation". The descriptions of the other two artifacts, in principle, can be left unchanged, but for those who want to add something to them: "moonlight" is described in the section enc_zone_artifact_af-electra-moonlight, "night star" - in enc_zone_artifact_af-night-star. At the end of all operations with the text, the file string_table_enc_zone.xml need to be copied to <Каталог игры>\gamedata\config\text\rus.

In addition to rewriting texts, it is highly desirable to change appearance artifacts in inventory. You will find the corresponding pictures in the same file. <Каталог игры>\gamedata\textures\ui).

Translate each picture with DXT Tools to tga format and open in Photoshop. Images of artifacts are scattered throughout the picture contained in the file, but most of them are concentrated in the upper right corner. Of course, it is not necessary to completely redraw all these icons, it is enough to add some details.

* * *

We have added three new artifacts to the game. Each is unique in its own way, has its own advantages and disadvantages. But most importantly, guided by the principles described in the article, you can create your own artifacts that will weaken the main character (if the game is too simple for you) or, on the contrary, help you go through the most dangerous locations (if you are a hardcore gamer and "Stalker" for you too simple).

Many mysteries and rumors give rise to great legends in the Stalker game. Some of them turn out to be just fiction, while others are true. One of these legends is the Klondike of artifacts, and below we will tell you if there are such places and where to look for them. Almost from the very beginning of the passage, in dialogues with stalkers, one can often find mention of the Klondike and novice stalkers setting out in search of a place that has become a legend.

However, if we consider the Klondike as a place of accumulation of expensive and rare artifacts, then in the game Stalker Call of Pripyat you are unlikely to be able to find rare art, rather it will be quite common, which can be found without much effort throughout the zone.

The appearance of the Klondike in the Stalker mods.

Before you find the Klondike artifacts in Stalker Call of Pripyat, you need to know that some places can only appear after installing a certain mod (Klondike). For example, for the game Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl, such a mod is Secret Paths 2. To search for the Klondike, you will need an artifact called the Snake Eye. You can find him at the Radar location, near a gap in the barbed wire fence. After that, go to the Dark Valley, in this location you need to go along the edge of the map. Hanging the Snake Eye artifact on your belt, you can see a scattering of about 10 different artifacts that are scattered within a radius of several square meters.

In the official version, there is also a place where supposedly there are Klondike artifacts. To do this, go to the Avangard stadium, located in Pripyat. There you will meet serious resistance, stalkers with RPGs will sit in the stands, and the field will be teeming with various monsters. After destroying the opponents, go to the field, be extremely careful below and beware of funnel anomalies. Carefully bypassing the anomalies, you will reach a small safe area in the middle of the field, and there you will see the treasured Klondike Artifacts in all its glory.

Let's summarize the search:

First of all, it is worth noting that you probably won’t be able to meet the place exactly described in the stalker legends in the game and it will still remain a legend in original version games. However, after beating the game in one of the endings (it is necessary to successfully complete all the St. John's wort quests), the developers described in some detail the place called the Klondike of artifacts - it was Yanov and its environs.

Now you know how to find Klondike artifacts in Stalker Call of Pripyat. Despite all sorts of references and stories, various stalkers, Klondike may not be in these places. But these places were shown on repeated videos, and therefore it is simply impossible to ignore this issue. Good luck finding artifacts!

Prehistory. In general, so. I played AMK. I saw a bunch of new artifacts. And this is my favorite in the zone (it’s not for nothing that I leaned into scientists).
I tried to add these very (not only AMKshnye) artifacts to SGM. It seems to have come out.

Version 2.8 Changes: Carried out a complete rebalance of Artifact Spawn. Made changes in the search using the detector (now everything is fine). Artifacts will now spawn in corpses. Fixed Gauss artifact. Added 2 new artifacts. Made minor changes in the balance and descriptions, as well as all critical crashes.

Version 2.1 Changes: Mod, as such, get rid of the BETA signature. Some artifacts can be found at the Merchant in the Bunker (the one on Jupiter), the rest are either in caches or in the Zone (I specially removed many arts so that it would be interesting to look for them). Artifacts spawn in Anomalies. Artifacts from the mod will be added to the SGM caches. Compared to Version 1.0, ALL ARTIFACTS (including standard ones) have been completely rebalanced from scratch. Added selection of some artifacts.

For those who said that I cling to the SGM. The mod will work without SGM. This version is adapted for SGM 1.7
The mod is developing further thanks to the praise on the SGM forum ... I will be glad to hear suggestions.

- all the ideas that I have planned.

Despite the low ratings here - on PG, I continued to work.
Background. In general, yes. I played AMK. I saw a bunch of new artifacts. And this is my favorite in the zone (it’s not for nothing that I leaned into scientists).
I tried to add these very (not only AMKshnye) artifacts to SGM. It seems to have come out.

Version 2.8 Changes: Completely rebalanced Artifact Spawn. Made changes in the search using the detector (now everything is fine). Artifacts will now spawn in corpses. Fixed Gauss artifact. Added 2 new artifacts. Made minor changes in the balance and descriptions, as well as all critical crashes.

Version 2.1 Changes: Mod, as such, get rid of the BETA signature. Some artifacts can be found at the Merchant in the Bunker (the one on Jupiter), the rest are either in caches or in the Zone (I specially removed many arts so that it would be interesting to look for them). Artifacts spawn in Anomalies. Artifacts from the mod will be added to the SGM caches. Compared to Version 1.0, ALL ARTIFACTS (including standard ones) have been completely rebalanced from scratch. Added selection of some artifacts.

For those who said that I cling to the SGM. The mod will work without SGM. This version is adapted for SGM 1.7
The mod is developing further thanks to the praise on the SGM forum ... I will be glad to hear suggestions.

All the ideas that I have planned.

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