Titan quest shadow military business. Titan quest guides and walkthroughs. In the name of Zeus

Assassin is a powerful, attacking class, with a weak defense, so trying to raise resistance to him is useless and you need to increase the attack with all your might to kill before they kill you.
Skill leveling
Military business
Weapon Mastery - Increases attack speed with a club, sword, and axe. Also increases offensive ability. Max first.
Possession of two swords - allows the hero to walk with two swords. With the pumping of the skill, it increases the chance to hit with two weapons at the same time - max, but not immediately, for a start, you can invest one. Its improvements will not be mentioned separately. Let's just max them out.
Evasion - Increases the chance of evasion. Max.
Raging Onslaught and all of its upgrades are skipped. an assassin is better off with a calculated blow.
We ignore the branch of combat rage, it is completely useless.
Call of the Ancestors with its upgrade is ignored. we are melee fighters, not summoners.
The battle banner and its improvement - it is worth investing 2-3 points, and if there are free points, then completely maxing out.
With the Battle Horn and its improvement, the situation is similar to the previous one - we invest 2-3 points, if there are free points, max.
Whirlwind and lancet (whirlwind improvement) - we put one in the whirlwind itself and its improvement, because. in my opinion this will be enough.
Calculated hit and successful hit - max. This is our main attack, but we will put it on the right key.
Blade sharpening - max. increases damage, and this is the main thing for our assassin.
The "poisoned weapon" branch is fully maximized, tk. this is damage and slowdown and a chance to send the enemy out.
We skip disarming traps, because. traps are easily destroyed.
Mortal Strike and its maximization upgrade, as this is our attack against bosses and strong monsters. And stuns, and intensifies bleeding and poisoning.
An open wound is a very dubious skill, because. the chance of it working is not that great. But it's worth investing another one.
Knowledge of Anatomy is a skill that enhances bleeding damage. Max, because daggers cause bleeding.
Throwing knives is an attack that will help us a lot. To the east, invest at least a single one, but I personally maxed out this skill, because. bleeding damage will not be superfluous.
Flurry of knives - improvement of the "knife throwing" skill. It is necessary to invest at least 4 units in the East, otherwise you will get a dozen deaths. But it needs to be maxed out quickly.
A branch of traps - you can invest another one, because. distracting, but no more.
An assassin needs to walk with two swords. This is not discussed. Otherwise, it will be the wrong assassin who did not use his full potential.
I would personally advise "Pagos" and "Sword that smashes the mind", but normally go with two "Sabretooths".
There is no problem with armor - the killer kit is the best option. But this is on the Epos-Legend, and before that - to choose the best option on your own.
Now let's talk about amulets and rings. I have already said that the assassin is an attacking class and it makes no sense to increase his resistance with rings and amulets. Therefore, we take the "Pendant of Eternal Fury" as an amulet, and the "Mark of Ares" and "The Will of Apollo" as rings (although I personally went with two "Marks of Ares".) It is difficult to determine the artifact, but I would prefer the "Blood of Ares" (name is not correct)
On the right key we put the Calculated blow, on the left - a mortal blow. We put "poisoned weapons" on one, and "Sharpening Blades" on two. And on the top three - throwing knives. We put a horn on the number 4, and a banner on the number five. The tactics are the following. We start the game, press 1 and 2, thereby turning on the sharpening of blades and poisoned weapons, then when we meet a crowd, press C grade (throwing knives) and throw them into the crowd. We put up a banner and blow into the bugle. Next, we go into melee, holding down the right mouse button, so that the hero himself switches between opponents. But you can put skills on other numbers.
Tactics against Draconid Mages and Tiger-Men Mages
We throw knives, we run up, we strike a fatal blow, we run back. If alive - repeat to the death of all magicians.
Tactics against bosses
We throw the dagger, wait for the boss to try to attack you and at the moment of the attack we dodge (it is better to be on the other side initially), run up and inflict a fatal blow and while the camp lasts we make one or two calculated hits, then we run away. Repeat until the boss dies. It is advisable to study the habits of the bosses first.

Class Description

Assassin (warfare + shadow) - a two-handed warrior with many skills for poison, blood flow, traps, bombs, etc. In general, you won’t be bored, because there are many interesting skills


One of the advantages I have already said is an interesting passage of the game, and not a monotonous mochilovo. The second is that there are skills that slow down enemies, give a chance for an unsuccessful attack and a chance for confusion. The third plus is the chance to dodge an attack, which gives the skill Evasion can be a maximum of 30%, provided that it is +4 for all skils. Another plus is + 50% offensive, in the skill Weapon Mastery. And finally - Mortal Strike, at max it gives + 600% damage and + 450% piercing


This is a poor defense, there is no shield, no defense skill, no evasion from flying projectiles in skills, but this will only make the game more interesting. And besides, the disadvantage is a large mana cost.


You can’t pump life, intelligence is similar, you can invest a little in mana, because it will take a lot of it or improve the item with a relic for mana (for example, a hecate crescent with a bonus for mana), we only pump strength for gear, everything else is dexterity. We will raise the defense, because somehow we need to survive

Military business

1) Mastery of weapons - maxim, gives + 50% attack and + 25% attack speed, the attack is important for us, since we need to hit with a fatal blow and generally endure enemies as quickly as possible until they endure us. 2) Combat rage, we put only one point into this skill, the skill will periodically give us + 50% attacks.
3)Furious onslaught - max, it gives + 75% damage after twelve hits, although some say that this is a bug and the skill gives + 150% damage. 4) Neglect of pain is also a good thing gives resistance to damage by 20% and piercing, which at least somehow increases our vitality. 5) Cut the tendons - maxim, the skill slows down the movement speed of enemies by 55% and demolishes the defense.
6) Zeal - at max, + 25% attack speed and movement are still not superfluous.
7) Evasion, also to the maximum, gives a 30% chance to evade an attack.
8) Possession of two blades - maximum, 30% chance to use.
9) Cleave - max, 15% chance for +50% damage.
10) Cleave - max, 15% chance to hit two targets and + 175 pts. damage from blood flow, which in total with Knowledge of Anatomy is also not bad.
11) Rampage - maxim, a skill similar to Cleaving Strike, only 3 targets.
1.12) Battle banner-maximum, gives 45% damage absorption, +120 pts. advances and 274 units. damage, this skill is very good when meeting with bosses and heroes.
13) Triumph - at max, gives -60% damage, _60% damage resistance, - 50% stun resistance.
14) Whirlwind - invest one point so that you can quickly run up to the enemy, the skill gives + 300% movement speed.

1) Sharpening blades - max, will give + 88% piercing and 31 units. piercing. will damage us.
2) Poisoned weapon, adds poison damage, max.
3) Sleepy dope, gives 50% slow for 5 seconds, max.
4) Purified Poison, increases poison damage and duration, max.
5) Mandragon root - just a great skill, of course max, 70% chance of an unsuccessful enemy attack for 3 seconds. and 56% chance for 1.8-7.6 seconds. turmoil, it's just some kind of holiday.
6) Mortal blow, max, + 600% damage and + 450% piercing.
7) Mortal Wound, adds poison damage and blood flow, max.
8) Knife Throwing, one point to unlock the Knife Flurry skill.
9) A flurry of knives, maximum, there will be 8 shells covered with poison and mandragon root

General tactics and gear

The assassin does not have any speed bonuses in schools, and it is advisable to wear frog leggings on your legs to raise the defense, so the running speed will be, as it was originally 100%, unless of course you play on a fan patch, because in this case there is a chance to find a relic Leggings of Hermes, which gives a bonus to running speed, but on the fan patch they fixed a glitch with gomad, although the attack speed without it will be at max if you improve the swords with Achilles with a bonus to speed. So what am I on about? And about the speed of running, having pumped enough dexterity, it will certainly be possible to put on the leggings of the Argonauts, the combat leggings of Athena or the needle leg armor of the barbarians and the defense industry will be enough, but the trouble is, where to look for them? In the 4th act on the legend, but what to do before that? And before that, it’s best to go bomb the frogs in the swamps, not far from Rhodes, it was there that these leggings fell out to me twice. As a result, the speed is 100%, so put a unit in the whirlwind as quickly as possible, with its help we can sometimes, when we see mobs, run to them at a speed of 300%. It's worth using a whirlwind when you attack contact monsters, because when you see archers, it's best to first throw knives at them and only then slow them down or confuse them to attack with a whirlwind and finish them off.

It is difficult to swing it, because there is no arrow dodge in schools, which means that our main enemies are archers and magicians. But there is a bias in close combat, the maximum can be pumped up to 30% of the bias, which is not bad, no gear for melee bias is needed. But they are needed from flying projectiles, for example, the veteran gargon belt of immortality is well suited (or with some other prefix, I personally had an immortality prefix), the belt gives + 20% defense and 20% evasion from flying projectiles and another 10% damage resistance, I also have a plus to life. You can knock one out of a gargon, the easiest way is out of three gargon bosses. From the same gargons, if you try, you can also knock out bracers that turn into stone, which give +3 to all skills on the legend and +1 and +2, respectively, on the norm and epic. These bracers are knocked out for a very long time, so you have to sweat with them, but from the same gargons you can knock out, for example, the fasteners of the gargon of deceit, they give a bonus to damage from poison and blood flow, as well as evasion from flying projectiles. Frog leggings are ideal for feet, I knocked them out in the swamps after the Medea grove, and so they fall from all the frogs. They give about 110-145% defense and% attack evasion, I personally didn’t have any suffixes and prefixes, although I knocked out leggings twice. Of the helmets, a helmet with a luxurious suffix (% ​​of dexterity, strength, intelligence) or sacral (+1 point to all skills), as well as an attack, which has the same main bonus as luxurious, is well suited. And from violet - this is the filler's hood (-100% time in a trap, -% reload, +% piercing), a helmet of darkness (cuts,% attack evasion and a powder flash skill), an armageddon death mask (protection from some additional cuts, +100% blood flow damage). Of the artifacts, the fist of eternal rage, the shadow veil, the symbol of the erudite, the star of Ishtar will do. With the rings, decide for yourself what is more important to you and what you are lucky to find, but the will of Apollo and the ring of Chiron (for cuts and piercings) would be nice, and from the pendants I had the one that gave% strength, + units. strength (to invest less in strength) and improved with the legendary raptor tooth (+ 30% damage in total with a bonus). Blades with a bonus to blood flow and poison, from greenery - saber teeth (a veteran would be nice) or a chthonic cutter, you can improve with Achilles (for speed), dark medicine, a poison skin, Set's betrayal, Wong's bloodthirstiness, a tiger, etc.

Especially dangerous monsters

Some dangerous bosses

When using the tactics described above, there should be no problems with the bosses, but nevertheless, there may be places along the way where our assassin will lose his life in a matter of seconds.
For example, in Greece it happens that there are several centaurs and the leader of the pack next to them, as soon as you start approaching them and the archers see you, they will immediately launch an eye at you, and the leader will put up a flag as soon as you come close a horn will sound to the leader and you will stand rooted to the spot, and if there are no cuts to the camp, then for a long time, and you will be extinguished in three seconds. Therefore, be careful in such places, do not climb on the rampage and use the tactics of knives-whirlwind or knives-whirlwind-forge (flash).
Minotaurs can also cause problems, especially on Olympus, due to their special stun attack, if there are no good cuts to stun, then you will constantly stand stunned. It is best before Olympus, and in general, take care of the cuts on the camp as soon as possible, for this, such relics as the blood of a demon, the spirit of Hector, the iron will of Ajax will come in handy.
Dragonoid mages hit with lightning balls that stun, because of which even with good cuts they can cause problems, it is better to throw knives at them before they notice you.
Mahi-archers, dangerous due to the fact that our chances of evading flyers are at best 30-50%, and, in addition, mahi constantly run and very rarely cluster, we use the already familiar tactics of knives-whirlwind-horn (flash).
Empusas can make a circle that drains mana and life, so do not stand in such circles, and some can freeze for a few seconds, which is especially dangerous.

Some dangerous bosses:

Three gargons - two shoot from a bow, one extinguishes with a spear, Stheno's gargon knows how to heal, so it is advisable to kill her first. If it is problematic to cope with three gargons at once, then you can approach them on the right and lure them out one by one. These gargons drop Bracers of the Turner to Stone.

The first Telkhin is not dangerous, you need cuts for lightning and damage to health, you can use a scroll of protection of the elements or improve the gear with the wisdom of the Jade Emperor, cuts for damage to health can be raised with the blood of a demon, if there is an appropriate bonus.

The second Telkhine is also not dangerous, lure him to the upper corner of the screen on the ladders and you will be saved from his solar attack.

Fire bull, for me personally this is a problem, you need cuts of 80% from fire and a scroll of elemental protection if you want to survive after his attack.

The third Telkhine is no more dangerous than the stones that fall from above.

Typhon, in my opinion, is the most dangerous of the quest bosses, you need cuts for fire, lightning, protection from the theft of life. But if you do not fall under his special attacks, then good cuts are not at all necessary, if you study Typhon a little, it will become clear when he wants to cause a meteor shower, and when he will strike with lightning.

Three old women with one eye, like they are called Grays, are mostly dangerous because of the attack on life, but nothing special, we stupidly piss at point-blank range, under the scroll of protection of the elements.

The boatman Charon in the first guise is not dangerous, but in the second he can kill with one blow, run back if you see that he has risen up, as he does before the blow, do not stand in the holes and do not put a flag in these holes.

Cerberus, a very easy boss, cuts are needed only for poison, 80% of cuts save even on the legend, even when attacking point-blank. Therefore, do not be shy, come closer and quickly extinguish this dog.

I forgot about the Manticore, a dangerous beast, it has three special attacks: lightning, poisonous spikes and just paws, defense will save you from being hit by paws, 1500 is enough, cuts from lightning and a scroll of protection of the elements, cuts from spikes to poison and dodge from flying projectiles. Personally, 80% poison cuts and 40% chance to dodge flying projectiles saved me from point-blank attacks, but, nevertheless, such attacks should be avoided.

Dracolich, he is dangerous only from a distance, I will not list his special attacks, you do not need to know them. Run up to him with a whirlwind and then extinguish without stopping, the defense will save you from ordinary attacks.

With the Hydra, the same story as with the Dracolich, extinguish it at close range, under the flag.

Typhon's skeleton is also weak, there is no special tactic against him.

Hades will cause a lot of trouble because of his three guises. We need cuts for health damage and good cuts for the stun.

Everything is in the power of the gods, the sages are friends of the gods; but friends have everything in common; therefore, everything in the world belongs to the sages.


No thing comes into being without a cause, but everything comes into being on some basis and out of necessity.


The secret that will allow the game to linger in the minds of the players and on the hard drives of their computers has long been known. And it is very simple - the presence of an editor who, with its accessibility, will bribe everyone who is interested, and with its global capabilities, it will allow you to create your own projects and add-ons that are not inferior to original game. Titan Quest is doing well with this - there is a global level editor, monsters and NPCs, which allows you to embody almost any plot on its basis, no matter if it is historical or fantastic. However, we forgot about the multiplayer mode - the second reason for the long-term love of the game. In this game, it is ingeniously simple - joint passages and duels. Both open up new facets of the game, showing it in all its glory.

But all this is the “mind” of the game, and, as you know, they are met “by clothes”. So let's start ad ovo, with the egg.

Tragedians and comedians

Hundred-headed monster - Typhon,

Born of the earth For all the gods

He rose: a thorn and a whistle from the jaws

Threatened the throne of Zeus, and from the eyes

The fire of the furious Gorgon sparkled...

Aeschylus "Chained Prometheus"

The background of the game world is quite short, which is surprising for a game based on the myths of Greece, Egypt, Mesopotamia and China. Let's start, perhaps:

As you all know very well, 12 titans of both sexes were born from Earth-Gaia and Sky-Uranus. The youngest and most cunning of them - Kron - rebelled against his father, overthrew him and began to rule. And so that no one encroached on his throne, he ate his children. However, one of them - Zeus - managed to escape. He subsequently returned, freed his siblings, who became the Olympian gods, and led a rebellion against the Titan parents. He was aided in the war by the Cyclopes and the hundred-armed Hecatoncheir giants, who later became guardians of the titans in the eternal darkness of Tartarus. Then the angry Earth gave birth to the monster Typhon with a hundred dragon heads. From him came a lot of terrible creatures, but Zeus defeated him too, leaning Mount Etna, which made it a volcano.

For a long time, the Olympians lived in peace, reaping the fruits of human love and respect. Their peace was disturbed only once, when the titan Prometheus escaped from an underground prison and, having stolen fire from Mount Olympus, gave it to people. ( This is where the story actually begins.)

Apparently, a bad example is contagious, and after centuries other titans decided to escape. History is silent about how they managed to get around the hecatoncheirs, but the fact remains - the titans broke free, and an orgy began, and without Bacchus and on a cosmic scale: mischievous satyrs and centaurs turned into shaped animals, the resurrected dead, lizards, rat-men, jellyfish crawled from everywhere -gorgons...

But the worst thing is that someone guessed to dig up Typhon, and he again began to smoke all over the world. The Olympian gods could not cope with the new scourge on their own, and they needed heroes. We will be one of them.

On the way to Olympus, Greece, and Egypt, and Babylon, and even far, far away China are waiting for us. We will cover all this distance on foot, destroying thousands of minions of the titans along the way, and finally return to Olympus, talk with Zeus and let's kill Typhon. And it doesn't matter that even Zeus failed to do this - our business is forced.

But do not hang your nose, the road will be extremely exciting - and do not look that it is linear.

Heroes of the Ancient World

I see, child, according to the words that your noble breed! ..


Yes, we have a story. For a good play, we now need to find an actor for the lead role. Let's press "New Game" and start choosing: name, gender, dress color? It doesn't matter, it's purely aesthetic value. Let's go further!

Here we have Helos, a Greek village, and here we can, by pressing the key C , see your alter ego and the equipment that comes with it, the “doll” and the passport. What do they mean?

Primary Stats


  • health pool ( Health) - shows how many more times you need to hit the hero so that he goes to be reborn.
  • mana pool ( Energy) - shows how much more you can conjure. If the hero is hit, it can decrease.
  • Strength ( Strength) - it determines the amount of damage dealt with melee weapons and the ability to use heavy armor and weapons.
  • Intelligence ( Intelligence) — it determines the amount of damage dealt by elemental magic and the rate of mana regeneration.
  • Agility ( Dexterity) - the ability to attack, to defend, the amount of piercing damage inflicted and the ability to use small arms depend on it.


  • fire resistance ( fire resistance) - what percentage of fire damage will be prevented.
  • cold resistance ( cold resistance) - how many % of cold damage will be prevented.
  • Poison resistance ( Poison Resistance) - how much % damage from the poison will be prevented.
  • Lightning resistance ( lightning resistance) - what percentage of lightning damage will be prevented.
  • Immunity to Piercing Strikes ( Pierce Resistance) - how much % damage from a piercing strike will be prevented.


  • Average damage ( Average Damage) - shows the average damage dealt per hit.
  • attack speed ( Attack Speed) - shows how many hits a character can inflict per second, measured in%. Depends on skills and equipment.
  • Damage per second ( Damage Per Second) — DPS - this is the main parameter that both warriors and magicians "measure" among themselves.

This is the advice: be sure to look at the speed of your weapon, it can be Very Fast, Fast, Average, Slow and Very Slow. Sometimes a fast knife with nominally low damage can give DPS more than a good but slow mace.


  • Total Armor ( Combined Armor) - the amount of armor hung on the character. Allows you to painlessly endure a certain amount of damage.
  • Block ( block) - Chance to block an opponent's attack, depends on the shield and is measured in %.
  • Damage Blocked ( Damage Blocked) is the amount of damage that will be prevented on a successful block.

Secondary Stats

Secondary Resistances

  • Bleeding Resistance - How many % of damage from attacks that cause bleeding will be prevented.
  • Endurance ( Vitality Resistance) - how much % of damage from attacks aimed at undermining stamina or draining life will be prevented.
  • Energy ( energy resistance) - how much % of damage from attacks aimed at undermining Energy or draining mana will be prevented.
  • Stagger Resist ( Stun Resistance) - by what % of the total duration will the Stagger duration be reduced (a stunned character cannot attack).
  • Shatter Resistance ( Disruption Resistance) - by what % of the total duration will the duration of Destruction attacks be reduced (a "destroyed" character cannot attack).


  • Health regeneration ( Health Regeneration) is the number of hit points restored per second.
  • mana regeneration ( energy recovery) is the amount of mana regenerated per second
  • Ability to attack Offensive ability) - shows your chance to hit the target, as well as the ability to deal a critical hit.
  • Ability to defend Defensive ability) - shows your chance to dodge a hit, as well as the ability to avoid a critical hit.
  • Spell Speed ​​( Cast Speed) - the time required to cast the spell, in % of the norm.
  • running speed ( run speed) — the character's running speed in % of the norm.
  • The strongest monster Greatest Monster Killed) - defeated by the character.
  • Monsters killed ( Monster Killed) - in total by the character and his assistants.
  • Biggest Damage ( Greatest Damage Dealt) - made at the same time.
  • Time ( Elapsed Time) - spent on the game.
  • Number of deaths ( Total Deaths) - and character revivals throughout the game.

Getting more experienced

With each enemy defeated and each quest completed, your level of experience increases. The green bar at the bottom shows how much the savior of the whole world has left before the next bar of his career.

This is the advice: summoned creatures do not gain experience, but transfer it entirely to their master. So do not be shy and call your partner as soon as possible. Almost any discipline allows this, but a friend will come in handy more than once or twice. Either hide behind, like a shield, then break away from the chase ...

When a hero gains a level, nothing automatically increases. He gains 2 Attribute points and 3 Skill points. Attribute points can be invested in any amount into Strength, Intelligence, or Agility, which will increase the corresponding attribute by 4 points for each AP invested. If they are invested in health or mana, then their supply will increase by 16 points in the same way.

By spending 1 SP, you can pump any available skill by one unit.

But before you grow your skills, you need to figure out what's what. So...


The beautiful is comprehended through study and great effort, the bad is assimilated by itself, without difficulty.


Having reached the long-awaited level 2, we get the opportunity to choose our first discipline. It is worthwhile to approach the choice carefully, because the principle of the game is radically different for a follower of each skill. From this point on, we get one of the basic 8 classes (by the number of disciplines), and at the 8th level of experience we will get the opportunity to study the second and last discipline, after which our alter ego will establish itself in one of the advanced 28 classes, resulting from a combination of 2 disciplines.

Within each discipline, you can learn different skills / auras / spells or increase the main skill ( Base Skill). You can increase it up to 32, and each level will increase class attributes, as well as open access to other skills / auras / spells. They can also be studied repeatedly, but only the effect of this particular branch of skills increases (usually there are 2-3 of them), without affecting the rest.

For example, choosing the discipline Nature Magic and raising the main Nature skill from 0 to 1, we will get to the attributes: +2 intelligence, +1 dexterity, +21 health and +10 mana, as well as access to skills: Regrowth (1) and Call of the Wild (1). Hereinafter, in brackets next to the name of the skill, the number of points that you need to have in the main skill if you want to learn is indicated.

The number of possible strategies is incalculable, and if we take into account that the skills of different characters can be combined in any way in one game, then we get truly limitless possibilities!

Warfare Mastery

Warrior surpasses everyone in the amount of physical damage dealt, but pays for this with a deterioration in protection. With an increase in skill, the Warrior can learn to deal damage to several opponents at once.

The scope of his skills is close combat. Through training, the Warrior improves his sword, axe, and mace skills, both-handed attack skills, and other offensive methods.

Base Skill (0-32)

Provides the necessary physical development and knowledge of the necessary martial techniques, allowing you to achieve a lot in the martial arts. Increases strength, agility and health.

Battle Rage (1)

Each enemy hit on you can cause you to have an attack Battle Rage, which will give a bonus to damage and increase the attacking skill for a short period of time.

Weapon Training (1)

Years of training with a sword, ax and club allows you to attack faster and react sharper to enemy attacks.

Onslaught (1)

When you use the "default" attack, Onslaught Increases your damage dealt with each successive point of health taken from the enemy. Strength Onslaught quickly dissipates if not attacked. Replaces basic attack.

War Horn (4)

The victorious sound of your battle horn temporarily stuns opponents

Dodge Attack (4)

Even the strongest armor has vulnerabilities. The best way to survive is to prevent the enemy from finding them.

Dual Wield (4)

Ability to effectively use two types of weapons.

Ignore Pain (4)

Full focus on combat allows you to ignore physical and piercing damage.

Crushing Blow (10)

Increases the chance of a critical attack with increased damage when Battle Rage.

Hew (10)

Inflicted when using a skill Dual Wield damage increased by 50%

War Wind (10)

The Warrior fights by spinning in place like a top and hitting up to 4 targets at the same time.

Battle Standard (10)

Summon War Banner - All allies have increased attack skill and damage absorption.

Cross Cut (16)

Skill Dual Wield Allows you to deal damage to two enemies at once.

Hamstring (16)

Attacking an enemy's legs temporarily reduces their defenses and movement speed.

Lace (24)

Adds extra damage to War wind. Requires the warrior to have either an ax or a sword in their hand.

Triumph (24)

Seeing the inevitability of your triumph, the enemies lose hope, and the power of their attacks decreases.

Doom Horn (24)

The sound of your Warhorn promises death to enemies, frightening them and lowering their ability to protect.

Counterattack (24)

Grants a chance to counterattack when an enemy deals damage while Battle Rage.

Tumult (32)

When using technology Dual Wield You can hit up to three opponents at the same time

Ardor (32)

Stronger and faster attack, increased movement speed.

Ancestral Horn (32)

The call of an ancient relic brings the ghosts of the heroes of the past from the Champs Elysees to the battlefield for another battle.

Defense Mastery

Defender focuses on survival in battles, which is why he does not really shine in the field of offensive skills. Many of the skills focus on using the shield as a weapon, as well as deflecting enemies' attacks and maiming them in return.

A character who trains in the skill of Defense will be able to better parry attacks with conventional weapons, use shields and armor more effectively, and recover from damage faster.

Base Skill (0-32)

Provides the mental strength and physical development necessary to protect both yourself and others. Increases strength, agility and health.

Concussive Blow (1)

Gives a chance to daze the enemy on hit and increases the duration of daze when attacking with a club.

Battle Awareness (1)

Grants an aura that allows you and nearby allies to defend more effectively.

Batter (1)

Shield attack. Deals damage and slows the enemy.

Armor Handling (1)

Reduces armor requirements, allowing you to use heavier armor than your skills allow.

Adrenaline (4)

Each enemy hit has a chance to trigger an adrenaline rush that increases your regeneration.

Rally (4)

The sound of your horn helps allies regenerate stamina.

Quick Recovery (4)

Shield skill increases for a short time, allowing you to block multiple attacks at once with great speed.

Shield Smash (4)

A combat technique in which damage is inflicted by both a weapon and a shield.

Resilience (10)

Increases frequency of use Adrenaline.

Focus (10)

Improves reaction, increasing the chance to successfully block an enemy attack.

Shield Charge (10)

Sprinting at an enemy with a shield, stunning and dealing additional damage.

inspiration (16)

Partially restores the energy lost by the allies, allowing them to continue the battle.

Rend Armor (16)

Increases efficiency Batter, allowing you to attack up to three enemies at the same time.

Disable (16)

A fighting technique that uses a shield to knock an opponent down or at least off balance.

Defensive Reaction (24)

Increases damage and attack speed when using a skill Adrenaline.

Iron Will (24)

The aura grants all allies increased defense and resistance.

Disruption (24)

Increases the shocking effect Shield Charge, preventing enemies from using their skills.

Defiance (32)

A certain percentage of the damage dealt to you is returned to the enemy for a short time after use Rally.

Colossus Shape (32)

You assume the form of a Colossus, tower-like in grandeur.

Pulverize (32)

A shield fighting technique in which you attack multiple enemies at once, breaking through their formation.

Hunting Mastery

Hunter - A master in the use of bows and spears. Its arrows penetrating everywhere will penetrate any armor and find their target even in a crowd of opponents. However, for the success of his actions, the Hunter needs to constantly move and keep his distance.

The art of hunting appeared long before civilized times for food and for sports. However, now it is used to fight the minions of the Titans, who are more dangerous than any predator.

Base Skill (0-32)

Educates in its owner the mind and reaction of a predator, necessary for hunting. Increases strength, agility and health.

Ensnare (1)

Wraps an enemy's legs in a net that prevents them from moving, but does not prevent them from attacking if you are within range.

Take Down (1)

Rough thrusts with a spear deals increased damage to the enemy.

Wood Lore (1)

Increased proficiency with bow and spear. The years spent in the jungle make themselves felt.

Marksmanship (4)

Allows you to launch instead of regular fire arrows, which fly faster and deal increased damage. Replaces basic attack.

Art of the Hunt (4)

A rich hunting experience gives an advantage when meeting with potential prey - creatures of the Animals and Beastmen classes.

Herbal Remedy (4)

The ability to create healing potions from plants that can be found on travel. Heals poison and speeds up wound healing.

Barbed Netting (10)

Net E nsnare receives thorns that inflict bleeding wounds on the enemy.

Call of the Hunt (10)

Increases attack speed and damage dealt by Beasts and Beastmen.

Eviscerate (10)

Allows you to find weak spots and inflict bleeding wounds on enemies.

Monster Lure (10)

Lure that draws the attention of nearby monsters.

Study Prey (16)

Ranged damage is increased by exploiting the enemy's weak points.

Puncture Shot Arrows (16)

Arrows hit right through, hitting multiple targets at once.

Gouges (16)

When using a spear or a bow, deep wounds are inflicted, leading to prolonged bleeding.

Find Cover (16)

You can use cover to avoid unnecessary damage while still attacking.

Exploit Weakness (24)

Exploiting enemy weaknesses - increased damage from shots.

Trail Blazing (24)

Gives hunters the strength to relentlessly pursue prey so that even the thickest bush cannot slow down the pursuit.

Detonation (24)

The bait becomes explosive. An explosion requires a full supply of energy.

Flush Out (32)

Causes enemies to open up, making them more vulnerable.

Scatter Shot Arrows (32)

The arrowhead becomes explosive, on contact flying in all directions into many fragments.

Volley (32)

Accelerates the attack with a spear or bow three times.

Rogue Mastery

Rogue unsurpassed in the art of dealing with lone enemies. After his attacks, opponents get poisoned and bleeding wounds. Rogues are best suited for hit-and-run tactics, which means they have to be as sophisticated as possible when facing large groups of enemies.

The art of deception is rightfully the province of murderers and thieves, because in the struggle for survival, the end justifies the means. The thief's fighting style focuses on quick attacks that are deadly to most opponents. The Tramps enhance their deadly abilities by studying various poisons and knowledge of human anatomy.

Base Skill (0-32)

Gives the necessary physical training and secret knowledge in order to become a successful thief. Increases intelligence, agility and health.

Calculated Strike (1)

Instead of one hit, you gain the ability to land multiple hits in the same amount of time. Replaces basic attack.

Blade Honing (1)

Gives increased damage to the blades of swords or spears on you and your allies.

Envenom Weapon (1)

Adds poison damage to attack.

Throwing Knife (4)

Throws a knife at an enemy, causing them to bleed for a short time, damaging them.

Disarm Traps (4)

Gives you the ability to disable traps.

nightshade (4)

Allows infected weapons to slow opponents. Works when activated Envenom Weapon.

Flash Powder (4)

A flashing powder that blinds and disorients enemies.

Lucky Hit (10)

Gives a chance to hit an unprotected area, causing much more damage when activated. Calculated Strike.

Open Wound (10)

Gives a chance to inflict a bleeding wound that deals damage for some time after the attack. Possible when using a sword, spear, bow and ax.

Lay Traps (10)

Creates a crossbow trap.

Poison Gas Bomb (10)

A bomb that releases a poisonous cloud. Causes confusion, panic, and decreased defense against ranged attacks.

Lethal Strike (16)

Dealing one devastating blow with greatly increased damage.

Rapid Construction (16)

Reduces preparation time for setting a new trap

Toxin Distillation (16)

Increase the strength and duration of the poison.

Anatomy (24)

Knowledge of anatomy increases the chance of inflicting a bleeding wound and increased damage.

Mandrake (24)

Gives a chance on a successful poison attack to confuse the enemy.

Shrapnel (24)

Adds to Poison Gas Bomb shrapnel.

Mortal Wound (32)

Adds poison damage to any attack and inflicts bleeding wounds.

Flurry of Knives (32)

Allows you to throw multiple knives. Increased piercing damage.

Improved Firing Mechanism (32)

Modified Bolt Trap. Increased the number of produced bolts.

Wind and Lightning Magic (Storm Mastery)

Stormcaller He excels in summoning lightning and snowstorms, dealing with small groups of enemies. Yes, his defense is weak, but he can freeze and stun his opponents, and then finish off with the deadly wrath of Heaven.

Dedicated to the service of the celestials, Stormcallers learn to manipulate lightning, project hail, and channel the arctic winds. In addition to the swift attacks, Wind and Lightning Magic has several more effective ways of self-defense in store.

Base Skill (0-32)

Allows the mage to control the weather. Increases intelligence, agility, health and mana.

Ice Shards (1)

Throws an ice star at an enemy, dealing cold damage and slowing their movement.

Storm Nimbus (1)

When this skill is active, you gain the power of the Storm, which adds cold and lightning damage to your attacks.

Spell Breaker (4)

A pulse of energy that removes useful hexes from enemies and harmful ones from allies.

Thunderball (4)

Creates an energy ball that stuns and damages enemies within its explosion radius.

Heart of Frost (4)

When Storm Nimbus is active, the air around you becomes cold and all enemy attacks are slowed down.

Spell Shock (10)

Deals energy damage and prevents enemy mages from using their skills while running Spell Breaker.

Velocity (10)

Increases speed and damage from Ice Shard. Gives fragments a chance to continue flying after hitting the target.

Squall (10)

Creates an air storm around the enemy, reducing the accuracy of their attacks.

Freezing Blast (10)

Encases the enemy in ice, preventing him from moving, but reduces the effectiveness of your attacks in his direction.

Lightning Bolt (16)

Lightning attack spell.

Concussive Blast (16)

Increases range and damage Thunderball.

Obscured Visibility (16)

Further reduces visibility inside Squall.

Static Charge (16)

Gives the possibility of retaliatory damage when attacking an enemy while activated Storm Nimbus.

Energy Shield (16)

Creates an energy shield that absorbs all elemental attacks.

Torrent (24)

Increases the number of shards Ice Shard turning it into a continuous stream.

Summon Wisp (24)

Summons Storm Wisp

Storm Surge (24)

When active, each hit has a chance to unleash a flurry of storm energy.

Chain Lightning (32)

Spell Lightning Bolt hits multiple opponents at once.

Eye of the Storm (32)

Using this skill will increase lightning and cold damage for all allies and grant protection from lightning and cold damage.

reflection (32)

Gives energy shield the ability to reflect damage back to opponents.

Earth Fire Magic (Earth Mastery)

Pyromancer , a connoisseur of many spells, is able to unleash fire on the heads of enemies and tear open the ground under their feet. Secret knowledge in Earth Magic allows him to summon an Elemental that can single-handedly deal with a crowd of opponents.

Comprehending the secrets of the blacksmith god Hephaestus, feel the spirit of stone and flame. In the name of the Earth's Core, make the sword in your hands burn, and the stones crash into the ranks of opponents. Establish a spiritual connection with the Elemental and wreak havoc on your path. Just remember that the Pyromancer is strong in attack, but is practically not protected.

Base Skill (0-32)

Train your mind and spirit with ancient techniques that will give you

the ability to receive powers from stone and fire.

Earth Enchantment (1)

Charges your weapons and the weapons of allies with the power of stone and fire.

Flame Surge (1)

Three tongues of flame destroy everything near the mage.

Brimstone (4)

Adds physical damage to attacks and increases the chance of inflicting critical fire damage with attacks under Earth Enchantment.

Heat Shield (4)

Places a shield that absorbs fire damage.

Ring of Flames (4)

Temporarily surrounds you with a circle of fire that sets your enemies on fire.

Volcanic Orbs (4)

Casts a burning orb that explodes among enemies and deals physical damage to them, damaging everyone in a small radius.

Stone Shape (10)

Turns you to stone, increasing regeneration but preventing movement.

Summon Core Dweller (10)

Summons a defender from the depths of the Earth to the battlefield.

barrage (10)

Reduces recharge time and energy cost by Flame Surge.

Stone Skin (16)

Temporary armor, increases resistance to physical and fire damage.

Inner Fire (16)

Increases speed Core Dweller and adds fire damage to his attacks.

Soft Metal (16)

Adds heat to Ring of Flames, which softens the metal on enemy armor and weapons, reducing their effectiveness.

Conflagration (16)

Increases radius Volcanic Orb and adds flame damage, setting enemies on fire.

Molten Rock (24)

Adds Fire Damage to stone form.

wildfire (24)

Allows Core Dweller set fire to several enemies.

Flame Arch (24)

Increases damage and number of flames Flame Surge.

Fragmentation (24)

Adds to Volcanic Orb chunks of stone that explode on impact and deal additional physical damage.

Volativity (32)

Draws additional power from the Earth. Your fire attacks have a chance to deal very high damage.

Metamorphosis Core Dweller (32)

Gains increased resistance to enemy attacks.

Eruptions (32)

Creates fountains on the battlefield, spewing lava and pieces of stone at enemies.

Magic of Nature (Nature Mastery)

Wanderer uses the power of the forest and forest dwellers to attack and defend. Regeneration and protective auras allow allies to survive longer and fight more effectively.

Traveling outside the walls of any city, you find yourself at the mercy of wildlife. And only a wanderer can enlist the help of plants and animals. Despite the fact that the main direction of the forces of Nature is protection and healing, she can also show her anger.

Base Skill (0-32)

Cultivates the inner harmony and patience needed to learn the language of wild creatures and rule over the wild. Increases intelligence, agility, health and mana.

Regrowth (1)

Allows you to restore the life of the selected ally.

Call of the Wild (1)

Summons a wolf to fight by your side. There may be more wolves at higher skill levels.

Heart of Oak (4)

An aura that keeps you and your allies alive and increases your speed.

Accelerated Growth (4)

Recharge time Regrowth is shrinking.

Maul (4)

An attack that tears through enemy flesh and inflicts a bleeding wound.

Plague (4)

The target of the spell, becoming infected, loses some health, and then the disease is transmitted further, from enemy to enemy.

Briar (10)

A wall of thorny bushes grows around you, slowing and damaging enemies.

Survival Instinct (10)

Survival Instinct - Increases damage and absorbs a small amount of damage. Activated in the most critical situation.

Fatigue (10)

Infected enemies act more slowly and less effectively.

Tranquility of Water (16)

Gives a chance to recover 50% of the energy spent on using a skill. Works only while active heart of oak.

Dissemination (16)

Action Regrowth applies not only to the specified target, but also to nearby allies.

Stinging Nettle (16)

Enemies attacking Briar Ward get poisoned.

Sylvan Nymph (16)

call Sylvan Nymph, who can shoot a bow and cast spells on allies.

Permanence of Stone (24)

Protects allies from elemental damage.

Strength of the Pack (24)

Your wolves gain the pack howl skill, which cheers the hearts of allies, causing them to fight more desperately.

Overgrowth (24)

Bestows Nymph the ability to create a human shield that absorbs harm and causes retaliatory damage to enemies.

Susceptibility (24)

Makes enemies more susceptible to poison and elemental magic.

Refresh (32)

Instantly resets any skills not on cooldown.

Sanctuary (32)

Creates a grove where mana regenerates faster and skills cost less.

Nature's Wrath (32)

Infuses attacks Nymph the power of elemental magic.

Spirit Magic

Theurgist combines offense and defense with insidious magic that steals health from enemies and replenishes it for its master. At higher levels, the ability to summon a mightyLiche King who sows death and decay around him.

Anyone who studies the forbidden knowledge of warlocks knows that with the death of the body, the mind and spirit can be preserved in our mortal dimension. Knowledge in this dark art begins with experiments on one's body, and subsequently Theurgists gain the ability to control the spiritual energy and vitality of their enemies, and even command the living.

Base Skill (0-32)

Learning the dark art of controlling spirits through sorcery and mental power. Increases intelligence, agility, health and mana.

Deathchill Aura (1)

The deadly cold emanating from the character causes the enemy to slow down their movement and attack.

Life Drain (1)

Allows you to drink life from enemies, replenishing your own.

Ternion Attack (4)

Adds bonus magic damage to staff attacks.

Ravages of Time (4)

Increases the wear of armor and weapons of the enemy, which is why they are destroyed and lose their properties.

Vision of Death (4)

Allows you to show opponents the appearance of their own death. The weaker in spirit run away, the stronger fight less effectively.

Spirit Ward (4)

Gives a protective aura that reduces damage from the attacks of the living dead on the character and his allies.

Cascade (10)

Spell Life Drain Affects multiple enemies at once.

Dark Covenant (10)

At the expense of your own life, you can communicate with spirits, replenishing your energy supply.

Summon Liche King (10)

call of the ancient Liche King.

Spirit Bane (10)

Adds to action Spirit Ward damage done to the living dead.

Arcane Lore (16)

Increases the speed and attack power of the magic staff.

Necrosis (16)

Weakens enemies, making them more susceptible to physical damage.

Enslave Spirit (16)

Enslaves the minds of enemies, forcing them to fight for the hero. Valid for a limited time.

Death Nova (16)

Creates a wave of death that drains the life from any living creature in its path.

Unearthly Power (24)

At the expense of your own life, you can increase your strength and the strength of your allies.

Wraith Shell Liche King (24)

Partially passes into another dimension, which makes him less vulnerable to all types of damage.

Circle of Power (24)

Creates a magic circle inside which the living dead receive damage, and all allies receive additional protection from their attacks..

Death Ward (32)

Gives the hero an extra life, protecting them from death. At the moment when health is running out, its entire supply is replenished.

Summon Outsider (32)

Summons a very powerful ally for a short duration.

Arcane Blast (32)

Allows Liche King throw charges of elemental magic at opponents.

Song of War

The destruction of one is the birth of another.



Fundamentally, weapons and armor in Titan Quest do not differ from their counterparts in Diablo 2.

They still have a prefix before the name, for example Iron Ax, which means that the ax is made of iron material and has an appropriate level of quality. There are 145 prefixes in total in the game. This number also includes unique and quest items.

In addition, all magical weapons also have a suffix in their name, by which you can determine the spell cast on it. For example, the name Short sword of Agility tells us that the lucky owner of this sword has increased agility. There are only 121 suffixes in the game. What a blessing that nothing is fundamentally needed to identify in Titan Quest.

For weapons, 4 cells are provided, the main and additional ones for the right hand and the same number for the left. Moreover, on the left hand, without special skills, you can not take anything other than a shield. You can put on a little: a helmet, armor, bracers, greaves, a couple of rings and a necklace. Yes, in ancient times they always walked in sandals and with bare hips, so we will not wear boots and pants that have not been invented until now.

In addition to weapons, shields, armor and bottles, there are Relic Shards in the game - fragments from magic symbols with which you can enchant weapons. But you can wait, having accumulated five identical ones, and then they can be combined into one full-fledged artifact. Each type of Relic, and there are 75 types in total, allows you to enchant a certain type of equipment - armor, shield, or weapon, adding a new property to them. This can be a banal reduction in armor requirements, and an increase in armor, and acceleration of regeneration and the addition of poison damage.

Altars and wells

In addition, on the way to Olympus, the Wells of Rebirth and Enchanted Altars will become an indispensable tool for you.

Once you touch the Well, you will bind your immortal spirit to it, and in the event of your tragic death, the blessed waters will revive you next to it again. Wells are generously scattered everywhere, you will find them in every second location, and therefore the path will be pleasant. If you leave the game, you will also wake up next to the Well, and not in the nearest town.

Enchanted Altars have a quite recognizable shape and a luminous aura around them. If you touch the Altar, then it will bless you once, after which for a short time a positive effect will be a pleasant company for the savior of Hellas. It can be additional protection, and increased regeneration, and an increase in all skills ... But the absolute top of the pyramid in terms of attractiveness will be held by the Altar, which doubles the experience!

Altars also serve as a kind of "litmus test" - by their presence, you can determine that there is a difficult or dangerous area not far ahead.

In the name of Zeus!

Love is the desire for rapprochement, caused by the appearance of beauty.

Zeno of China

What we have in the end is an excellent game in the Diablo genre, like a beautiful antique statue carved in imitation of a person. Yes, it is not so flexible, but it is attractive and monumental.

The first players are already mastering the multiplayer spaces of online Hellas and glorifying the Greek gods in all parts of the world. Let's not fall behind them! And if you like the game, then we will return to it in the "Tips of the Masters" and talk about what else is worth paying attention to.

Well, good luck!

Do you know that?..

The head and chief designer of Titan Quest is Brian Sullivan, who founded Ensemble Studios in the early 90s. It was in her that the glorious saw the light Age game of Empires, now widely known and revered. Brian even won the "Best Game Design"-98 award at the Game Developers Conference for it. However, Age of Mythology was and remains his favorite brainchild, from which he drew inspiration, deciding to take episodes of the real history of the ancient world, add a little mysticism, creepy monsters and magic - and get an original and exciting role-playing game as a result!

Despite the fact that Iron Lore is a very young game studio, people who worked on Asheron's Call and people from Blizzard found themselves in it, so success and the creation of new masterpieces will surely lie ahead of them!


W- change weapons

FROM- character window

S- skill window

Q- task window

M- map window

1-0 - fast cell from 1 to 10

D- drop a thing

Z- show all things

alt- don't show broken items

X- don't show normal stuff

Down- next skill

Up- previous skill

Number 1- maximum approximation

Number 3- maximum distance

Number 2- default camera

Num 0- center the map

L- activate the portal

R- drink the elixir of life

E- drink mana elixir

Mouse wheel up- bring closer

Mouse wheel down- move away

Shift- stationary attack

T- chat window

P- command window

G- game menu

H- help window

Space- pause

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In this add-on, while playing, you can make such a joke. If you imported Persians, and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.

Do not be stupid in the development of the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military affairs and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. And with two swords and a shield you can't run.
I recommend such developments: the magic of earth and air has very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with a shadow. The bomb comes out. Hunt with some elemental magic or with a shadow. Shadow protection. Spontaneous development can be done with any direction, it will not work out badly. But it is better to develop the Power of Dreams in solitude, you can, having fully developed it, get a killer Persian.
Try to have relics inserted into all available things.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives a task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green color, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (what else is there), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native Speed ​​Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a set Clothes of Babylon. Good things. In Egypt, you can find a set of Ramses. Good for a mage. In this add-on, while playing, you can make such a joke. If you imported Persians, and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.
Do not be stupid in the development of the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military affairs and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. And with two swords and a shield you can't run.
I recommend such developments: the magic of earth and air has very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with a shadow. The bomb comes out. Hunt with some elemental magic or with a shadow. Shadow protection. Spontaneous development can be done with any direction, it will not work out badly. But it is better to develop the Power of Dreams in solitude, you can, having fully developed it, get a killer Persian.
Try to have relics inserted into all available things.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives a task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green color, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (what else is there), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native Speed ​​Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a set Clothes of Babylon. Good things. In Egypt, you can find a set of Ramses. Good for a mage. In this add-on, while playing, you can make such a joke. If you imported Persians, and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.
Do not be stupid in the development of the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military affairs and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. And with two swords and a shield you can't run.
I recommend such developments: the magic of earth and air has very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with a shadow. The bomb comes out. Hunt with some elemental magic or with a shadow. Shadow protection. Spontaneous development can be done with any direction, it will not work out badly. But it is better to develop the Power of Dreams in solitude, you can, having fully developed it, get a killer Persian.
Try to have relics inserted into all available things.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives a task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green color, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (what else is there), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native Speed ​​Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a set Clothes of Babylon. Good things. In Egypt, you can find a set of Ramses. Good for a mage. In this add-on, while playing, you can make such a joke. If you imported Persians, and you don’t need all of them, then you can use them as sponsors, buying with their money, and then taking everything you need through the transfer panel.
Do not be stupid in the development of the Persians. There is no need, for example, to develop military affairs and defense. Warfare develops an attack with two swords, and defense develops a shield. And with two swords and a shield you can't run.
I recommend such developments: the magic of earth and air has very powerful spells, you can make a good magician. The spirit takes emphasis on staves, it is better to develop with nature. Develop military affairs with a shadow. The bomb comes out. Hunt with some elemental magic or with a shadow. Shadow protection. Spontaneous development can be done with any direction, it will not work out badly. But it is better to develop the Power of Dreams in solitude, you can, having fully developed it, get a killer Persian.
Try to have relics inserted into all available things.
I'll list some good things. 1. In Babylon, running through the forests, where the general gives a task about armor, killing tigers, you can find Sabretooth. Green color, damage is somewhere around 35-45, but magical properties add fire damage (what else is there), from 30% to 50% attack speed, agility. Native Speed ​​Very Fast. Also in Babylon there is a set Clothes of Babylon. Good things. In Egypt, you can find a set of Ramses. Good for a mage.

The Ancient Greek Trench War

For a long time, it seemed that the Brigand's auras and Study Prey were the only way of making traps inflict good damage on the long run. Without buffs, progress in Legendary is sluggish at best. Pet bonuses do not help them in the regular game, and burn damage has little effect beyond looking nice. A long overlooked bonus granted by the Warrior's Battle Standard, however, increases the damage of almost everything in its radius, including trap bolts, by up to 274 physical points!
The idea behind the build at hand is to make use of that bonus as often as possible, using the traps’ rapid rate of fire as well as flurries of throwing knives to deliver it to the enemy.

And this works quite well, to say the least. Especially on Legendary, thanks to high %physical bonuses.
What is more, the Assassin needs fewer skillpoints for this than the Brigand, can make do with little -recharge, and is quite safe to play, which makes him an interesting build for new players. Old boys, on the other hand, can explore some interesting possibilities opened up by specific equipment.

Standard bonus affecting traps and knives:

game play

The basic principle is quite simple: Our “trench fighter” builds a fortification consisting of three traps and a Standard, then lets the enemy storm it with their clubs. When they are down he attracts the next wave, or moves the “front” forward.
This makes his progress depend a bit on how often he can place a new Standard (recharge). However, thoughtful placement does allow players to use each one for a relatively long time.
Tactical support comes in the form of confusing knives, Warhorn stun, the Standard’s other benefits (45% damage absorption, +skills, -50% energy cost) and whatever else the player chooses to do.

Actually, the only other thing he needs to do at this point is not die, and maybe replace the occasional trap. But why stop at that?

“Don't forget your stick Lieutenant.”
Rather, Sir. Wouldn't want to face a machinegun without it!”
– Blackadder goes forth

Varieties The beauty of this Trapper is that, after completing the core build relatively early, you are left with a lot of points to distribute freely according to your preference and playstyle.

As a general direction, he can become a Fighter, Caster, or both.
Let's call the last one a Hybrid (for lack of a better word, since he excels at both).

…is initially not much of a trapper, but rather resembles the ordinary assassin in style and gear. Fighting through trash mobs with Warwind and Onslaught (maybe even dual wielding), the knives are used only to help distribute the poison. Usually able to defend himself, he only takes the time to construct fortifications to ensure victory against larger groups or bosses.
He is a straightforward char who capitalizes on the strength and dexterity granted by the masteries, needs little to no -recharge, and is therefore a good choice for newer players. By finding the right gear, he can gradually evolve to become the Hybrid.

  • Attributes: str / dex about 2:1, int of a youghurt.
  • Equipment: The usual Warrior stuff.

…tries to stick to the basic idea as much as possible, as early as possible. Accordingly, he strives to have traps and Standards up all the time, while supporting with knives. Melee skills are only used in emergencies, and are not trained for. – His main goal is the reduction of recharge time.
This requires him to increase his intelligence in order to wear things like Archmage's Clasps. On the other hand, he also needs strength and dexterity – to carry a decent shield, to block better, and to hold or wear any other equipment that may reduce recharge times (Hunter's Helm, Tracker's Hood, Ceremonial Buckler…) or support his traps (MButi spear). All those requirements, in turn, make him appreciate equipment which reduces them, like a Captain's Signet or Hephaestus' Shield.
The advantage of the caster lies in his flexibility, and in trap/knife damage being completely independent of player attributes. By disregarding melee, he can distribute those with the sole purpose of wearing equipment – ​​which is perfect for players who would like to play trapper style, but need or want to do it with whatever rag-tag -recharge gear they have or find.
And it is worth collecting, not only for more Standards: With enough -recharge Throwing Knives becomes a spammable attack, allowing for some active buttkicking by the caster himself. It can also allow him to have a permanent escort of Ancestor spirits (they, too, get the Standard's bonus!), which makes him a petmaster on top. And with enough intelligence to carry Hades' Scepter, he can temporarily increase their number to eight.

  • Attributes: Mixed, depending on the equipment. Do not affect damage.
  • Equipment: Whatever reduces recharge, or strengthens knives and pets. see below.

…is a fighter as well as a caster who, thanks to excellent equipment, can get rid of recharge time while still only focusing on strength (and still having room for resistances, +skills and melee/knife/pet bonuses). Except for the ability to use Hades's scepter, he combines all combat abilities of the above two classes.
However, he is extremely gear dependent, and therefore only viable for “rich” players (or miserable cheaters:P), or as a future goal for those starting out as a Fighter.

  • Attributes: Like Fighter
  • Equipment: Odysseus' Armor, Tracker's Hood, Talisman of the Jade Emperor, Polaris, Lykaion Malleus, SBCs.

Obviously, the transitions between possible variants are smooth. Besides, I would not stop anyone from supporting his traps as a staff mage or archer (with no recharge Lethal Strike…).

Do whatever you like - the char allows it.

Maiev the Fighter, aspiring to become a Hybrid:

Equipment & Tips

  • When using +skills, the tooltips will not always show the correct Standard bonus. It works perfectly, though, going up to 274 at level 14.
  • The Standard's aura boosts itself , ending up one level higher than initially stated. Placing one Standard while in the radius of another yields one more level.
  • When using the Fanpatch , Triumph is another great boost to your fortification by protecting it against melees (even more) and reducing enemies’ physical resistance. It does, however, draw aggro to the Standard, which is rather fragile in normal.
  • Since keeping the Standard alive is crucial, an obvious thing to do is to spread out your summons , especially when facing AoE attacks.
  • The added physical bonus greatly exceeds the innate pierce damages of both knives and trap bolts. Therefore points in BS, and Improved Fire Mechanism for traps, are more important than the base skill levels.
    When points are scarce, level 1 traps will do. They also cost less mana to build. Likewise, knives can be left at 1-max unless you really want the extra damage .
  • Fun fact : After being granted some damage to its “hands”, the Standard, just like some ranged pets, occasionally performs a melee attack.
  • The only way of boosting trap damage further are ally auras, which in the Assassin's case means magic scrolls or other party members. Considering the latter, your best friends are Hunting (Pierce damage boost, high level Study Prey) and Nature (SotP, HoO, Plague). Team up with a Ranger for insane traps and wolves.
  • In the Anniversary Edition, you can and want to boost your traps with physical damage pet gear that synergizes with the Standard’s bonus.
    And while the Standard's aura itself will mean less of a DPS increase in the AE, this will make already make traps better outside of it.
  • Blade Honing does not affect the traps because they lack the required weapons. The flat pierce damage would get added to your knives, however, and more pierce conversion helps your spear if you also have lots of +% pierce damage on you.
    Though if not, enemy pierce resistance might cancel the benefit. You decide whether it is worth the points.
  • What you can do is increase the damage the enemy receives, by reducing their physical and pierce resistances. Triumph, as mentioned, does this. So do Monkey King relics on jewelery, which also apply on knives. Sheng Nong or weapons which inherently do this (Sapros, Boreas, Defiler, Bramblewood) work too, but only on direct attacks with that weapon.
  • The best way to reduce both physical and pierce resistances is using a Mbuti's Advocate (Anouran MI spear), which grants a chance to cast Study Prey – even when throwing knives! This allows you to spread it from afar, with many opportunities of activating.
    It also works well in melee, combined with Onslaught and Lethal Strike. But even if you are a low-strength Caster, using War Wind with a Sheng Nong'd, Mandrake-poisoned Mbuti can ruin a small crowd's day.
  • Lastly, another way to more damage when using many small attacks is to reduce enemy armor . Weapons like The Last Emperor, suffixes like “of Ruin” (direct attack only) and Hamstring all make each bolt/knife hurt a bit more.
    This is where a partner with Dream can shine (especially pet Ritu / trap Illu), because Chaotic Resonance annihilates around 300 points of armor in an AoE.
  • Standard and equipment bonuses all add up on your knives. So do special effects like leech, stun or reduced resistances. They are more like arrows than spell projectiles.
  • The one exception to this are bonuses on weapons (and shields), which only affect knives via global %, or granted skills. Fortunately, there are affixes (e.g. Tyrant's) and relics (Thanatos, Achilles) which increase physical or total % nicely – if you want to focus on damage.
  • Generally, the key to good knife damage is to stack as many flat bonuses of a type as possible on them, and then boost that same type(s) by many %.
    Tracker's Hood, for example, increases the knives' base pierce damage by 100% and grants another 40 flat lightning which, in turn, would profit from %lightning and, in this case, intelligence.
  • Physical and pierce damage on knives do not care about str/dex. Yet this char should use those, especially physical, because they are already present and supported.
    Items like the Pendant Of Immortal Rage or Ares relics help here. Phantom Bane and Ring of Dexterity are worth a look, too.
  • Battle Rage and its mod affect knives! Due to their numbers, this can be quite useful: Up to 80 points per knife (before +%) and 25% chance of another 300.
  • Open Wound (chance of bleeding) works as well, as long as you carry a bladed weapon. In normal difficulty, blood/poison knives are a viable option.
  • For survival, your primary equipment should always include a shield. The best one, obviously, is Aionios. Ankil is good too, for extra blocking, and so is a Vengeance with good affixes and a Turtle Shell.
    Casters already have some strength from masteries, and should have little trouble ending up with at least a medium shield thanks to -requirments, like the “Flowing Shield of the Euphrates” or an epic Vengeance.
    If you want to get by without strength for some reason, as always, use Santa's inedibly hard peppermint.
  • Strong guys can put one or two Onagers on switch to quickly regenerate mana.
  • As it should be, bows are an Assassin's friend! Early on, they are great Envenomed Weapons, and a cheap alternative to knives for luring enemy groups.
    Later, the ability to deliver Nightshade and Hamstring slow, Lethal Strike / Onslaught damage and stun, and other weapon effects from a distance makes them great for sniping bosses.
  • Casters who use Ancestors a lot may think about getting physical pet gear for them. The % bonus works on their damage, the added damage, and the Standard's boost.
  • Though it's neat to have, there may be better options than going all the way up to 500 int just to hold Hades' Scepter. The extra Ancestors' cooldown cannot be reduced, and you must not switch back to your shield while they are up.
    If you also own the Demonskin Walkers, though, or want to support with staff shots, more power to you.
  • The best artifact to get is certainly the Jade Emperor's Talisman. Resistances, recharge reduction and an ally aura are all useful to us. Thot's Glory and Polymath are good for Casters, for their requirement reduction. And those focusing on throwing knives may like anything that grants flat bonuses, like the Tyrant's Fist.

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