Emilia clarke new hair color Emilia Clarke became Daenerys Targaryen in life: the star of "Game of Thrones" dyed her hair blonde. being blonde is fun

0 September 19, 2017, 18:55

It seems like 30-year-old Emilia Clarke can't wait for the final season of "" (Game of Thrones)! Today, the actress reincarnated as her character Daenerys Targaryen in real life, dyeing her hair a light shade. Clarke announced this on her Instagram page, where she posted a frame taken in the process of transformation.

Oh shit. I did it. Mother of dragons, meet Emilia. Emilia, meet the Mother of Dragons,

Emilia went to change her image for eight years. The star did not dare to become a blonde because of the fear that her hair could deteriorate.

Every time I put on my heroine's wig, I think I look great with blonde hair. The thought comes to my mind that I should definitely repaint. But after filming, such thoughts disappear. I can say one thing - being a blonde is fun!

- the star said in one of her interviews.

Emilia Clarke. Shot from the series "Game of Thrones"

Fans of the series are happy with this change in the image of the actress, because many of them believe that blond hair suits Emilia more than her natural color. Now, social media users have suggested that in the eighth season of "Game of Thrones" Daenerys could become a brown-haired woman.

Now the famous British actress Emilia Clarke in real life has also become similar to the Mother of Dragons .. Earlier it became known that she would take part in the film about Han Solo.

Emilia Clarke became the Mother of Dragons

Famous actress Emilia Clarke delighted her numerous followers in social network Instagram. The actress showed a picture in her microblog, in which she finally transformed into her heroine from the famous TV series Game of Thrones.

Now Emilia has become the Mother of Dragons in real life, informs our journalist Amalia Chervinchuk.

Not only on screen, but in real life.

Brunette Clarke dyed her hair blonde, now in real life it is indistinguishable from the on-screen character that millions of people around the globe know.

"Oh shit. I did it. Mother of dragons, meet Emilia. Emilia, meet the Mother of Dragons,” Emilia Clarke wrote under her picture.

Being blonde is fun!

As the actress admitted earlier, every time she has to wear wigs on the set, because she plays a blonde woman according to the script. The thought of changing her hair came to her mind more than once, but Clarke was afraid that this would ruin her hair very much.

“Every time I wear my character's wig, I feel like I look amazing with blonde hair. The thought comes to my mind that I should definitely repaint. I can say one thing - being a blonde is fun! — shared the star with fans.

Recall, recently it became known that the creators decided to shoot several variations of the final scene of season 8 in order to prevent any attempts to leak information.

(Emilia Clarke) admitted that this project not only affected her life and career, but also her hair. The performer of the role of the Mother of Dragons, Daenerys Targaryen, said that the image in the project provoked changes in her own image - the girl dyed her hair blonde, which ruined her hair.

Recall that Clarke wanted to lighten up, as her character looked stunning in a platinum blonde. Putting on a wig, Emilia always felt great with this color, but she was always afraid to dye her brown hair white, because she knew about the dangers of this procedure.

“Every time I wear my character's wig, I feel like I look amazing with blonde hair. The thought comes to my mind that I should definitely repaint. But after filming, such thoughts disappear. I can say one thing: being a blonde is fun!” Clark admitted in an interview.

But when that idea finally took hold and Clarke went blonde, she ran into trouble as her hair became weakened. Now she dreams of correcting this situation and growing them. "I like my length, but I wish mine were even longer.- says the actress, - I fucking love long hair!”

The Game of Thrones star said that she tries to nourish her hair with various professional products, uses specialized shampoos and conditioners, and dreams of cutting off everything she ruined. However, she continues to like the blond hair color, and the fans are delighted that Emilia transferred her image from the series to real life and is very similar to her heroine Daenerys.

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