How to craft an enchanted table in minecraft. How to max out gear in minecraft. What is this table and why is it needed

Welcome, all lovers of the wonderful world of minecraft. This article is dedicated to the players who liked minecraft and since this game has no limitations in its capabilities, magic has not been left without attention. We will talk about the latter.

First of all, absolutely any gamer who decides to follow the difficult path of magic starts with crafting an “enchantment table”. Why difficult? Because, any subject to be enchanted, passes through the “hardening” of magic through this very table. And crafting it, for beginners, one might say, is not available. But, do not despair! Next, consider the phased achievement of your goal, as a bonus - a couple of tips.

Collection of ingredients

So, the “enchantment table” itself is crafted from the following materials:

  • 1 book
  • 2 Diamonds
  • 4 Obsidian


The item is not so common, but it is not difficult to find it either. There are three options here: find it in a mine, buy it from a village librarian, or craft it yourself. Mines and villages are not always "at hand", so the best option would be to craft it. This requires cows and bamboo. Cows can be found in the steppe or forests, skin them. Bamboo - grows on any river banks, from which we create papyrus (paper). In total, there is cowhide, there is paper. It remains to reach the workbench and the book is ready.


Shiny pebbles, the rarest mineral in the world of minecraft, the cherished dream of any "Steve". For those who didn't know, Steve is the character everyone plays. In order to go in search of diamonds, the player must have a well-equipped shelter and a minimum supply of a couple of stacks of wood, coal, food and iron. Diamond mining is the most costly in terms of time and effort. They are located very rarely and deep underground. You can find them from the first to the sixteenth level (To see at what level the user should press the F3 key and look in the upper left corner.).

These levels are very dangerous due to the presence of lava lakes, you should stock up in advance with at least one or two buckets of water so that all your efforts and resources do not go to Tartarary. One of the most optimal ways of mining, which also affects the search for diamonds, is digging tunnels “through 2 rows”. In this case, the formations of diamonds that are generated in the world from one to five will be impossible to miss. Thus, even at any level one can find relatively enough diamonds for the first pore.


The final and most time-consuming "product" for extraction. To extract it, you need a pickaxe, which will be created from the ingredient from the second point. Diamond is the only material that obsidian lends itself to. To extract it, you need to find a source
lava, and stock up on either buckets of water or empty buckets to draw the required amount of lava from the lake. It is considered that the most simple option, will go down with buckets already filled with water. And so, with the reaction of a certain amount of water and one cube of lava, "Obsidian" is formed. Thus, you can pour one bucket on the shore of a lava lake and watch how the first ball of lava is converted into obsidian. After, diamond pick(it is worth noting that the extraction is quite long, since obsidian is the most durable block in minecraft), holding down "Shift" you can safely go to collect the long-awaited obsidian. What is the "Shift" key for? In order not to collapse into lava, and not to waste extra nerves.


Do not forget about the "bookcase". One of the most useful "additions" to the enchanting table. Why not immediately set up a table and do some magic? As mentioned earlier: minecraft game is not for the faint of heart, but diligent people. The bottom line is that each bookcase increases the level of the enchanted item by a certain percentage. For a full/maximum table set, you will need thirty lockers, which are located around the "enchantment table" along the radius, so that a one-block-sized circle remains around the table. With patience and allowing yourself such a treat, you can enchant things up to level 30.

To craft bookshelves, you need the following items:

  • Boards. (any tree)
  • Books. (which have already been mentioned)

For one locker, you need six boards and three books. Yes, it's a very time-consuming process, but it's worth it. And so, all the necessary components have already been assembled, the enchantment table has been installed, bookcases have been added strictly according to the rules. The moment of truth has come. The very process of witchcraft.

Enchanting. What, where, where?

What can be affected by magic? These are: armor, weapons, tools and, again, books. Before any enchantment process, you need to gain a certain amount of experience. The bigger, the better! How to get it? Yes, in almost any way, just survive. Kill monsters, breed friendly mobs, farm, cook, trade with the locals and everything else in the same vein.

Approaching the enchantment table, the player will notice the following: the book levitating above the table will open and incomprehensible kryakozyabry will begin to “flutter” around it. This is the norm, and these are the symbols of the galactic alphabet. Approaching the table, you need to right-click on it, a window will appear. Below the picture of the book there will be a small slot for items to be enchanted. By dragging the desired item from the inventory to this cell, one can observe that the aforementioned kryakozyabry - the galactic alphabet - will appear on three shelves nearby. With great enthusiasm, you can decipher it manually, so the player can find out with accuracy what effect will be imposed on a particular thing. Numbers will appear at the end of the lines, they also indicate the price of enchantment. It is worth remembering that the more expensive the spell, the better the effect.

After enchanting, the item is automatically added to the inventory and acquires an iridescent blue-violet bright color resembling a golden apple. In addition to buns, the player also receives beautiful things. To repair enchanted items, you need an anvil. But more on that next time.

Greetings to all minecrafters, great magicians and novice wizards of our mysterious minecraft world. Today, my friends, we will reveal to you the great secret of drawing things in minecraft. By the way, it’s not “charming” that’s correct, but “enchanting”, we specially wrote this :)

Why you need an enchantment table

So, my friends, why make an enchantment table and what is it in minecraft? By the name, you probably already guessed: we are talking about magic. That is, about the ability to improve the characteristics of our items with the help of spells.

How to create an enchantment table

So, my friends, how can you make an enchantment table?

To make an enchantment table, we need: two diamonds, four obsidian and a book, which will also have to be made in advance. I want to note that crafting is not easy in terms of the materials needed for this. But more on that later, dear friends.

If we have all the necessary items, we lay them out on the workbench in such a way as in the figure:

And we get to use a beautiful, unlike the others, block, the height of which is only three quarters of the usual one. There is always a closed book on it, or rather it does not stand, but slowly rotates. And when we come closer to the table, the book opens and the pages begin to move.

What is needed for crafting

Now a little about the materials needed to create a witch's table: how you can get or make them. I must say that they are expensive and very difficult to obtain. Yes, my friends, doing magic in minecraft is not easy and expensive, but it's worth it.


For diamonds, you will have to go down into the mines. Where lava is deep and already found, rich diamond deposits are quite often found. You must have a pickaxe, at least an iron one. Yes, I almost forgot, take plenty of torches with you, my friends.


Now that the diamonds have been mined, it is imperative to make a diamond pickaxe and go for obsidian with it. Since obsidian is the most durable material in minecraft, it cannot be destroyed by any other tool. And in order to get it, it will be necessary to first fill the lava with water: a certain natural phenomenon will occur, as a result of which obsidian will appear. But this must be done carefully, friends, so as not to fall into the lake of fire.


The book, my friends, we will not have to get, but to make on a workbench of leather and paper. We get the skin by exterminating the cows in the district, and for paper we need to chop the reed and lay it out on the workbench.

What is a bookcase for?

Why make a bookcase as well, and not immediately start enchanting things? The fact is that lockers enhance enchantment. So be patient, dear friends, a little more, and we will have everything ready for enchantment. I warned you: magic in minecraft is complex and does not tolerate fuss.

To make a locker, we need boards and books that we have already crafted earlier. We arrange them, as in the figure and the locker is ready.

How to enchant things

Finally, my friends, we have finished all the preparations and can already proceed directly to the enchantment processes. How enchantment takes place and how to carry out this witchcraft rite as efficiently as possible. What you need to get the best stats for items that can be enchanted, such as: armor, weapons, tools and books.

How to get the maximum effect

In order for our enchantment to give the maximum result, that is, several effects with high levels, instead of one, some conditions must be met. This is the will of the main magician of our great world of minecraft.

So, my friends, do not worry, these conditions are not at all terrible and you can easily fulfill them. It is necessary to build a small room where the walls will be from cabinets, the floor and ceiling can not be made from them. There should be at least 15 lockers - and, before version 12w23a, 30 were required. They should be located so that the table is in the center, at a distance of one block from them.

Before you start enchanting, you need to gain a certain amount of experience, since each cup will “take away” thirty points of experience from you. It can be obtained by killing monsters, as well as other, more harmless animals, mining ore, smelting it, creating farms for animals, fishing. In a word, doing everything you need to survive in our harsh minecraft world. And from the 12w21a option, it is possible to buy a potion in the village, which will give a certain amount of experience.

Directly the charka process

Now, my friends, after long and difficult preparations, the long-awaited moment has come: we proceed to the mysterious rite of enchantment. To do this, we approach the table, while the magic book itself opens. We click on the book PKM and its menu opens:

The charka process itself is not difficult, but it requires patience and a little luck. It is necessary to put the item that needs to be enchanted in the box under the book, while some mysterious magical writing appears. Don't be scared, friends, it's just a galactic alphabet, ignore it and look at the green numbers. They show the "price" in experience points that we have to pay for a cup. The higher the "price", the better the performance of the charka will be.

Place the item on the enchanting table. Some items are more likely to receive high-level enchantments than others. There is also an element of randomness involved, so there are no guarantees, but remember the following:

  • Gold items have the highest chances of high-level enchanting, but due to their low durability, enchanting them is not so profitable, of course, if you do not mind the extra experience. The same goes for wooden tools and leather armor, but their enchantment level will be much worse than gold items.
  • Enchanting iron swords and tools is slightly better than diamond ones. However, diamond armor is still superior to iron armor.

Place lapis lazuli in the second cell. In version 1.8, all enchantments require lapis lazuli. If you want to enchant an item to the maximum (lower enchantment slot), then each enchantment will require 3 lapis lazuli from you.

Hover your mouse over an item. In version 1.8, the ability to view enchantments before choosing them was added. To do this, just hover the mouse over the spell. You are guaranteed to get these enchantments, and with luck - three or more.

  • Enchant an item to reset the enchant options. You won't be able to change available options charms without selecting one of them. However, these three upgrades will be different for each item, and if you enchant one of the items, you will reset these upgrades for all items at once. For example, if you don't like sword enchantments, check out the available enchantments for bows, tools, armor, or fishing rods. If you enchant one of these items, you will see that when enchanting the sword, new enchantments appeared.

    • If you think all upgrade options are useless, then choose the cheapest (top) enchantment to spend only 1 level and 1 lapis lazuli. Use the book to add a charm to an item on the anvil, as described next.
  • Upgrade an enchanted item with an anvil. To craft an anvil, you will need three blocks of iron (top row) and four iron ingots (bottom row and center slot). Among other things, on the anvil you can combine enchanted items and transfer enchantments from books to them, paying for it with your experience. Here's how it works:

    • Books have a poor chance of getting a good enchantment, but on the anvil they can be combined with any other item.
    • Two identical items (by material and type) can be combined on the anvil to restore durability and combine the spell.
    • Before combining enchanted items, make sure their enchantments are compatible. (see Warnings section). If the enchantment is not compatible, then the enchantment from the second item will be lost.
  • Consider one innovation in minecraft. Minecraft is becoming more of a level game, with upgrades, enchantments, and of course alchemy.

    Below is how to craft Enchanting table .

    Consider why we need an enchantment table. So, we create a library in order to enhance the effect of enchantment. That is, at a distance of one step there should be bookshelves. Do not skimp on the bookshelves around the altar, the shelves are placed not for beauty, but to enhance the effect of pumping items. Their effectiveness is counted only at a distance of one cell, but it does not work at point-blank range.

    Luckily, we won't need any recipes further, as we did with the workbench. We just put the item in a special cell on the left, and on the right it shows what the item will be enchanted for, and of course its price (the number of levels taken away). The maximum cost is fifty levels, the number is written next to the spell in the table interface. The most interesting feature in all this - that if you do not like the option, you just need to remove the item, and put it back. Here the spell will change.

    But to better understand the essence, here is a little helper for you. Symbols are cipher letters. Although for orientation it is easier to look at the numbers right next to the encrypted characters (units of the level taken away).

    Notch wrote on Reddit "Oh, this is just magical! The book automatically opens and turns to the player standing nearby. When no one is around, the book is closed and slowly rotates. Because it's Magic."

    And of course I advise you to watch the video, everything is very clear and the video is in Russian.

    Enchanting table is an item needed to enhance (enchant) your weapons and tools.

    An enchantment table is a must have for a self-respecting Minecraft player. With an enchantment table, you will provide yourself with a very good protection if it's armor and upgrade attack if it's a weapon. You can also enchant a pickaxe or other tools as needed.

    How to make an enchantment table

    To craft an enchantment table, we need:

    • 3 obsidian
    • 2 diamonds
    • 1 book

    We expose them as shown in the screenshot:

    Also, the enchantment table must be surrounded by shelves with books. An enchantment table without bookshelves will only allow you to upgrade to level 5. Dependence of enchantment on the number of bookshelves:

    Also, when racks of books are added to the enchantment table, runes begin to fly into the table. It's very beautiful from an aesthetic point of view;). Look here:

    The power of the runes fills the book :). And the book, by the way, turns to the owner, that is, to the one who will use it. Also, in addition to increasing the characteristics on an enchanted item, it will glow like .

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