Where to find an oil drill in the game Brownies. Statistics of the VK community "Domovyata - the official group of the game." Secrets of the game “Domovyata” in Odnoklassniki

Yeah, you thought life goes swimmingly in a fairy tale? Not so! You tidy up and tidy up, you chase Kikimora - but almost no changes happen? How would you like everything to be easy for you right away? However, okay, let’s not dribble on a sore “callus”. We know how to help your grief. All you need to do is find out what secrets does the game Domovyata hide?

There are not many of them, and some of the tricks may seem completely trivial to you. However, do not ignore them, because behind the seemingly small things there can be a much greater meaning. Therefore, understand all the words and apply the tips in the process. And here they are.

  1. Do not try to put things in order in the house so that everything around it shines and sparkles from cleanliness. Sometimes the game offers tasks in which you need to collect a certain amount of crap (net, garbage). And if you remove everything, then there will be nothing to collect and you will have to wait until the house is overgrown with cobwebs again.
  2. The most important items in the game (keys to new rooms) can only be obtained from friends. Therefore, if you have not yet invited your friends to the game, do so quickly. Otherwise, your capabilities in the Domovyata application will be limited. Do you need this?
  3. Does the brownie want to treat you? Take up growing flowers - and shortcakes with a wonderful aroma will be available to him more and more often.
  4. Does kikimora interfere with cleaning? Can't hit it with a slingshot? Shoot all the “bullets” in one gulp (there are four of them), then you definitely won’t miss. Well, after that you can calmly put all your things back in their places and refresh yourself. But if you leave the tidying up unfinished, then upon returning to this room (to finish things off) Kikimora will appear again.
  5. If the money you earn is not enough, you can use an agreement with Baba Yaga. To do this, as soon as you see that the scale under its image begins to flash red, immediately start collecting garbage. Bonuses will fall on you - collect them too. When the scale stops flashing, you will receive additional money. If they are not enough, you can use codes for the Domovyata application - this way you can get much more pennies at any time.
  6. Don't forget to save your game before exiting it. Otherwise, the next time you log into the application, you will be shocked by the changes that have occurred in the house while you were away.
  7. Keep collectibles for as long as possible. Trading them for something else may result in much less benefit they can provide later.

Are there buggies in the game Domovyata?

That's all the secrets, and there is no other one. That's why If you dreamed of getting bugs for the game Domovyata, then we will disappoint you. There simply has not yet been a hacker who could penetrate the application and find the treasured key to weak points. Or maybe it’s not the hacker, but the weaknesses in the game. In general, does it matter if the conclusion boils down to the same thing, that all that remains is to play by the rules and nothing more.

Therefore, we wish you to get into the game and enjoy the chores around the house together with the brownie. Good luck in your business and easy completion of the quest!

Tired of order and rules, want some thrill? Then you just need to get bugs for the game Domovyata.

Only they can easily and quickly, almost without any effort, help you get food and experience, pennies and gold coins. The only problem is, where can I get them?

Maybe you have hacking skills? No? It's a pity. In this case, you will have to sweat a little more until someone finds a loophole for the Domovyata application. Work with success!

I've been playing for about 2 years now. I quit several times, but in the end I still come back to it. You know, it’s very relaxing to collect trash around the house... so that I can clean the house like that...

The graphics in the game are interesting and colorful . The developers are constantly changing the seasons of the game (the background of the “street” locations), adding interior items and clothing for the house kids.

You can choose a brownie boy or girl as a character, customize his appearance, dress him as you like and give him a name. Some outfits can only be purchased for real money (non-game currency), some can be received as a reward for completing quests or won in a lottery (sometimes held).

Quests with different plots , are personally interesting to me. Of course, everyone wants to make money from their product, so the game has the ability to pay with real money (which is entered into the game as “rules”). Chervonchiki can either be deposited into your VKontakte account using votes, and then transferred in the application, you can collect a collection (when clearing specific garbage, elements of collections often fall out, when collecting a full collection, you can sell it and get “something”: pennies - in-game currency, experience, gold coins, items, food, power - spent on garbage collection). Upon reaching each level, the player is also given a gold coin.

You can buy clothes for chervonchiki. interior items, a power pack, keys for opening locations or quest stages.

I'm a person... greedy for the game.

I'm not at all interested in completing a task for money. Where is the gaming interest then? Excitement? Where is it all? That's why I haven't invested a penny there yet. And I won't. Because I absolutely don’t care whether my housewife is dressed in a dress from a store bought for pennies ( game currency) or chervonchiki (real money adapted for the game). Or what kind of table will be in the location - a regular one or from the “royal” store. In general, I quite often forget what and how is going on in my house. Yet young children are not given much time to play. And in my free time, when I just want to sit down at the computer, I go through quests rather than furnishing my house. Maybe for some it’s sad, but it’s true. I have quite a lot of decor received as a reward for completing quests, but it is gathering dust in my inventory. I bring it into the light of day only when I open another location.

The open room is almost empty - there is very little furniture and knick-knacks. That’s when I open my bottomless “chest” and start cluttering up my new home)) Some quest rewards are just beautiful trinkets. But some have some value. Of course, the most valuable things can only be bought for gold coins. Well, who in their right mind would just give something useful? But you can earn something this way. For example, a flower that makes a prediction once a day (some idiotic statement with a very deep meaning, yeah). Or a small “silver hoof” deer, which gives a few pennies once a day. It's a small thing, but nice.

Not so long ago, in addition to the brownies, side characters-helpers appeared in the game. They are called Krokhonki. They can be lured in the valley of the little ones. Every few days, the options for the little ones that you can tame are updated. It’s impossible to say who you’ll come across—it’s random. But I settled on the pink cyclops because it is the easiest for me to keep.

The point is that the little one needs to be fed. Naturally, something edible. My little one eats porridge (not a very resource-intensive dish). Before this, there was a black cyclops who ate kvass. When I tamed him, he suited me because... There was a lot of kvass in my inventory from various quests. If the little one is not fed for a long time, he will run away. My little one ran away while I was in the maternity hospital with my son. You can return it back for a few ducats, but I didn’t do this because... The kvass in the inventory was running low. And making a new one specifically for this swallow is too expensive.

Now some advice that I can give based on my experience in the game Domovyata:

Of course, many people love surprises. If you belong to this category of people, then you don’t need to know any secrets. Well, who prefers to know everything in advance - welcome!

Much is learned in the game itself, of course, as you progress through the stages. But, for example, it really annoys me that I was collecting cobwebs and cocoons from the walls in the upper room and in the bathhouse, but it turned out that I had to hold my horses. Because one of the quests implied the task of collecting twenty cobwebs and cocoons in the bathhouse, the upper room and the mill could also be collected. The sky also goes beyond the walls.

Always save before exiting the game. A couple of times I planted flowers in pots and went out. And then I discovered that my pots were overgrown with cobwebs.

When the kikimora appears, click on it four times at once. And Brownie will kill her with a slingshot. It is not necessary to wait for it to decrease after each laying.

Always send daily free gifts. I prefer to give yellow keys- they are needed to open new rooms.

More secrets Domovyat

As you perform various actions, such as cleaning different objects, objects appear that need to be collected, and which are added to collections. Each collection gives some kind of bonus to our Brownie.

The most profitable:

  • Collection "Frogs" - gives 2 gold pieces
  • Collection "Buttercups" - gives 1 gold piece
  • The "Cookware" collection permanently increases the strength limit by 1 unit
  • The “Bath Caps” collection permanently increases the strength limit by 1 unit
  • Collection "Photos" - gives a talisman from Kikimora

Other collections also give good bonuses.

Take your time to sell your collections.
Because some of the quests have the task of collecting a certain number of items. For example:
Do not sell your bath collection; in one of the quests you need to collect 7 bath brooms.
Don't sell your butterfly collection - you will need to collect five swallowtails.

If you are missing some item in your collection, collect the necessary trash while visiting.
For example, if you need more flower pots, collect broken pot shards from the cellar, workshop, and mill.

If you urgently need money and experience, go visit your neighbors. You will not only restore your strength, but also gain a reputation. The inscription “I always help guests” appears in your events. And by following this link, you can get a free bucket of water.

I have a strong feeling that when you urgently need to collect some kind of collection, the necessary garbage or elements of collections that are needed do not want to appear for a very long time! Most likely, this is one of the secrets of the game, and the developers did this on purpose to create intrigue. So don’t just delete garbage that you don’t need, maybe in a couple of tasks you’ll just need it! And to find out what you may need, read the section about tasks in the game.



​​Growing flowers gives you the opportunity to get pennies, experience and food. This is one of the constant sources of food that can be exchanged for Silushka.

To plant a flower, click on the pot, select the necessary seeds, click the “buy” button, then click on the pot again. Each flower matures over a certain period of time. If you hover your cursor over a flower, you will see a hint - the time it will take for this plant to mature. To harvest, click on the flower. If the plant is already ripe, you can hover the cursor over it, then a hint will appear - the time after which the plant will wither. All flowers tend to fade. If the flower has withered, you will receive a minimum reward for collecting it. Therefore, try to collect flowers on time! You can also pick flowers from your neighbors and get pennies and food for it.

You can speed up the growth of flowers by purchasing an Accelerator in the store in the “Special - Magic” section. They also sell Revitalizers - they are applied to withered flowers and Fertilizers - with their help you extend the period of wilting of flowers.

TIP FROM THE DEVELOPERS: If the pots are located in a location, plant flowers in them regularly! Otherwise, the pots will become “overgrown” with garbage. For example, when going to bed, you can plant daffodils - they will be ready by morning.


​​If in ordinary pots you can plant only one plant at a time, then in the “Housewife's Dream” pots you can plant 5 at a time. It’s convenient! To collect such flowers you spend 5 times more than Silushka, but you also get a 5-fold harvest. “The Hostess’s Dream” is not sold in a regular store; these pots can only be purchased through promotions, bought in the Domovita magazine No. 4, in the Tsar’s store for crowns, or in some holiday quests.

In “Housewife's Dream” pots you can only grow the same flowers as in regular pots.

ATTENTION: The game does not allow for the exchange of regular pots for “Housewife's Dream” pots and will never happen!


​​You can only plant Friendship flowers and flowers bought for chervonets in these pots. When collecting “chervonetsy” flowers, you have a chance to receive chervonetsy as a gift.

​​This type of pots was created specifically for interior decoration. The tubs contain ornamental plants, shrubs and exotic trees that do not wither for a long time and are pleasing to the eye. Sometimes funny animals may appear on plants in pots.

In order to plant a plant in a tub, you need to create it. The plant is created in the Arboretum in the Domain of the Goblin, in the Magic Cap in 2 stages: 1. In the “Seeds” tab, a seed is created. 2. In the “Plants” tab, the plant itself is produced from seeds, fertilizer and water (resource). They are planted in tubs like ordinary flowers. You can ask your friends for fertilizer, receive it as a reward for the “Healing Herbs” collection, or buy it in the store in the “Special - Resources” section. When collecting plants in tubs, you only gain experience. Some flowers are only available after completing certain tasks!

Probably everyone in childhood watched a cartoon about the brownie Kuzya. So, Odnoklassniki made a game based on this cartoon, on November 15 it has been released for a year now and it has more and more fans. I couldn’t help but notice this fact and decided to write an article in honor of the brownie’s birthday. This is a very cool and entertaining toy, which definitely brought variety to all these, etc. The essence of this game is housekeeping.

At the very beginning, your grandfather the housekeeper greets you and you receive the first training task of washing the brownie. Indeed, he is very grimy, in fact, his appearance corresponds to the condition of the upper room: things are scattered everywhere, leftover food, cobwebs, mushrooms and some kind of cocoons all around (just like in my room). To wash, you need to click on the brownie and he immediately begins to take a bath in the trough and become clean. By the way, you need to bathe every day, and they also reward you for washing a penny This is the usual currency in the game, and you may also be lucky and get an item from the “Bathhouse” collection.

The second task will be cleaning up the trash. To do this, you need to click on the garbage that you want to remove. Your character will come up to him, snap his fingers and everything will go away (I wish I could do that), leaving behind bonuses: pennies, experience, power, and if you’re lucky, then items from the collection. Moreover, as a rule, in each type of garbage there are objects from strictly defined collections, for example, in bundles of straw there are objects from the “Straw Dolls” collection. Each room contains its own specific garbage. In the future, when cleaning, the garbage will sometimes run away from you - this means that it is bothering you kikimora . You will need to banish it by clicking on it.

The third task for you will be planting flowers (buttercups) in pots. By the way, growing flowers is one of the ways you can constantly get food, and food can be exchanged for silushka. To plant a buttercup, click on the pot and in the window with seeds that appears, buy buttercup seeds. That's it, they imprisoned me. When you hover your mouse over the pot, you will see when the crop is ripe. Yes, before sowing you need to make sure that the pot is empty and, if there is one, remove any debris from it.

The fourth training task will be harvesting buttercups, after which you will be presented with a large number of new and varied quests. This will include buying interior items, interacting with friends, making various items, as well as classic cleaning, growing flowers and don’t forget to swim.

At all gameplay The games “Domovyata” in Odnoklassniki are quite varied. You can go to visit friends and help them clean up; by the way, a kikimora won’t hurt you there. For visiting a guest you will be given bonuses, and you are also allowed to perform five actions, for which you will also be rewarded with bonuses and reputation. Reputation shows how often you visit and how actively you work there. When you receive a new level of reputation, you receive food, and the higher it is, the more bonuses you are given when visiting.
This game has a huge number of possibilities and different features, let's start with the game interface. At the top of the screen, as usual, are the game parameters:

  • Chervonchiki is a valuable game currency that is given at the beginning and when gaining levels. Otherwise, you will have to buy it for OK if you want to fully enjoy the game. Because gold coins are needed for many tasks and for opening many chips in the game.
  • Groshiki are the usual game currency; you can use them to buy plants, furniture, clothes, and not even the entire assortment.
  • Food is needed to restore energy, or rather silushki.
  • Level – level number and progress bar.
  • Silushka is the energy that is spent when performing actions. It can be replenished with food or gold coins.

On the left, as always and you probably already noticed, tasks appear. You can click on the icon with a specific quest or click on the diary image to see the entire list. Below is the main game panel and a panel with friends. There is nothing to say about the second, but the first needs to be described in more detail. It contains several sections.


This is where your furniture, clothes, gifts are located. Furniture can be dragged with the mouse directly into the house and thus, for example, hang a picture or place a chair. You can dress up your little brownie in the clothes you bought. And gifts from the inventory can either be given to someone or sold. It is better not to sell keys, as they are needed to open new rooms and places.

  • Of course, the store sells a bunch of things to diversify the gameplay. The most important thing here is that there is money. All products in the store are divided into tabs:
  • New items are products that have recently appeared on sale from all sections.
  • Special – various things that are often necessary to complete a quest, or simply unusual decor, for example, exclusive pots. Sold for chervonchiki.
  • Furniture is actually a different interior for your home.
  • Clothes - clothes to make your brownie unique and the most beautiful.
  • Caskets are a special feature; having bought a casket, you can go up to the attic every day and get different bonuses from it: resources, keys, experience, a powerhouse, items from the collection.


By performing various game actions: cleaning, harvesting, or opening a casket, for example, you will find various items from collections. In this section you will see all possible collections, as well as what items you already have. If you collect a collection, you can sell it and receive bonuses.


You can send a free gift to each friend once a day. True, it will be of little use, since they are not needed for assignments, but your friend will be pleased to be in your classmates.


This is a local beauty salon and operating room in one room. Here you can change parameters such as:

  • Eyes
  • Pupils
  • Brows
  • Skin color
  • Hairstyle
  • Hair color

It’s interesting that the role of a stylist and part-time plastic surgeon here is performed by Baba Yaga from the cartoon about the brownie Kuzya. To save all the changes you will have to spend a thousand pennies. By the way, the gender change is not displayed in any way on appearance. But by choosing the type of eyes, hairstyle and lips, you can make a brownie girl.



Here you may be offered to buy chervonchiki at a favorable rate. For example, if you just started playing, then the bonus on your first payment will be one hundred percent.

House map.

This shows all the possible gaming spots in your home. They open with keys. Keys are given at the beginning, you can also ask them from friends or buy them. I haven’t opened all the rooms myself yet, so there may be inaccuracies in the description.

  • Workshop – here you can create new items for quests.
  • Attic – here are your purchased boxes with daily bonuses.
  • Handicraft – also the creation of new items.
  • Stable – this is where your horse stands, you need it to go to other areas.
  • The upper room is the very first room.
  • Bathhouse - the housekeeper and his guests wash here. Needed for a task and just for fun.
  • Cellar - food is stored.
  • Mill - produces flour for bread. One of the first tasks.
  • Forge - creating new items for quests.

World map.

There are various game locations where a bunch of different adventures and quests await you. They also need to be opened like rooms, only instead of keys there are special objects. The opening of these places is preceded by completing tasks. Here is a list of these locations:

  • Village
  • Lukomorye
  • Koshcheya Castle

The game is also full of different cool features, for example, a brownie can sit on a chair, funny somersaults and jumps, follows the cursor, and the weather outside the window. corresponding to the current time of year. And also much more. I didn’t find any bugs or a way to hack the game, if you know, write in the comments. But here are a few secrets for you.

The secrets of the game “Domovyata” in Odnoklassniki.

  • There cannot be more than 25 garbage in any room; the faster you remove it, the faster it appears, this helps for tasks and increasing the collection of bonuses.
  • You need to quickly collect bonuses (food, experience), which fall out, for example, from garbage. As soon as you start collecting, another scale grows under the level scale. The faster you collect, the more you get.
  • Harvest before it wilts; you won't get much from wilted plants.

By the way, at the very bottom there are tabs with news about the game, knowledge base and frequently asked questions. In general, who wants to play here is a direct link to the game “Domovyata” in Odnoklassniki.

The first patented jeans were produced and sold in America in 1850 by a man named Levi Strauss. These jeans cost $1.46 and were made of canvas, with seams reinforced with double stitching and many pockets. Trousers were popular among Californian gold miners as work clothes, and subsequently jeans became fashionable clothing for representatives of all ages and classes. On May 20, 1873, Levi Strauss & Co received a license for the sole production of trousers with rivets on the pockets. This date is considered the official birthday of jeans.

187 64 0 ER 0.1998

Only 1 person who shares this post will receive 15 chervonets. We will choose it using a random number generator today at 17:00.

The vernal equinox in 2019 falls on March 20th. It's bright and joyful folk holiday. It means the arrival of spring and warmth, the awakening of nature after winter sleep. On this day, the center of the Sun passes through the celestial equator. The length of the day is equal to the night. Over the next 24 hours, the Sun occupies the Northern Hemisphere and the day begins to lengthen.
And on March 20, the International Day of Happiness is celebrated.
The purpose of the International Day of Happiness is to draw people's attention to life satisfaction and support their desire to be happy.

179 52 37 ER 0.2127

Only 1 person who shares this post will receive 15 chervonets. We will choose it using a random number generator today at 17:00.

Every person has desires and wants them to come true. Some people dream of something global that can radically change their life. But the majority want the fulfillment of a small, but no less cherished desire.
World Wish Day is celebrated on April 29th. And on this day they celebrate World Dance Day. It is dedicated to all styles of dance. The festive events involve dance groups, schools and ensembles, professional artists of classical schools, ballet and folk art, representatives of modern trends (breakdancing, tectonics), choreographers, directors, and lovers of moving to the beat of the music.

172 69 26 ER 0.2124

Only 1 person who shares this post will receive 15 chervonets. We will choose it using a random number generator today at 17:00.

On August 9, Blow Kisses Day is celebrated all over the world. It makes it so easy to express your feelings. An air kiss can be playful, touching, tender, it all depends on your feelings and mood. On this day, most youth institutions and organizations in different European countries organizes a festive program and competitions with a certain bias. In Russia, Blow Kisses Day is also celebrated, but on a smaller scale and not at the official level.

149 52 3 ER 0.1630

Only 1 person who shares this post will receive 15 chervonets. We will choose it using a random number generator today at 14:00.

How nice it is to give and receive surprises, and doing it on Surprise Day is even nicer!
On July 2, everyone has a chance to show attention and give a pleasant surprise to anyone. For the surprise to be a success, preliminary preparation is important. You can buy a surprise, or you can make it yourself and package it in a non-standard way. Such a gift will be a pleasant surprise and will be remembered for a long time.

148 55 4 ER 0.1651

Only 1 person who shares this post will receive 15 chervonets. We will choose it using a random number generator today at 17:00.

Initially, this day was pagan in nature. Since ancient times, Ivan Kupala Day has been dedicated to the Slavic deity Kupala and the Sun. Previously, even before the adoption of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated in Rus' on the day of the summer solstice, June 22. With the advent of Christianity, the holiday was timed to coincide with the birthday of the glorious and honest prophet and Forerunner, John the Baptist, and began to be celebrated on June 24. And in many villages and villages the holiday of Ivan Kupala was called Midsummer's Day.
Time passes unnoticed... and with the transition to the Gregorian calendar from the Julian, the day on which Ivan Kupala is celebrated moved even further and, from then until now, the holiday falls on July 7th. We can conclude that the holiday of Ivan Kupala has lost its original meaning, because it is no longer celebrated on the day of the summer solstice. However, in some European countries this day is still celebrated from June 20 to June 24.
On the night of Ivan Kupala, in the old days people performed many different ceremonies and rituals. Kupala night to this day is one of the most “powerful” nights, which is filled with healing and magical properties. The main forces on this night are: water, fire and herbs. Also on the night of Ivan Kupala, fortune telling with wreaths was common. According to ancient tradition, bonfires were made on the banks of rivers and lakes, and the bonfires should not be small. People danced in circles, danced, and of course, the favorite pastime of young boys and girls on Kupala night was jumping over the fire of the fire. It was believed that whoever jumps higher and does not touch the flame will be happy.

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